Company pledges it won’t develop killer robots

The company says it will continue to work with its military clients, but has “vouched to not manufacture weaponized robots that remove humans from the loop” as it “has chosen to value our ethics over potential future revenue.” Stop Killer Robots Canada has welcomed the statement by Clearpath Robotics, which it said “has set the ethical standard for robotics companies around the world.”


Killer robots will remain off limits for Kitchener’s Clearpath Robotics

"It's no longer a flight of fantasy, it's something that people should start taking seriously. But at the same time, it's not too late. Had we waited until we started seeing these enter battlefields worldwide, we think that it would be much harder to get this sort of dialogue going and realistically have a chance of stopping this technology from proliferating,"


Cultural production of ignorance provides rich field for study

study of the cultural production of ignorance is a rich field, especially today when whole industries devote themselves to sowing public misinformation and doubt about their products and activities. "The myth of the 'information society' is that we're drowning in knowledge," he says. "But it's easier to propagate ignorance."-R.Procor


Google scans everyone’s email for child porn, and it just got a man arrested

Google actively scans the images that pass through Gmail accounts.. "There will of course be some who see it as yet another sign of how the twin Big Brothers of state agencies and corporate behemoths have nothing better to do than delve into the private lives of all and sundry, looking for dirt,"
