#Skynet — ahem — #Google executives scrapped plans to sell arms

#Skynet — ahem — #Google executives scrapped plans to sell arms
Pentagon is worrying about coming Pentagon is worrying about 'Terminator' coming true. Seriously.
Road to update - will use internet of things and AI to dominate cyberwar and regular
Today Is Skynet's 19th Anniversary, Which isn't Real (Yet)
Forget Skynet AI is already making things terrible for people who aren’t rich white dudes
RT @lilasguevara: @terminatorstud #skynet and #terminators "will be back" any time soon.
RT @JardinEntropy: jardinentropy: @TerminatorStud Building just for
Beginnings of Skynet: The Best Robots in the World Meets in DARPA
Learn deeply, but baby, don’t fear Skynet via @techcrunch