How Private Contractors Have Created a Shadow NSA

A new cybersecurity elite moves between government and private practice, taking state secrets with them. To confront the surveillance state, we also have to confront the cyberintelligence ruling class and expose it for what it really is: a joint venture of government officials and private-sector opportunists with massive power and zero accountability.


Skynet is REAL – and it has been up and running for years

The American National Security Agency, or NSA, has a secret surveillance program called Skynet. Skynet – a reference to the self-aware computer system that attempts to wipe out humanity in the Terminator film franchise – was used by the NSA to identify terrorist connections.


Quand la réalité de la surveillance massive tend à dépasser la fiction orwellienne

Après l’effervescence et le débat qu’ont généré les révélations d’Edward Snowden relatives à la surveillance massive des télécommunications, le « soufflé » est quelque peu retombé. Or l’Assemblée Parlementaire du Conseil de l’Europe, en publiant un rapport édifiant et extrêmement critique ainsi qu’une série de recommandations adressées aux Etats membres, entend remettre au goût du jour l’encadrement et le contrôle des mesures de surveillance. La réflexion succédant à la réaction, le rapport rappelle la gravité de la situation et insiste sur la nécessité d’amender un cadre juridique manifestement inadapté, afin d’instaurer un encadrement strict et un véritable contrôle des mesures de surveillance.


RT @Gizmodo: The NSA actually named a program “Skynet”

In the Terminator franchise, Skynet is an evil military computer system that launches war on humanity. And at some point, someone in the National Security Agency sat down and thought, “Damn, that’s a sick thing to name a secret system!” Malevolent undertones of aspirations to unchecked aggression be damned, I guess, because Skynet is real.
