Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet— “Google has ramped up its sales force in the Washington area in the past year to adapt its technology products to the needs of the military, civilian agencies and the intelligence community,”
How the CIA made Google
Google is a smokescreen behind which lurks the US military-industrial complex.
Big Data is algorithming you
« Cette impression de repli de la réalité à l’intérieur de la réalité numérisée, cette totalisation – c’est presque un régime totalitaire numérique –, risque de faire disparaître la distinction entre le monde et sa représentation, et donc la possibilité même de la critique. »
Japanese Tweeters mock ISIL hostage video
Using a hashtag that translates to "ISIS crappy collage grand prix," Japanese netizens mocked the hostage video using photoshopped memes. The hashtag has more than 50,000 uses (Al Jazeera has a policy against showing video or stills from ISIL-produced content).
Torture Methods- Method Man vs the CIA
We gonna have a little competition to see who be the rougher torture master, broken down by a few overarching categories
Justice for “Data Janitors”
The human-fueled automations I saw at Google are also largely out of sight in current international debates about the relationship between digital technology and the future of work. Will technology produce new jobs, new industries, and new forms of comparative advantage? Or will technology take away jobs and concentrate wealth among those who own the machines?
Paul von Ribbeck et Gloria Spindle au RE:Publica 2014
Paul von Ribbeck et Gloria Spindle au RE:Publica 2014
Google nous veut du bien via @lundimat1
Le projet Google Nest se décompose en quatre sous-projets : Google TRUST (google confiance), Google HUG (google embrassade), Google BEE (Google Abeille) et Google BYE (Google au revoir).
Elon Musk & Thomas Dietterich on AI safety
Elon Musk and AAAI President Thomas Dietterich comment on Elon's decision to fund artificial intelligence safety research