Megabots is raising funds to get NASA’s help in building the ultimate battle bot

Megabots is raising funds to get NASA’s help in building the ultimate battle bot
Fukushima: Robot 'dies' 3 hours after entering Japan's radioactive reactor
Japan's silly response to ISIS propaganda did what the government couldn't
Using a hashtag that translates to "ISIS crappy collage grand prix," Japanese netizens mocked the hostage video using photoshopped memes. The hashtag has more than 50,000 uses (Al Jazeera has a policy against showing video or stills from ISIL-produced content).
Terminator-maker 'Cyberdyne Inc' lists on Tokyo stock exchange …
"The jobs that are going away aren't coming back," says Andrew McAfee, principal research scientist at the Center for Digital Business at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and co-author of "Race Against the Machine."
Captain Paul Watson: There Can Be No Honor in Supporting Death