"L’histoire de Terminator c'est la capacitation de Sarah Connor" @jerezim

"L’histoire de Terminator c'est la capacitation de Sarah Connor" @jerezim
[THSF2015] Droits et libertés sur Internet - @jerezim
Google will build a fleet of robots capable of destroying mankind
RT @jerezim: After my talk abt the Terminator @the_intercept shows Skynet Big UP @term…
RT @e3i5: Disclosure of NSA SKYNET just one day after @jerezim talk on Fighting that Terminator in our Crap!
We’ve suspected it all along—that Skynet, the massive program that brings about world destruction in the Terminator movies, was just a fictionalization of a real program in the hands of the US government. And now it’s confirmed—at least in name.
The document cites Zaidan as an example to demonstrate the powers of SKYNET, a program that analyzes location and communication data (or “metadata”) from bulk call records in order to detect suspicious patterns. In the Terminator movies, SKYNET is a self-aware military computer system that launches a nuclear war to exterminate the human race, and then systematically kills the survivors. According to the presentation, the NSA uses its version of SKYNET to identify people that it believes move like couriers used by Al Qaeda’s senior leadership. The program assessed Zaidan as a likely match, which raises troubling questions about the U.S. government’s method of identifying terrorist targets based on metadata.
Sans chercher les effets de manche, il y a quelque chose de Terminator dans cette affaire : des machines spéculent contre des machines (car, si plus de la moitié des transactions sont ainsi automatisées, c'est que les logiciels jouent entre eux. Et vue la place grandissante du hedge fund Renaissance, elles jouent contre elles-mêmes. Et quand elles échappent à tout contrôle (ce qui ne veut pas dire qu'il n'y ait pas une petite impulsion...), il y a risque de crash. Un aspect pas bien souvent évoqué de la transformation numérique...