Saturday 22nd of August 1964

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Why is Harlan Ellison's name on the end credits of THE TERMINATOR? Find out the truth in this video.


Tuesday 17th of March 2009

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Deleted Scene in Terminator - 3 Showing why exactly the terminators look like Arnold.


Thursday 9th of April 2009




Wednesday 17th of August 2011


In addition, the robot is compact and intended to fit into spaces ergonomically designed for human workers. This allows the robot to be easily interchanged with a human coworker when the production order is changed or a new layout is required. FRIDA concept robot.


Wednesday 17th of August 2011


If all plant life is owned by mega-corporations due to total contamination by invasive GMOs, and no regulations are in effect that apply to them, then Terminator technology can be instituted at will with no roadblocks. After all, if you own all of the plants, then you can do with them as you like. This may well be part of a well planned strategy for the complete takeover of every living plant on earth by corporate interests. GMO Deregulation: An act of war | Farm Wars.


Wednesday 17th of August 2011


“I believe candidly we can accelerate the evolution of autonomous technology if people would just acknowledge that it’s important.” [..] “They provide situational awareness, unmanned lethal and nonlethal fires, unattended precision target attack and acquisition, maximum standoff from threats, … and perform unmanned logistics support and services,” he said. News Article: Robots Could Save Soldiers’ Lives, Army General Says.


Friday 19th of August 2011


Workers had complained about conditions at Foxconn factories in the past, with some saying they felt like machines themselves. Was this iPad made by a robot? - Hardware - Technology - News - CRN Australia.


Friday 19th of August 2011


Hamilton has described herself politically as a Democrat, but she voted for Republican candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger, her Terminator co-star, in the 2003 California gubernatorial election after his campaign convinced her he was suitable for the job.[8] Linda Hamilton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


Tuesday 23rd of August 2011


[Talking about the appeal of the Terminator]: "It's fun to fantasize being a guy who can do whatever he wants. This Terminator guy is indestructible. He can be as rude as he wants. He can walk through a door, go through a plate-glass window and just get up, brush off impacts from bullets. It's like the dark side of Superman, in a sense. I think it has a great cathartic value to people who wish they could just splinter open the door to their boss's office, walk in, break his desk in half, grab him by the throat and throw him out the window and get away with it. Everybody has that little demon that wants to be able to do whatever it wants, the bad kid that never gets punished."


Monday 5th of September 2011


RT @terminatorfans: The T-1000's birthday is coming on the day Facebook will be attacked by Nov Join the


Wednesday 14th of September 2011


In a development that smacks of Terminators and SKYNET, startup Narrative Science has created a program that can turn data into a news stories -- stories that include, most humanely, inferences and an angle.


Sunday 25th of September 2011


3 mai 2068 : Faut-il avoir peur de Terminator


Monday 26th of September 2011


De vilains robots qui prennent le contrôle de l'humanité et nous déclarent la guerre ? Pour Kurzweil, aucune raison de s'inquiéter : la cohabitation se fera dans la joie et la bonne humeur, suffit de pas se planter en les programman


Wednesday 28th of September 2011


RT @NOH8ER: "Anger is more useful than despair" - Terminator


Wednesday 28th of September 2011


Je me considère simplement comme très chanceux de vivre à notre époque. Qu’est-ce que j’aurais fait il y a 100 ans avec mes compétences en math ? Ou dans 100 ans ? C’est pile le bon moment de l’Histoire pour être fort en math. Et le je le suis.”


Friday 30th of September 2011


I Wanna Go – "Tuxboard via @tuxboard


Tuesday 4th of October 2011


Robot Arm Brings us One Step Closer to Terminators


Thursday 6th of October 2011


pioneer Prof | In-depth | The Engineer: via @Terminatorstud


Thursday 6th of October 2011

Watch video


Check this video out -- Life: via @terminatorstud


Monday 31st of October 2011


Concerns Raised about Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes:


Monday 14th of November 2011


Avec les robots guerriers, la guerre va changer de visage


Wednesday 23rd of November 2011


RT @KurzweilAINews: A Terminator-style contact-lens display: Bringing us a step closer to a Terminator-style augmented-reality


Monday 12th of December 2011


riot police to be equipped with laser rifles, Terminator not included


Wednesday 14th of December 2011


The Original Writer of The Matrix and Terminator Wins Billion Dollar Lawsuit


Monday 19th of December 2011


Guardians of the Apocalypse


Friday 30th of December 2011


10 Weirdest Scientific Theories Proposed in Science Fiction « The is not » @io9


Sunday 1st of January 2012


Robot wars «What is the role of drones and robots in wars»  


Tuesday 14th of February 2012


Mobile web devices will outnumber puny humans this year


Monday 20th of February 2012


DARPA Avatar project aims to give soldiers surrogate


Sunday 26th of February 2012


Google To Sell Terminator-Style "Heads-Up Display Glasses"


Thursday 1st of March 2012


Control dangerous AI before it controls us, one expert says


Sunday 4th of March 2012


Humanity Must 'Jail' Dangerous AI to Avoid Doom, Expert Says


Tuesday 6th of March 2012


Artists to Labels: "HASTA LA VISTA, BABY!"


Tuesday 13th of March 2012


Be afraid: Robot experts say machines are catching up


Wednesday 28th of March 2012


Mohamed Merah, l'homme aux cent visages


Sunday 8th of April 2012


DUI's new enemy: robocars


Monday 9th of April 2012


Robot realities fail fictional fantasies


Wednesday 11th of April 2012


National Robotics Week to Engulf the Nation


Sunday 22nd of April 2012


Samsung Unveils Fully Automated Sentry Robot that can Track, Kill Humans


Sunday 22nd of April 2012


man i just had that terminator song on my ipod and


Sunday 22nd of April 2012


Google's Terminator-Style Goggles Might Include


Thursday 26th of April 2012


Think tanks predict enormous boom in machine to machine comms


Monday 7th of May 2012


Preparing for World Web War I


Wednesday 16th of May 2012


Inside the Skynet ghost town built by bunker-based boffins


Thursday 24th of May 2012


Skynet’s Terminators get one step closer to becoming a terrifying reality


Friday 1st of June 2012


T-STUDIO «This website created by a guy in Japan who is fascinated by the T-800 Terminator»


Friday 1st of June 2012


Anthromod MK2 3D-Printed Robotic Hands: Terminators Set to Arise Next Year


Sunday 3rd of June 2012


No Terminator-style overlays in first batch of Google Glasses


Sunday 3rd of June 2012


The Terminator Scenario: Are We Giving Our Military Machines Too Much Power?


Friday 15th of June 2012


Apple Is Knight Rider, Google Is Terminator, Microsoft Is Minority Report


Friday 15th of June 2012




Tuesday 3rd of July 2012


From Nazi to Terminator, Europe's media target Merkel


Tuesday 3rd of July 2012


Are We Building Gods or Terminators?


Tuesday 3rd of July 2012


Angela Merkel Economic Terminator


Tuesday 3rd of July 2012


Handout of the front cover of the June 26, 2012 issue of New Statesman magazine | View photo


Friday 20th of July 2012


Artifical intelligence a long way off from Skynet: expert


Friday 20th of July 2012


Batman cinema shooting: At least 12 shot dead and 50 injured in Denver by 'Terminator-like' gunman


Saturday 21st of July 2012


«He looked like the Terminator. He didn’t say anything. He was just shooting and shooting and shooting»


Sunday 22nd of July 2012


Norway remembers Utoeya and Oslo victims, one year on


Tuesday 21st of August 2012


 “This is a test of being a successful liar,” says Hayes. “If you had something that really could pass Turing’s imitation game, it would be a very successful human mimic.’”


Friday 28th of September 2012


Alper Bozkurt Develops Technique to Remotely Control Cockroaches


Saturday 13th of October 2012


Soutien de «Terminator» à Hollande: le PCF dénonce «un mauvais film»


Monday 22nd of October 2012


Welcome to Terminator Planet


Tuesday 23rd of October 2012


Terminator Planet: The First History of Drone Warfare, 2001-2050


Friday 26th of October 2012


Boston Dynamics Human-Like AtlasProto Robot Defeats Obstacles


Tuesday 27th of November 2012


Risk of robot uprising wiping out human race to be studied


Tuesday 27th of November 2012


Cambridge University's "Terminator studies" department – do we really need it?


Tuesday 27th of November 2012


'Terminator centre' to open at Cambridge University


Tuesday 27th of November 2012


Cambridge University to open 'Terminator centre' to study threat to humans from artificial intelligence


Tuesday 27th of November 2012


Arnold Schwarzenegger’s classic Terminator films famously showed a world where ultra-intelligent machines fight against humanity in the form of the genocidal Skynet system.


Wednesday 28th of November 2012


A centre for 'terminator studies', where leading academics will study the threat that robots pose to humanity, is set to open at Cambridge University.


Wednesday 28th of November 2012


"We should be investing a little of our intellectual resources in shifting some probability from bad outcomes to good ones." via Cambridge center to study tech extinction risks | TG Daily.


Wednesday 28th of November 2012


The scientists said that to dismiss concerns of a potential robot uprising would be "dangerous".


Wednesday 28th of November 2012


We are a risk-averse society. But there's a mismatch between public perception of very different risks and their actual seriousness.


Wednesday 28th of November 2012


In 1965, Irving John ‘Jack’ Good wrote a paper for New Scientist called ‘Speculations concerning the first ultra-intelligent machine’.


Friday 30th of November 2012


Spanner isn’t quite Skynet — the self-aware artificial intelligence system in the Terminator movies — but it does show how far we’ve come at building connected systems and databases. “When there are outages, things just sort of flip — client machines access other servers in the system,” Google software engineer Andrew Fikes told Wired. “It’s a much easier service story. … The system responds — and not a human.”


Saturday 1st of December 2012


« The seriousness of these risks is difficult to assess, but that in itself seems a cause for concern, given how much is at stake.»


Saturday 1st of December 2012


“ Take gorillas for example – the reason they are going extinct is not because humans are actively hostile towards them, but because we control the environments in ways that suit us, but are detrimental to their survival. ”


Saturday 1st of December 2012


I'll be back....with a degree


Saturday 1st of December 2012

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The Centre for the Study of Existential Risk looks at the "four greatest threats to humanity," including rogue biotechnology.


Saturday 1st of December 2012


‘I’ve watched the Terminator films, which play on our darkest fears about robots,’ said Mr Barbato. ‘Clearly, if a type of killer cyborg evolved, it might easily lead to a breakdown of morals and consciousness, the degradation of life and the disintegration of human civilisation.’


Saturday 1st of December 2012


"It tends to be regarded as a flaky concern, but given that we don't know how serious the risks are, that we don't know the time scale, dismissing the concerns is dangerous,"


Saturday 1st of December 2012


the destructiveness of humanity meant our species could wipe itself out by 2100


Saturday 1st of December 2012


The team showed that if the polymer is broken or damaged, once the damaged parts are placed together and the healing process starts, electrical conductivity is almost completely restored within about 15 seconds.


Saturday 1st of December 2012


I have heard few discussions of robotic warfare without someone joking about the Matrix or Terminator; the danger of delegating warfare to machines has been a central theme of modern science fiction.


Saturday 1st of December 2012


Bosco "The Terminator" Ntaganda, the Rwandan-born Tutsi warlord


Saturday 1st of December 2012


the man indicted by the ICC for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity, including murder, rape, sexual slavery and the recruitment of child soldiers.


Tuesday 4th of December 2012


“Losing Humanity” is the first major publication about fully autonomous weapons by a nongovernmental organization and is based on extensive research into the law, technology, and ethics of these proposed weapons.


Thursday 13th of December 2012


We're all super humans until our devices lose energy.


Thursday 20th of December 2012

Watch video


DARPA Building Real LifevTerminators Military Robots:


Thursday 20th of December 2012

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Thats Impossible! - Real Terminators:


Friday 25th of January 2013


PBS noted the program had received funding from the David H. Koch Foundation for Science. It also received “additional funding” from Lockheed Martin, which on its face looks like a violation of PBS’ underwriting guidelines.


Friday 15th of February 2013


The dark side of the Blade Runner


Saturday 16th of February 2013


From Terminator to Toy Story: drones for a better tomorrow


Saturday 16th of February 2013


Researchers Give Lab Rats Terminator-Like Infrared Vision


Saturday 16th of February 2013


Yesterday, the United States Department of Energy announced that national research laboratories had finally created a bionic eye to meet Food and Drug Administration standards. And so our transformation into human-cyborg hybrids takes another giant step forward.


Sunday 17th of February 2013


Ellison, the founder of Annapurna Pictures is key player associated with writer Mark Boal and one of the Wikileaks Movie efforts.


Thursday 14th of March 2013


RT @mims: Hard not to imagine Sergei Brin watching Terminator films on Google Glass, cheering for the machines


Wednesday 27th of March 2013

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New 2013 DARPA Building Real Life Terminators Military Robots:


Wednesday 8th of May 2013


Like it or not, science fiction is becoming science fact. The Terminator was, of course, a work of fiction, but the idea of cyborgs and killer machines is not all that farfetched.  In fact, the danger is becoming so real that the Obama Administration found the need to spell out explicit rules that specify under what circumstances machines are allowed to kill humans.


Wednesday 29th of May 2013


"Machines lack morality and mortality, and as a result should not have life and death powers over humans,"


Tuesday 4th of June 2013


Can we sentence Microsoft to be tried in The Hague for war crimes? Tempting as this option may be, especially after Windows 8, it seems unlikely. If interactions between armed robots were to trigger combat between major powers, there might be nobody left alive to try to figure out what had gone wrong.


Sunday 16th of June 2013


Schwarzengger's Terminator Will Be Back Soon


Wednesday 10th of July 2013


Jobocalypse is a look at the rapidly changing face of robotics and how it will revolutionize employment and jobs over the next thirty years. Ben Way lays out the arguments in favor of and against the mechanization of our society, as well as the amazing advantages and untold risks, as we march into this ever-present future.


Friday 12th of July 2013


Atlas looks like the prototype for a future robot infantryman, and it can tackle rough terrain and carry human tools. Can you say "Skynet"?


Saturday 13th of July 2013


DARPA uncloaks unTerminator for $2 million robotics challenge


Thursday 12th of September 2013


PETMAN is the Terminator's less violent kid brother


Monday 23rd of September 2013

Watch video


The "Terminator" polymer: I'll be back:


Friday 11th of October 2013

Watch video


US Army RDECOM - Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (TALOS) Combat Simulation


Friday 18th of October 2013


Terminator-style robot busts leg in martial arts demo mishap


Friday 18th of October 2013


Busting a move: HKU unveils humanoid robot - and it breaks its ankle


Friday 18th of October 2013


Rise of the drone hobbyists


Sunday 27th of October 2013


Brazil Set to Unleash Terminator Threat


Friday 1st of November 2013


‘SkyNet’ Automated Systems Could Save Lots of Lives


Sunday 3rd of November 2013


Meet “badBIOS,” the mysterious Mac and PC malware that jumps airgaps


Sunday 1st of December 2013


This Massive Robot Could Soon Join Marines on the Battlefield


Monday 9th of December 2013


Knightscope security robots are not Skynet Terminators


Saturday 14th of December 2013


Google Adds to Its Menagerie of


Monday 16th of December 2013


The Day Google Became Skynet


Saturday 28th of December 2013


Google s'achète un bestiaire d'automates …


Sunday 5th of January 2014


A Closer Look at Google's New Robot Army


Monday 6th of January 2014


Terminators or protectors? Rise of the robot soldiers may be closer than you think


Monday 27th of January 2014


Are Google building a TERMINATOR? Choc Factory buys AI firm DeepMind Technologies


Monday 27th of January 2014


All the pieces are now in place for a Google-created Skynet and the robotic Judgment Day apocalypse that would surely follow. Yes, Google might become the first big corporation to enact Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics.


Tuesday 28th of January 2014


"IF WE CAN PROTECT INNOCENT CIVILIAN LIFE, I DO NOT WANT TO SHUT THE DOOR ON THE USE OF THIS TECHNOLOGY." Ron Arkin "this isn’t about killer robots or killer soldiers, this is about disaster response,’ but everybody knows what the real interest is," MG "Either we're going to decide not to do this, and have an international agreement not to do it, or it's going to happen." MG


Friday 7th of February 2014


a lot of that kind of thing seems to be happening, between the NSA spying and Google (GOOG) Glass, which apparently has a new app with facial recognition software, designed to look at you and then your face compared to millions of others in the database, including social networks, and it comes up and tells the person who you are, where you live, and so forth and so on, and all the information that’s available to you in the Internet. Here we are, welcome to the future.


Friday 7th of February 2014


Terminator co-writer : « One of my inspirations was Darpa »


Thursday 20th of February 2014


‘Yes, I’m trying to build SkyNet from


Wednesday 26th of February 2014


Stop killer robots while we still can


Wednesday 12th of March 2014


Why You're Better Off Trusting a Robot Over a Human


Wednesday 12th of March 2014


If you want to trust a robot, look at how it makes decisions


Monday 17th of March 2014


Why Is Google Building A Robot Army?


Wednesday 26th of March 2014


Google isn’t interested in taking money from DARPA because its ambitions are in the more lucrative consumer market, and any association with DARPA leads to headlines like, "What the heck will Google do with these scary military robots?"


Thursday 27th of March 2014


Robotics Firm With Evil Name Wins Investors


Thursday 27th of March 2014


Terminator-maker 'Cyberdyne Inc' lists on Tokyo stock exchange …


Monday 7th of April 2014


DARPA-Funded Atlas Robot to Go Tetherless in the Next Six Months


Monday 7th of April 2014


«Google est une société magnifique. Pourtant, si elle devient leader en matière de lutte contre la mort, d'intelligence artificielle, de robotique, de domotique, de voitures intelligentes, il faudra vraiment réfléchir à la démanteler! Elle pourrait devenir plus puissante que les États.»


Wednesday 30th of April 2014


The Rise of the Drone Master: Pop Culture Recasts Obama


Thursday 1st of May 2014


Schwarzenegger’s Ties to Palm Oil Reveal Hypocrisy of ‘Years of Living Dangerously’


Thursday 1st of May 2014


The Schwarzenegger dilemma:Years of investing dangerously


Thursday 1st of May 2014


Will Arnold Schwarzenegger terminate his ties to forest destruction?


Thursday 1st of May 2014

Watch video


«We can Terminate Climate Change !»


Tuesday 13th of May 2014


Corporations are 1st Generation AI’s


Wednesday 14th of May 2014


RT @BanKillerRobots: @SarahKnuckey One govt delegation raised spectre of "The Terminator" It's their mtg, govts can say w…


Wednesday 14th of May 2014


RT @BanKillerRobots: Starting session on legal concerns over lethal autonomous weapons systems - with The Terminator on 1st slide ht…


Wednesday 14th of May 2014


Imaginez des machines capables de repérer des humains, de les approcher et de... les tuer. Pour le moment, cette situation n'est qu'une fiction mise en scène dans la saga "Terminator". Mais la technologie progresse si rapidement qu'elle pourrait être très bientôt une réalité.


Saturday 17th of May 2014


"The Jetsons" gave us the dream of a robot designed to help. "The Terminator" gave us the nightmare of a machine designed to kill. The future is apparently here.


Monday 19th of May 2014


Sergey Brin gestures after riding in a driverless car with California Jerry Brown


Tuesday 20th of May 2014


In the Terminator movies, fully autonomous robots wage war against humanity. Although cyborg assassins won’t be arriving from the future anytime soon, offensive “Terminator-style” autonomous robots that are programmed to kill could soon escape Hollywood science fiction and become reality.


Monday 26th of May 2014


“It is very possible that Terminator of the future would need to be constructed starting from such building blocks.”


Monday 26th of May 2014


Inspired by fictional cyborgs like Terminator, a team of researchers at the University of Michigan and the University of Pittsburgh has made the first bionic particles from semiconductors and proteins.


Monday 26th of May 2014


How killer robots became more than just scary science fiction.


Thursday 5th of June 2014


Il y a un an, Edward Snowden révélait « à quel point notre relation à la technologie a changé à tout jamais, et pourquoi nous ne pourrons plus faire confiance aux machines »


Thursday 5th of June 2014


We live already in the era of the Cyborg. Our Humanities are practically indistinct from the Machine. Functions of our bodies such as communicating, remembering, recognizing each other, our personal and shared memories and most of our works are now indivisible from the functions of the machines.


Friday 6th of June 2014


Why are we so afraid of robots in general, and why can’t we have robots do our dirty work? Human mediation, as anyone who’s interacted with humans understands, is typically messy and irrational. Why would it be less likely for a robot to comply with international humanitarian law than a human?


Monday 9th of June 2014


Engineers say the robot is also equipped with a sophisticated audio command program that recognizes and subsequently ignores such phrases as “Stop” and “I give up” and is programmed to apply pressure to a prostrate suspect’s neck with a force of up to 500 PSI both before and after he’s stopped moving. Its operating system is also reportedly loaded with advanced visual recognition software that allows the robot to identify nearly any object in the subject’s hand as a weapon, prompting it to rapidly empty the clip on its extendable .40-caliber firearm.


Tuesday 10th of June 2014


“We’re nowhere near Skynet today. That’s way the heck out there. That’s not close to anything that’s possible today.”


Friday 27th of June 2014

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Over the past few years Google has made strides into robotics, artificial intelligence, self-driving vehicles... and that's just the secret projects we know about. Watching the pieces fall into place, it's hard to not see a certain pattern emerge. One that matches a familiar sci-fi world that filmmaker James Cameron first envisioned 30 years ago. One in which AI, robotics, and autonomous vehicles all unite in a winner-takes-all battle against humanity itself.


Friday 27th of June 2014


Meet your new robot overlords


Monday 30th of June 2014




Monday 30th of June 2014




Thursday 10th of July 2014


Sarkozy-Terminator ira-t-il frapper à la porte de l'UMP pour demander la tête, non de Sarah Connor, mais, au hasard, de François Fillon?


Friday 11th of July 2014


In a move echoing the apocolyptic situation played out in the Terminator series of films, the US government is handing over control of its nuclear stockpile to computers. In the Terminator films the US government develops a computer system called Skynet which is designed to have command over all computerised military hardware and systems, including America's entire nuclear weapons arsenal.


Monday 21st of July 2014


These robots are our golems — utterly unpredictable, entirely unaccountable, alarmingly enabling. The horizon of war reeks of their casualties, with every blue face, every lank arm, the output of an arbitrary machine.


Tuesday 12th of August 2014

Watch video


7 Things You Didn't Know About Terminator:


Saturday 23rd of August 2014


RT @mgubrud: Human says "Kill Sarah So, Terminator is not an autonomous weapon system? @DaveMajumdar @USNINews @mch…


Saturday 23rd of August 2014


RT @paul_scharre: @mchorowitz Well, I'd point out that in the movie the Terminator kills a whole lot more people and is actually …


Thursday 28th of August 2014


“Firstly there's a real loss of control over the battlefield for commanders. Secondly, if a mistake is made there's a real problem with accountability."


Saturday 30th of August 2014


« The Future doesn't need us »


Monday 8th of September 2014


"In the 21st century medicine is moving onwards and trying to surpass the norm, to help people live longer, to have stronger memories, to have better control of their emotions. But upgrading like that is not an egalitarian project, it's an elitist project. No matter what norm you reach, there is always another upgrade which is possible."


Tuesday 9th of September 2014


Perhaps unsurprisingly, science fiction references infused media coverage of the original meeting in May, just as a stock photo of Terminators attacking dressed up news coverage of Angela Kane’s remarks last week. The Wall Street Journal’s headline about the Experts’ Meeting read “It’s Judgment Day for Killer Robots at the UN” and included a “Robocop” still. Reuters used a similar headline and went with an image from “The Terminator.” A few reports used pictures of Cylons. At Mashable, readers were told: “The UN [is battling] killer robots. Yes, the robopocalypse might be coming.”


Friday 12th of September 2014


With a net worth of $51.3 billion, Oracle founder and CEO Larry Ellison is the fifth wealthiest person in the world. Megan Ellison was born on Jan. 31, 1986, in Santa Clara County, California. Like her father, Megan was rebellious and tough from a young age. She posted this photo of herself to her Twitter account with the caption, "You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."


Tuesday 7th of October 2014


Somewhere between military robots, Amazon drones knocking on your door to deliver a parcel, and the rise in machine intelligence, lies what some call The Terminator Scenario. Jean-Baptiste Bayle has spent the past few years looking at the fear and likeliness that our society is getting closer to the one depicted in the 1984 science fiction film The Terminator. The Terminator Studies timeline, map and news collection propose a reinterpretation of a Sci-fi blockbuster. The picture that emerges from this research hovers between cinematographic prophecy and History contaminated by fiction.


Tuesday 21st of October 2014


SPECIAL GUEST: Mary Wareham (of Human Rights Watch, the Campaign To Stop Killer Robots). An important question faces the human race. Will we decide to "outsource" the decision to take a human life to machines? Do we need autonomous killing machines as part of our military technological arsenal? Perhaps this seems like science fiction to you... but while most of us go about our day-to-day lives, this science fiction scenario is already beginning to come true.


Wednesday 22nd of October 2014


What matters, Deutsch argues, is "the ability to create new explanations," to generate theories about the world and all its particulars. In contrast with this, the idea that self-awareness — let alone real intelligence — will spontaneously emerge from a complex computer network is not just science fiction. It's pure fantasy.


Tuesday 28th of October 2014


Killer robots are here and we must stop them, expert says


Tuesday 28th of October 2014


I think The Terminator is a great film, but the threat of a computer surprisingly turning against its creators is


Tuesday 28th of October 2014


“Maybe the danger is [a robot] doing exactly what we @mgubrud intended


Thursday 30th of October 2014


RT @nico_maigret: First pictures from the show @ accès)s( Festival @julian0liver @rybn @terminatorstud @wmmna @recyclism


Saturday 1st of November 2014


Ray Kurzweil popularised the Teminator-like moment he called the 'singularity', when artificial intelligence overtakes human thinking. But now the man who hopes to be immortal is involved in the very same quest – on behalf of the tech behemoth. Although possibly this is what Kurzweil's critics, such as the biologist PZ Myers, mean when they say that the problem with Kurzweil's theories is that "it's a very bizarre mixture of ideas that are solid and good with ideas that are crazy. It's as if you took a lot of very good food and some dog excrement and blended it all up so that you can't possibly figure out what's good or bad." Or Jaron Lanier, who calls him "a genius" but "a product of a narcissistic age".


Sunday 2nd of November 2014


As Ray Kurzweil speaks to the Observer New Review about the impending advances in artificial intelligence, it seems a good time to heed the warning of such screen classics as Alien, The Terminator and Blade Runner and look back at the rogue computers, robots and replicants that have brought death, disquiet and destruction to humankind. Enjoy, before it's too late


Tuesday 25th of November 2014


Pentagon officials are worried that the US military is losing its edge compared to competitors like China, and are willing to explore almost anything to stay on top—including creating watered-down versions of the Terminator. Taken together, the “scientific revolutions” catalogued by the NDU report—if militarized—would grant the Department of Defense (DoD) “disruptive new capabilities” of a virtually totalitarian quality. Pentagon-funded research on data-mining feeds directly into fine-tuning the algorithms used by the US intelligence community to identify not just ‘terror suspects’, but also targets for the CIA’s drone-strike kill lists.It is far from clear that the Pentagon’s Skynet-esque vision of future warfare will actually reach fruition. That the aspiration is being pursued so fervently in the name of ‘national security,’ in the age of austerity no less, certainly raises questions about whether the most powerful military in the world is not so much losing its edge, as it is losing the plot.


Wednesday 26th of November 2014


“In the longer term, fully robotic soldiers may be developed and deployed, particularly by wealthier countries,” the paper says (thankfully, no plans to add ‘living tissue’ on the outside are mentioned). The study thus foresees the Pentagon playing a largely supervisory role over autonomous machines as increasingly central to all dimensions of warfare—from operational planning to identifying threats via surveillance and social media data-mining; from determining enemy targets to actually pursuing and executing them.


Thursday 27th of November 2014


Most people follow a summary dismissal heuristic: given surface characteristics of a message, they quickly judge whether it is worth considering or dismiss with a “oh, that’s just silly!” I like to call it the silliness heuristic: we ignore “silly” things except being in a playful mood.What things are silly? One can divide silliness into epistemic silliness, practical silliness, social silliness and political silliness.


Monday 1st of December 2014


Asimov’s Three Laws Are Not an International Treaty


Tuesday 2nd of December 2014


Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind


Thursday 4th of December 2014


Orders Robots Not To Kill Founders Brin & Page


Saturday 6th of December 2014


I think robots are going to have a huge impact on the world, just like computers did, or cars did, or asphalt, or electricity. That scale of impact—enormous impact—but I don’t think the impact is going to be because they become evil and take over. I think it’s going to be just because everything we do changes. Some things get easier, some things will get harder—not many things—and society will change. That’s a lot more scary, in some ways.


Saturday 6th of December 2014


I think one disappointing thing about the Terminator franchise is that I often feel as though it’s cooked up by people who have no background in science. In order to always up the ante and make the system more frightening and powerful, they go completely off the deep end until it’s not credible at all. Then, it’s just disappointing for people who’d really like to find it provocative, and stimulating, and scary.


Sunday 7th of December 2014




Monday 8th of December 2014


Artificial intelligence: Friendly or frightening?


Wednesday 10th of December 2014


So who’s going to protect us from the real-life rise of the machines? Step forward a little-known body called the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER). CSER is based at the University of Cambridge, and is a multidisciplinary group of individuals – mainly scientists – whose mission, as defined on their website, is “the study and mitigation of risks that could lead to human extinction”.CSER was set up with funding from Skype co-founder Jaan Tallinn, which arguably makes him the real-life John Connor, making a lone stand against the real-life Skynets.


Tuesday 16th of December 2014


One need not dig into subtext to find the central message of the movies. It is John Connor’s message to himself, given to his father, passed on to his mother, and then repeated to himself, and by extension to us: ‘The future’s not set. There’s no fate but what we make for ourselves.’ And it’s the meaning and grounding of this thought that I’m going to explore.


Saturday 20th of December 2014


It is possible to agree that AI may pose an existential threat to humanity, but without ever having to imagine that it will become more intelligent than us.


Tuesday 27th of January 2015


Terminator Ethics : faut-il interdire les « robots tueurs » ?


Wednesday 11th of February 2015


La guerre (des drones), quelle connerie !


Thursday 26th of February 2015


Don’t forget that the online information sphere is just as much designed to conceal information as it is to reveal it. It’s designed to cocoon us. Don’t let yourself get duped. Fight to understand how your world really works.


Wednesday 4th of March 2015


The terminator robot becoming such a "catchy" representation is due, I believe, to the fact that our minds and the fears they dream up are embodied. We have evolved to fear moving atoms: tigers that could attack us, tornados that could ruin our shelters, waves that could drown us, human opponents that could harm us. Killer robots from the future are just a spinoff that cultural evolution has put onto our deeply rooted sources of fear that we've evolved to react to. Just because silent and stealthy taking over by AI does not give us the heebie-jeebies quite as much as roaring armies of terminators do, that doesn't mean it is not equally dangerous or even more so.


Friday 13th of March 2015


"The soft machine looks rather intelligent and [can] deform itself according to the space it voyages in – just like [the] Terminator does from the science-fiction film," Jing Liu from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China told The New Scientist.


Monday 16th of March 2015


It's a marketing stunt for a new app


Wednesday 18th of March 2015


Carbon3D said its "game-changing" process could make objects such as car parts, medical devices or shoes. The technique was inspired by the film Terminator 2, in which the T-1000 robot rises from a pool of metallic liquid.


Sunday 22nd of March 2015


Artificial Intelligence will rule Hollywood (intelligently) in 2015, with a slew of both iconic and new robots hitting the screen. From the Turing-bashing "Ex Machina" to old friends R2-D2 and C-3PO, and new enemies like the Avengers' Ultron, sentient robots will demonstrate a number of human and superhuman traits on-screen. But real-life robots may be just as thrilling. In this five-part series Live Science looks at these made-for-the-movies advances in machine intelligence.


Sunday 29th of March 2015

Watch video


METROPOLIS (2012) - Episode 15 (Sous-titres français) via @lundimat1


Monday 6th of April 2015


RT @nico_maigret: Images > L’hypothèse d’une «propagande de l’innovation» @ Bordeaux … @terminatorstu…


Wednesday 15th of April 2015


It should be noted that the robot army "may be configured to receive information from the computing component via the network associated with instructions for performing one or more tasks".


Friday 17th of April 2015


Inspiré par le blockbuster Américain « Terminator », Joseph DeSimone a inventé un procédé d’impression 3D « ultra rapide » (au regard des techniques actuelles) qui pourrait à terme révolutionner (ou renverser) l’industrie plastique, médicale ou encore aéronautique.


Monday 20th of April 2015


If Skynet comes to fruition, it will probably use a Linux base, and the same is true for the cyborgs it will produce. You don't want to have something that can break down or look for updates right in the middle of an assault for the last base of the human resistance. This begs the question: Is Linus Torvalds still alive then to release kernels every Sunday or Skynet has adopted the naming systems and the GPL licenses for the OS used for its cyborgs?


Monday 20th of April 2015


Sans chercher les effets de manche, il y a quelque chose de Terminator dans cette affaire : des machines spéculent contre des machines (car, si plus de la moitié des transactions sont ainsi automatisées, c'est que les logiciels jouent entre eux. Et vue la place grandissante du hedge fund Renaissance, elles jouent contre elles-mêmes. Et quand elles échappent à tout contrôle (ce qui ne veut pas dire qu'il n'y ait pas une petite impulsion...), il y a risque de crash. Un aspect pas bien souvent évoqué de la transformation numérique...


Monday 4th of May 2015




Thursday 7th of May 2015


Fighting that Terminator in our Pockets


Friday 8th of May 2015


The document cites Zaidan as an example to demonstrate the powers of SKYNET, a program that analyzes location and communication data (or “metadata”) from bulk call records in order to detect suspicious patterns. In the Terminator movies, SKYNET is a self-aware military computer system that launches a nuclear war to exterminate the human race, and then systematically kills the survivors. According to the presentation, the NSA uses its version of SKYNET to identify people that it believes move like couriers used by Al Qaeda’s senior leadership. The program assessed Zaidan as a likely match, which raises troubling questions about the U.S. government’s method of identifying terrorist targets based on metadata.


Friday 8th of May 2015


We’ve suspected it all along—that Skynet, the massive program that brings about world destruction in the Terminator movies, was just a fictionalization of a real program in the hands of the US government. And now it’s confirmed—at least in name.


Friday 8th of May 2015


RT @e3i5: Disclosure of NSA SKYNET just one day after @jerezim talk on Fighting that Terminator in our Crap!


Saturday 9th of May 2015


RT @jerezim: After my talk abt the Terminator @the_intercept shows Skynet Big UP @term…


Tuesday 19th of May 2015


Google will build a fleet of robots capable of destroying mankind


Friday 29th of May 2015


[THSF2015] Droits et libertés sur Internet - @jerezim


Friday 29th of May 2015


"L’histoire de Terminator c'est la capacitation de Sarah Connor" @jerezim


Friday 29th of May 2015


"La technologie du terminator, c'est celle que l'on subit aujourd'hui." @jerezim


Tuesday 2nd of June 2015


RT @RYBn_: programme des rencontres de la pommerie du 2 > 9 juin 2015 : @labomedia @terminatorstud


Thursday 11th of June 2015


He points out that for half a century now, computing power has roughly doubled every two years – a trajectory of growth known as Moore's Law – and that computers are already capable of many actions far beyond what humans can do. In his scariest scenario, which sounds disturbingly close to the premise of the Arnie Schwarzenegger Terminator movies, he warns that computers could morph into an autarkic life form powerful enough to "destroy us, our carbon life forms, and inherit the Earth". Luckily he thinks this outcome unlikely, and in the end has no fear of the Rise of the Machines. "Computers are entirely rational creations. But true intelligence, the ability to create and to invent, is intuitive – and you can't do rational intuition."


Thursday 11th of June 2015


The artist has also reconstructed the Terminator-style metal skull that appears as an emblem for an NSA program that maps the global Internet. Another piece focuses on documents from the NSA’s British counterpart, published last year by The Intercept, that discuss the use of deception and manipulation techniques against targeted groups of people.


Tuesday 16th of June 2015


RT @MarinGontier: Très très bon @jerezim sur @franceinter "asservir les êtres humains" t800=tel…


Tuesday 16th of June 2015


[RADIO] RDV Samedi 16h @franceinter Terminator est dans votre poche Avec @jerezim


Tuesday 16th of June 2015


Terminator est dans votre poche | Comme un bruit qui court


Thursday 18th of June 2015


It's Arnold Schwarzenegger, the actor and former California governor, who is lending his persona as the famed Terminator from the movie franchise to the community-based traffic and navigation app Waze.


Monday 29th of June 2015


For decades, Hollywood has supplied us with plenty of reasons to be frightened about the roboticization of warfare. But now that drones and autonomous antimissile defense systems have been deployed, and many other forms of robotic weaponry are under development, the inflection point where it must be decided whether to go down this road has arrived.


Tuesday 30th of June 2015


The script for a long-in-the-works Top Gun sequel will find Tom Cruise's Maverick character hunting down drones, according to comments Skydance Productions CEO David Ellison made while doing press in Berlin for the latest Terminator


Wednesday 1st of July 2015


RT @icracnet: The Terminator question: Scientists downplay the risks of superintelligent computers via @pcworld


Wednesday 1st of July 2015


The secret abortion politics of the ‘Terminator’ franchise


Wednesday 1st of July 2015


Financial Times reporter and Twitter user Sarah O'Connor is not, in fact, robot-fighting Sarah Connor from the Terminator series.


Thursday 2nd of July 2015


RT @samim: #deepdream Terminator


Saturday 4th of July 2015


According to "Terminator Genisys: Resetting the Future," the Cyberdyne offices are based on the Oracle corporate offices located in Redwood City.


Saturday 4th of July 2015


There were a lot of SF movies produced in the mid-eighties, but few retain the currency of the Termina­tor and its humanity-annihilating AI, Skynet. Everyone seems to thrum when that chord is plucked – even the NSA named one of its illegal mass surveillance programs SKYNET.


Monday 13th of July 2015


According to a recent YouGov poll, 13 percent of IT decision makers believe technology could destroy the Earth, with the leading causes of our demise including the prevention of evolution (74 percent), military and warfare (66 percent), artificial intelligence (44 percent), and environmental issues (38 percent).


Thursday 16th of July 2015


The news that Google has purchased a company that makes running robots for the military has prompted the more nervous to see parallels with sci-fi movies such as The Terminator, with its dystopian vision of a world run by remorseless robots with self-conscious intelligence.


Monday 20th of July 2015


Le bracelet du Terminator via @affordanceinfo


Tuesday 21st of July 2015


RT @Sayf_SF: Terminator Studies / @terminatorstud


Monday 27th of July 2015


Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking, Steve Wozniak Say No To Skynet, Call For AI Weapons Ban


Sunday 2nd of August 2015


The robot uprising: whose side are you on?


Wednesday 19th of August 2015


The Atlas robot, as it is known, is certainly an imposing figure – it stands 1.88cm (6’2 feet) and weighs 150kg (330lb). However, plans for a terminator style invasion maybe on hold for the moment, as the robots certainly don’t have the movement of a T-800 or a T-1000 as seen in the Arnold Schwarzenegger movies. “We are making pretty good progress to make sure that it has mobility that is in shooting range of yours. I am not saying that it can do everything that you can do, but if we keep pushing it, we will get there,” Raibert added.


Wednesday 19th of August 2015


Atlas Robot: rise of robot wars?


Thursday 20th of August 2015


Saying “no one wants to create a Terminator” is not an argument; it’s more like saying “no one wants to get cancer.” Yet just as one can reduce the chance of getting cancer by living a healthy lifestyle, not smoking, and eating well, one can mitigate the chances of creating weaponized and intelligent systems by preventing an AI arms race between powerful countries with large militaries, and by taking a public stand about how many decisions are delegated to machines.


Wednesday 2nd of September 2015


RT @CNASdc: RSVP today to attend the @terminator movie screening and discussion on


Monday 19th of October 2015


Étudier Terminator @lundimat1


Thursday 22nd of October 2015


De 1974 à l’an cinq milliards, l’histoire du monde vue par la science-fiction


Wednesday 4th of November 2015


Terminator est déjà encadré par les lois


Friday 6th of November 2015


RT @StephanieCarvin: Case in point: worst possible analogy for AI/Lethal Autonomous Weapons is the And yet, the Terminator is t…


Thursday 12th of November 2015


Amnesty International Wants The To Ban Killer Robots


Thursday 19th of November 2015


How devastated 4 major cities would look if the ‘Terminator’ machines took over


Monday 25th of January 2016


‘The Terminator Conundrum’: Pentagon Weighs Ethics of Pairing Deadly Force, AI


Monday 25th of January 2016


‘The Terminator Conundrum:’ VCJCS Selva On Thinking Weapons


Monday 25th of January 2016


RT @defense_news: ‘The Terminator Conundrum’: Pentagon Weighs Ethics of Pairing Deadly Force, AI


Monday 7th of March 2016


The Terminator and the Washing Machine


Thursday 10th of March 2016


An ex-Pentagon official thinks 'killer robots' need to be stopped


Tuesday 15th of March 2016


Lee Se-dol rises to stardom …


Thursday 17th of March 2016


could be selling because even Google thinks these robots are terrifying


Thursday 24th of March 2016


RT @lilasguevara: L'increvable mythe Terminator est sur @MotherboardFR avec @terminatorstud


Saturday 26th of March 2016


est déjà parmi nous @jz @wikileaks @google @darpa @meganeellison


Saturday 26th of March 2016


Terminator estdéjà parmi nous @JereZim @FreeJeremyNet @Snowden @Schwarzenegger @BanKillerRobots


Wednesday 13th of April 2016


expert: We’ve got to stop talking about and


Wednesday 13th of April 2016


Brave new world? Sci-fi fears 'hold back progress of AI', warns expert


Wednesday 20th of April 2016


RT @Edelmiro1961: @terminatorstud 21" T-800 Endo Arm Terminator articulated fingers w/Base Finish CHROME █ 1:1


Thursday 21st of April 2016


RT @Cyrotonus: @terminatorstud T001


Thursday 21st of April 2016


RT @Cyrotonus: @terminatorstud


Wednesday 4th of May 2016


Un à chats opérationnel en Australie, par Roberto Boulant


Friday 13th of May 2016


An unclassified 2016 Department of Defense (DoD) document, the Human Systems Roadmap Review, reveals that the US military plans to create artificially intelligent (AI) autonomous weapon systems, which will use predictive social media analytics to make decisions on lethal force with minimal human involvement. Terminator teams, led by humans The Autonomy roadmap document clearly confirms that the Pentagon’s final objective is to delegate the bulk of military operations to autonomous machines, capable of inflicting “Collective Defeat of Hard and Deeply Buried Targets.”


Sunday 22nd of May 2016


KATSU - Remember the Future (Android Selfies)


Thursday 26th of May 2016


Ivan the Terminator: Russia is showing off its new robot soldier: via @vicenews


Thursday 9th of June 2016


searching for a screw via @44pierre44


Wednesday 22nd of June 2016


Fear of robots as “electronic persons” in Europe wildly exaggerated


Thursday 23rd of June 2016


Is Working on Plans to Prevent a Situation


Wednesday 13th of July 2016


RT @JardinEntropy: jardinentropy: @TerminatorStud : deployé


Wednesday 13th of July 2016


RT @JardinEntropy: jardinentropy: @TerminatorStud Building just for


Thursday 21st of July 2016


RT @lilasguevara: @terminatorstud #skynet and #terminators "will be back" any time soon.


Tuesday 9th of August 2016


RT @44Pierre44: @terminatorstud We were afraid to lose our jobs because of Now computers are losing their jobs compu…


Thursday 1st of September 2016


Today Is Skynet's 19th Anniversary, Which isn't Real (Yet)


Friday 2nd of September 2016


DoD Studies Terminator‘s Weapons Conundrum, Says Gen. Selva


Tuesday 13th of September 2016


Pentagon is worrying about coming Pentagon is worrying about 'Terminator' coming true. Seriously.


Tuesday 25th of October 2016


RT @icracnet: Less like More like Iron Pentagon’s Terminator Conundrum: Robots That Could Kill on Their Own


Tuesday 25th of October 2016


The Pentagon’s ‘#Terminator Conundrum’: Robots That Could Kill on Their Own








artificial intelligence California cia Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency disnovation drones Google killerrobots nsa pr robot robots San Francisco skynet storytelling terminator terrorism The Electronic disturbance war Wikileaks