Le projet Google Nest se décompose en quatre sous-projets : Google TRUST (google confiance), Google HUG (google embrassade), Google BEE (Google Abeille) et Google BYE (Google au revoir).
RT @julian0liver: COVER ME used CC licensed photographs found on Flickr as data containers for distributing clandestine Snowden files
RT @julian0liver: COVER ME used CC licensed photographs found on Flickr as data containers for distributing clandestine Snowden files
“By 2025, everyone will expect to be tracked and monitored”
Hal Varian, chief economist for Google: “By 2025, the current debate about privacy will seem quaint and old-fashioned. The benefits of cloud-based, personal, digital assistants will be so overwhelming that putting restrictions on these services will be out of the question. Of course, there will be people who choose not to use such services, but they will be a small minority. Everyone will expect to be tracked and monitored, since the advantages, in terms of convenience, safety, and services, will be so great.”
RT @bauvens: “pourquoi je suis assez optimiste (à moyen terme en tout cas)” par @manhack
RT @bauvens: "pourquoi je suis assez optimiste (à moyen terme en tout cas)" par @manhack
Amazon’s frightening CIA partnership:Capitalism, corporations and our massive new surveillance state
Amazon’s frightening CIA partnership:Capitalism, corporations and our massive new surveillance state
How the Pentagon’s Skynet Would Automate War
Pentagon officials are worried that the US military is losing its edge compared to competitors like China, and are willing to explore almost anything to stay on top—including creating watered-down versions of the Terminator. Taken together, the “scientific revolutions” catalogued by the NDU report—if militarized—would grant the Department of Defense (DoD) “disruptive new capabilities” of a virtually totalitarian quality. Pentagon-funded research on data-mining feeds directly into fine-tuning the algorithms used by the US intelligence community to identify not just ‘terror suspects’, but also targets for the CIA’s drone-strike kill lists.It is far from clear that the Pentagon’s Skynet-esque vision of future warfare will actually reach fruition. That the aspiration is being pursued so fervently in the name of ‘national security,’ in the age of austerity no less, certainly raises questions about whether the most powerful military in the world is not so much losing its edge, as it is losing the plot.
Art in a Time of Surveillance via @maassp
Surveillance art — or as one academic has called it, artveillance — fits into a creative continuum that stretches back to at least the 1930s, when the introduction of “miniature” cameras, such as the Leica, made it relatively easy for photographers to secretly take pictures. Walker Evans led the way with undercover pictures taken on the New York City subway with a Leica hidden behind his coat.
Watching You, Watching Me
Moving Walls 22 / Watching You, Watching Me explores the intersection between photography and surveillance. Employing a dynamic range of approaches—from documentary to conceptual practice, from appropriation to street art—these 10 artists provide a satellite-to-street view of the ways in which surveillance culture blurs the boundaries between the private and public realm.
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