Parallèle Citizenfour et projet de loi
RT @franceculture: A l’heure réflexions sur la société de surveillance selon Michel Foucault
RT @franceculture: A l’heure réflexions sur la société de surveillance selon Michel Foucault
Why Mass Surveillance Can’t, Won’t, And Never Has Stopped A Terrorist
Humans are natural storytellers, and the world of stories is much more tidy, predictable, and coherent than reality. Millions of people behave strangely enough to attract the FBI’s notice, and almost all of them are harmless.
RT @al_lad: Pentagon study: let’s build Skynet, cyborgs and Oh and global data surveillance @NafeezAhmed
Pentagon officials are worried that the US military is losing its edge compared to competitors like China, and are willing to explore almost anything to stay on top—including creating watered-down versions of the Terminator.
How Obama Can Encourage Tech Giants Like and to Aid Government
How Obama Can Encourage Tech Giants Like and to Aid Government
RT @wikileaks: Trial by metadata
Call it guilt by metadata... The information about where those calls and emails went, however - to a New York Times journalist - was enough to convince a jury to send Sterling to prison for up to 80 years.
Why Google made the NSA
Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet— “Google has ramped up its sales force in the Washington area in the past year to adapt its technology products to the needs of the military, civilian agencies and the intelligence community,”
Paul von Ribbeck et Gloria Spindle au RE:Publica 2014
Paul von Ribbeck et Gloria Spindle au RE:Publica 2014