Elon Musk and AAAI President Thomas Dietterich comment on Elon's decision to fund artificial intelligence safety research
Killer Robot Remix
Every time it kills civilians, we add to guilt, like a bank account. And as time passes, guilt decays and reduces in value (especially if the robot kills bad guys). Now here's the governor bit: whenever guilt is above a value -- say, 100 -- then the robot formulaically becomes less willing to shoot.
Can a robot learn right from wrong?
Researchers are working on robots that can make ethical choices and then explain why
Un congrès à l’ONU les robots tueurs
Imaginez des machines capables de repérer des humains, de les approcher et de... les tuer. Pour le moment, cette situation n'est qu'une fiction mise en scène dans la saga "Terminator". Mais la technologie progresse si rapidement qu'elle pourrait être très bientôt une réalité.
Pull the Plug on Killer Robots:
Machines are starting to take the place of human soldiers on the battlefield. http://www.hrw.org/news/2012/11/19/ba... Some military and robotics experts predict that "killer robots" -- fully autonomous weapons that could select and engage targets --- could be developed within 20-30 years.
RT @BanKillerRobots: Now session on ethical + societal concerns chaired by who cites Isaac Azimov’s “3 Laws of Robotics” in his op…
RT @BanKillerRobots: Now session on ethical + societal concerns chaired by who cites Isaac Azimov's "3 Laws of Robotics" in his op…
Maths spying: The quandary of working for the spooks
Maths spying: The quandary of working for the spooks
RT @berkmancenter: [Today] Ethereum: Freenet or Skynet ?
RT @berkmancenter: [Today] Ethereum: Freenet or Skynet ?
If you want to trust a robot, look at how it makes decisions
If you want to trust a robot, look at how it makes decisions
Why You’re Better Off Trusting a Robot Over a Human
Why You're Better Off Trusting a Robot Over a Human