Monday 10th of April 2000


Our most powerful 21st-century technologies - robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotech - are threatening to make humans an endangered species.


Tuesday 23rd of July 2013


Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Professor of Public Engagement University of Sheffield


Wednesday 27th of November 2013


International Principles on the Application of Human Rights to Communications Surveillance


Sunday 1st of December 2013


Busting Eight Common Excuses for NSA Mass Surveillance


Thursday 30th of January 2014


Google sets up artificial intelligence ethics board to curb the rise of the robots


Saturday 1st of February 2014


RT @camillefrancois: & Society, too, must ask the ethical questions!


Tuesday 25th of February 2014


RT @BanKillerRobots: Machine ethics is now the fastest-growing area in ethical studies, eg @Google driverless car, cyber,


Tuesday 25th of February 2014


RT @BanKillerRobots: We're building very bright machines no social or emotional Can ethical knowledge be programmed? Likel…


Wednesday 26th of February 2014


Stop killer robots while we still can


Wednesday 12th of March 2014


Why You're Better Off Trusting a Robot Over a Human


Wednesday 12th of March 2014


If you want to trust a robot, look at how it makes decisions


Tuesday 15th of April 2014


RT @berkmancenter: [Today] Ethereum: Freenet or Skynet ?


Monday 28th of April 2014


Maths spying: The quandary of working for the spooks


Wednesday 14th of May 2014


RT @BanKillerRobots: Now session on ethical + societal concerns chaired by who cites Isaac Azimov's "3 Laws of Robotics" in his op…


Wednesday 14th of May 2014

Watch video


Machines are starting to take the place of human soldiers on the battlefield. Some military and robotics experts predict that "killer robots" -- fully autonomous weapons that could select and engage targets --- could be developed within 20-30 years.


Wednesday 14th of May 2014


Imaginez des machines capables de repérer des humains, de les approcher et de... les tuer. Pour le moment, cette situation n'est qu'une fiction mise en scène dans la saga "Terminator". Mais la technologie progresse si rapidement qu'elle pourrait être très bientôt une réalité.


Tuesday 27th of May 2014


Researchers are working on robots that can make ethical choices and then explain why


Friday 18th of July 2014


Every time it kills civilians, we add to guilt, like a bank account. And as time passes, guilt decays and reduces in value (especially if the robot kills bad guys). Now here's the governor bit: whenever guilt is above a value -- say, 100 -- then the robot formulaically becomes less willing to shoot.


Thursday 15th of January 2015

Watch video


Elon Musk and AAAI President Thomas Dietterich comment on Elon's decision to fund artificial intelligence safety research


Tuesday 27th of January 2015


Terminator Ethics : faut-il interdire les « robots tueurs » ?


Tuesday 23rd of June 2015


During World War II, Nazi doctors had unfettered access to human beings they could use in medical experiments in any way they chose. In one way, these experiments were just another form of mass torture and murder so our moral judgement of them is clear. But they also pose an uncomfortable moral challenge: what if some of the medical experiments yielded scientifically sound data that could be put to good use? Would it be justifiable to use that knowledge?


Sunday 19th of July 2015


Peter Singer - Professor of Utilitarian Ethics And Animal Rights - Biography


Wednesday 29th of July 2015


Robots tueurs, carnage mécanique


Saturday 8th of August 2015


The Coming Robot Dystopia


Monday 17th of August 2015


Are robots capable of moral or ethical reasoning? It’s no longer just a question for tenured philosophy professors or Hollywood directors. This week, it’s a question being put to the United Nations


Monday 25th of January 2016


‘The Terminator Conundrum’: Pentagon Weighs Ethics of Pairing Deadly Force, AI


Monday 25th of January 2016


‘The Terminator Conundrum:’ VCJCS Selva On Thinking Weapons


Monday 25th of January 2016


RT @defense_news: ‘The Terminator Conundrum’: Pentagon Weighs Ethics of Pairing Deadly Force, AI


Thursday 23rd of June 2016


RT @icracnet: US Navy uses AI software and video games to try to teach its robots about human ethics and norms:






artificial intelligence California cia Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency disnovation drones Google killerrobots nsa pr robot robots San Francisco skynet storytelling terminator terrorism The Electronic disturbance war Wikileaks