Sony Pictures Entertainment has optioned the film rights to the book “No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State” with the James Bond producers Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli ..
Rise of the ’killer robots’?
"The Jetsons" gave us the dream of a robot designed to help. "The Terminator" gave us the nightmare of a machine designed to kill. The future is apparently here.
RT @mgubrud: Heyns: to be targeted as an object by a machine is the ultimate indignity
RT @mgubrud: Heyns: to be targeted as an object by a machine is the ultimate
Un congrès à l’ONU les robots tueurs
Imaginez des machines capables de repérer des humains, de les approcher et de... les tuer. Pour le moment, cette situation n'est qu'une fiction mise en scène dans la saga "Terminator". Mais la technologie progresse si rapidement qu'elle pourrait être très bientôt une réalité.
Michael Hayden “We Kill People Based on Meta-Data”
Michael Hayden "We Kill People Based on Meta-Data"
Pull the Plug on Killer Robots:
Machines are starting to take the place of human soldiers on the battlefield. Some military and robotics experts predict that "killer robots" -- fully autonomous weapons that could select and engage targets --- could be developed within 20-30 years.
RT @BanKillerRobots: Starting session on legal concerns over lethal autonomous weapons systems – with The Terminator on 1st slide ht…
RT @BanKillerRobots: Starting session on legal concerns over lethal autonomous weapons systems - with The Terminator on 1st slide ht…
RT @BanKillerRobots: @SarahKnuckey One govt delegation raised spectre of “The Terminator” It’s their mtg, govts can say w…
RT @BanKillerRobots: @SarahKnuckey One govt delegation raised spectre of "The Terminator" It's their mtg, govts can say w…