We live already in the era of the Cyborg. Our Humanities are practically indistinct from the Machine. Functions of our bodies such as communicating, remembering, recognizing each other, our personal and shared memories and most of our works are now indivisible from the functions of the machines.
Snowden, Terminator et nous
Il y a un an, Edward Snowden révélait « à quel point notre relation à la technologie a changé à tout jamais, et pourquoi nous ne pourrons plus faire confiance aux machines »
Can a robot learn right from wrong?
Researchers are working on robots that can make ethical choices and then explain why
«It is very possible that Terminator of the future would need to be constructed starting from such building
Inspired by fictional cyborgs like Terminator, a team of researchers at the University of Michigan and the University of Pittsburgh has made the first bionic particles from semiconductors and proteins.
Scientists create bionic particles inspired by “Terminator”
“It is very possible that Terminator of the future would need to be constructed starting from such building blocks.”
The Case Against Killer Robots
In the Terminator movies, fully autonomous robots wage war against humanity. Although cyborg assassins won’t be arriving from the future anytime soon, offensive “Terminator-style” autonomous robots that are programmed to kill could soon escape Hollywood science fiction and become reality.
Google Buses For All !
... celebrating an imaginary Google service allowing the public to ride the private shuttles, "Google Buses," for free since MUNI is in crisis, and a fare hike is imminent.
The tech protests get personal — and ugly
Breaking the rules of a civil society: Activists target a Google engineer at his Berkeley home
This anarchist collective is demanding $3 billion from Google
Around 7AM on January 21st, 2014, a small group of protesters gathered in the driveway of an understated $1 million four bedroom family home in Berkeley and unfurled a hand-painted banner that read "GOOGLE’S FUTURE STOPS HERE."