Facebook is Buying Oculus Because It Needs a Sci-Fi Toy
Bill Gates: People Don’t Realize How Many Jobs Will Soon Be Replaced By Software Bots
Bill Gates: People Don't Realize How Many Jobs Will Soon Be Replaced By Software Bots
glimpse into the Google-Military-Surveillance Complex
Google’s big principled stance against surveillance is honorable — or it would be, if the company wasn’t so deeply involved in the very thing that it claims to be against. what few people realize is that Google has also been using its wares to enhance and enrich the surveillance operations of the biggest and most powerful intelligence and DoD agencies in the world: NSA, FBI, CIA, DEA and NGA — the whole alphabet soup.
Why You’re Better Off Trusting a Robot Over a Human
Why You're Better Off Trusting a Robot Over a Human
Killer robots: dystopian fiction or imminent threat?
Killer robots: dystopian fiction or imminent threat?