RT @SomersetBean: US intelligence official overseeing cases blows whistle himself:

RT @SomersetBean: US intelligence official overseeing cases blows whistle himself:
RT @FrankPasquale: Suchman brilliantly critiques mystification of as field saturated with anthropomorphic metaphors (machine "learni…
RT @SomersetBean: Obama's extreme, unforgiving,unreasonable,excessive posture re classified information came to a halt today:
RT @SeeYouInPhilly1: RT namodassa: 240 years after ending Monarchy, America now needs Snowden to bring Justice to Democracy!… ht…
RT @SomersetBean: Prosecutor at hearing basically argued that public awareness of extradition issues is bad—via @auerfeld
RT @jilliancyork: Perhaps the reason so many bad Silicon Valley ideas come from white men is because it's a white men's club
RT @antievictionmap: Stoked about our new demographic with @cartoDB @MrEPhysics @FastCoDesign
RT @mgubrud: RT @ploughshares_ca The Military Is Betting On “Smart” Drones — Lots And Lots Of Them