RT @jimoiduts: 5-point plan: ● Autonomous weapons ● Education for ● transparency ● Off button ● Values

RT @jimoiduts: 5-point plan: ● Autonomous weapons ● Education for ● transparency ● Off button ● Values
on how crypto-anarchists & turned public-key crypto into a potent political force
RT @SomersetBean: CIA Jeffrey Sterling is not receiving medical care he needs in prison: More:
@edwyplenel @AgatheDuparc @mediapart est-il pris dans la toile d'araignée du jeu géopolitique américain ?
Is @mediapart taken over in the american geopolitical game over @wikileaks ? pseudo journalism by @AgatheDuparc
RT @PengBerlin: Wanna prepare your questions before you call up spies with us @kampnagel next week? Watch @democracynow
RT @wikileaks: Clinton took $100k cash from & was director of company that gave money to ISIS docs:
RT @wikileaks: Clinton took $100k cash from & was director of company that gave money to ISIS docs:
RT @44Pierre44: @terminatorstud We were afraid to lose our jobs because of Now computers are losing their jobs compu…