Tokyo Institute of Technology's Osamu Hasegawa invents robot that can think |
RT @paleofuture: Just remember to tell your iPhone’s new intelligent assistant that it’s fat and Low self-esteem will delay the ro
RT @paleofuture: Just remember to tell your iPhone's new intelligent assistant that it's fat and Low self-esteem will delay the ro
RT @mindflash: What if a robot could do your job? Prepare for the techno takeover with our latest infographic on the Daily ht
RT @mindflash: What if a robot could do your job? Prepare for the techno takeover with our latest infographic on the Daily ht
Cloud-Powered Facial Recognition Is Terrifying – Jared Keller – The Atlantic
"Without serious time and money we would never be able to come up with a decent facial recognition system."
RT @paleofuture: “It is now plain and clear that neither past nor future are existent”
RT @paleofuture: "It is now plain and clear that neither past nor future are existent"
Ray Kurzweil – Faut-il avoir peur de Terminator ? –
De vilains robots qui prennent le contrôle de l'humanité et nous déclarent la guerre ? Pour Kurzweil, aucune raison de s'inquiéter : la cohabitation se fera dans la joie et la bonne humeur, suffit de pas se planter en les programman
Writing Machines — Their Uses and Meaning –
In that digital arms race, Mr. Etzoni added, Narrative Science could be a “nuclear weapon."
AP News :
"Ultimately the goal here is not denying treatment but getting people to the right care," Beer said, adding that Watson was not designed to replace humans.
Here’s The Robot Journalist Program That Will Put Us Out Of A Job In Five Years
In a development that smacks of Terminators and SKYNET, startup Narrative Science has created a program that can turn data into a news stories -- stories that include, most humanely, inferences and an angle.