Explaining the Japanese meme mocking ISIS
Justice for “Data Janitors”
The human-fueled automations I saw at Google are also largely out of sight in current international debates about the relationship between digital technology and the future of work. Will technology produce new jobs, new industries, and new forms of comparative advantage? Or will technology take away jobs and concentrate wealth among those who own the machines?
Elon Musk & Thomas Dietterich on AI safety
Elon Musk and AAAI President Thomas Dietterich comment on Elon's decision to fund artificial intelligence safety research
Elon Musk donates $10M to keep AI beneficial
"Hopefully this grant program will help shift our focus from building things just because we can, toward building things because they are good for us in the long term", says FLI co-founder Meia Chita-Tegmark.
RT @Schwarzenegger: I stand w/ the ppl of France against terror & I want to send a msg so I’m You should h…
RT @Schwarzenegger: I stand w/ the ppl of France against terror & I want to send a msg so I'm You should h…
RT @JamesRisen: Plot of Star Wars in terms of the GWOT: Wait a second, Star Wars IS the plot of the GWOT!
RT @JamesRisen: Plot of Star Wars in terms of the GWOT: Wait a second, Star Wars IS the plot of the GWOT!
Fear artificial stupidity, not artificial intelligence
It is possible to agree that AI may pose an existential threat to humanity, but without ever having to imagine that it will become more intelligent than us.
When the CIA infiltrated Hollywood
A new book exposes the incestuous relationship between the two and the extent to which they both feed us propaganda
Skynet: The Fact Versus The Fiction Of An AI Controlled World
So who’s going to protect us from the real-life rise of the machines? Step forward a little-known body called the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER). CSER is based at the University of Cambridge, and is a multidisciplinary group of individuals – mainly scientists – whose mission, as defined on their website, is “the study and mitigation of risks that could lead to human extinction”.CSER was set up with funding from Skype co-founder Jaan Tallinn, which arguably makes him the real-life John Connor, making a lone stand against the real-life Skynets.