Depuis peu, des machines électroniques capables de produire des objets, fonctionnant à la manière d’imprimantes en trois dimensions, sont accessibles au grand public. Elles suscitent un engouement au sein d’une avant-garde qui y voit les ferments d’une nouvelle révolution industrielle. Mais les partisans de ces outils de bricolage technologique oublient souvent l’histoire qui les a vus naître.
Attempts to stay anonymous on the web will only put the NSA on your trail …
The sobering story of Janet Vertesi's attempts to conceal her pregnancy from the forces of online marketers shows just how Kafkaesque the internet has become..
Kurzweil still doesn’t understand the brain
If all a futurist has to do is wave his hands and say things will change more rapidly than we expect, then futurists like Kurzweil are nothing but techno-gimmicky Criswells. Utterly useless.
RT @GalouGentil: Ex-NSA chief Alexander is launching a consulting firm for financial institutions looking to address cyber
RT @GalouGentil: Ex-NSA chief Alexander is launching a consulting firm for financial institutions looking to address cyber
Exclusive: Emails reveal close Google relationship with NSA
Exclusive: Emails reveal close Google relationship with NSA
@republica filming the audience during conference about privacy and protection of anonymity is counter productive
@republica filming the audience during conference about privacy and protection of anonymity is counter productive
RT @sarahjeong: “That’s Google, not NSA” — Michael Hayden
RT @sarahjeong: “That’s Google, not NSA” — Michael Hayden