Michael Hayden "We Kill People Based on Meta-Data"
Pull the Plug on Killer Robots:
Machines are starting to take the place of human soldiers on the battlefield. http://www.hrw.org/news/2012/11/19/ba... Some military and robotics experts predict that "killer robots" -- fully autonomous weapons that could select and engage targets --- could be developed within 20-30 years.
RT @BanKillerRobots: Starting session on legal concerns over lethal autonomous weapons systems – with The Terminator on 1st slide ht…
RT @BanKillerRobots: Starting session on legal concerns over lethal autonomous weapons systems - with The Terminator on 1st slide ht…
RT @BanKillerRobots: Everyone wants to prevent the scifi scenario says We need to consider challenging Q of “meaningful” huma…
RT @BanKillerRobots: Everyone wants to prevent the scifi scenario says We need to consider challenging Q of "meaningful" huma…
RT @BanKillerRobots: @SarahKnuckey One govt delegation raised spectre of “The Terminator” It’s their mtg, govts can say w…
RT @BanKillerRobots: @SarahKnuckey One govt delegation raised spectre of "The Terminator" It's their mtg, govts can say w…
RT @BanKillerRobots: Now session on ethical + societal concerns chaired by who cites Isaac Azimov’s “3 Laws of Robotics” in his op…
RT @BanKillerRobots: Now session on ethical + societal concerns chaired by who cites Isaac Azimov's "3 Laws of Robotics" in his op…
Stephen Hawking: we taking AI seriously enough?’
Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks, says a group of leading scientists
Tim Scully
His entire life, Tim Scully has been interested in cutting edge technology and computers. As a teen in 1958, he earned an honorable mention at a San Francisco Bay Area science fair for designing and building a small computer. He later received recognition for building a small linear accelerator pictured in a 1961 edition of the Oakland Tribune. He was trying to make gold atoms from mercury. Tim Scully is best known in the psychedelic underground for his work in the production of LSD from 1966 to 1969, for which he was indicted in 1973 and convicted in 1974. His best known product, dubbed "Orange Sunshine", was considered the standard for quality LSD in 1969.