RT @germanrlopez: Carl Sagan did not seem to approve of the BILLIONS spent on the war on drugs:

In a 1990 letter to drug policy reformers, Sagan suggested that reformers organize themselves to rebut Partnership for a Drug-Free America commercials that he felt "routinely make gross distortions of the scientific facts."


The Terminator Studies … … via @wmmna

Somewhere between military robots, Amazon drones knocking on your door to deliver a parcel, and the rise in machine intelligence, lies what some call The Terminator Scenario. Jean-Baptiste Bayle has spent the past few years looking at the fear and likeliness that our society is getting closer to the one depicted in the 1984 science fiction film The Terminator. The Terminator Studies timeline, map and news collection propose a reinterpretation of a Sci-fi blockbuster. The picture that emerges from this research hovers between cinematographic prophecy and History contaminated by fiction.


New Game’s Fictional Drone Inspires US Military

"You see this [science fiction inspiration] in everything from what scientists decide to invent to what Congress and the military decides to fund," Singer said. "It shapes expectations when people think 'This is what the future is going to be, so we should invest in that today.'"


La dépendance aux drogues à l’âge libéral

La répression des toxicomanies au nom de l’ordre et de la santé publique contredit les principes libéraux de liberté individuelle et d’accroissement de l’offre ; elle se voit à son tour contredite par les conséquences psychiques, physiques et criminelles de la clandestinité qu’elle implique. Il convient donc de réapprécier les risques et les responsabilités.
