News Article: Robots Could Save Soldiers’ Lives, Army General Says

“I believe candidly we can accelerate the evolution of autonomous technology if people would just acknowledge that it’s important.” [..] “They provide situational awareness, unmanned lethal and nonlethal fires, unattended precision target attack and acquisition, maximum standoff from threats, … and perform unmanned logistics support and services,” he said. News Article: Robots Could Save Soldiers’ Lives, Army General Says.


GMO Deregulation: An act of war | Farm Wars

If all plant life is owned by mega-corporations due to total contamination by invasive GMOs, and no regulations are in effect that apply to them, then Terminator technology can be instituted at will with no roadblocks. After all, if you own all of the plants, then you can do with them as you like. This may well be part of a well planned strategy for the complete takeover of every living plant on earth by corporate interests. GMO Deregulation: An act of war | Farm Wars.


George Devol, Developer of Robot Arm, Dies at 99 –

George C. Devol, a largely self-taught inventor who drew from science fiction to help develop Unimate, the revolutionary mechanical arm that became a prototype for robots now widely used on automobile assembly lines and in other industries.. Mr. Devol said that new technology should be simple and practical. “We should take refuge in the fact that very crude systems can accomplish an awful lot,” he once said. “Elegant capabilities are nice, but often unnecessary.” George Devol, Developer of Robot Arm, Dies at 99 -
