Monday 10th of April 2000


Our most powerful 21st-century technologies - robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotech - are threatening to make humans an endangered species.


Wednesday 21st of September 2011


The Transhumanism Trap: Using Technology to Perfect the Human Race via @StevenErtelt


Tuesday 15th of November 2011


The Cult of Kurzweil: Will Robots Save Our Souls?


Monday 28th of November 2011


Is the end of the world really nigh?


Tuesday 5th of June 2012


Planetary Resources - The Asteroids Mining company


Tuesday 3rd of July 2012


Are We Building Gods or Terminators?


Wednesday 26th of September 2012


Whoa, Dude, Are We Inside a Computer Right Now?


Saturday 1st of December 2012


« Our technological progress has by and large replaced evolution as the dominant, future-shaping


Monday 4th of February 2013


The Ray Kurzweil Show, Now at the Googleplex


Monday 4th of February 2013


“Imagine your brain being augmented by Google,” the search engine’s co-founder and chief executive officer, Larry Page, said in a 2004 interview. “For example, you think about something and your cell phone could whisper the answer into your ear.”


Monday 7th of April 2014


«Google est une société magnifique. Pourtant, si elle devient leader en matière de lutte contre la mort, d'intelligence artificielle, de robotique, de domotique, de voitures intelligentes, il faudra vraiment réfléchir à la démanteler! Elle pourrait devenir plus puissante que les États.»


Sunday 11th of May 2014


If all a futurist has to do is wave his hands and say things will change more rapidly than we expect, then futurists like Kurzweil are nothing but techno-gimmicky Criswells. Utterly useless.


Thursday 31st of July 2014


the project will collect anonymous genetic and molecular information from 175 people—and later thousands more—to create what the company hopes will be the fullest picture of what a healthy human being should be.


Monday 8th of September 2014


"In the 21st century medicine is moving onwards and trying to surpass the norm, to help people live longer, to have stronger memories, to have better control of their emotions. But upgrading like that is not an egalitarian project, it's an elitist project. No matter what norm you reach, there is always another upgrade which is possible."


Sunday 7th of December 2014


Cette surmédiatisation du concept de cyborg va jusqu’à engendrer une mise en question passionnée de l’appareillage, domaine où la raison devrait nous guider : qui oserait lancer un débat «pour ou contre» la chaise roulante ou la canne anglaise ? Le sujet amputé, plus ou moins «réparé», se retrouve involontairement enjeu de discussions sur l’«augmentation» du corps dont il connaît, lui, les limites, au risque de rendre encore plus compliquée l’image qu’il a de lui-même et que la société se fait de lui.


Sunday 4th of January 2015


When we’re told what the future will look like, we always see the version where everyone lives like Minority Report’s John Anderton. Played by Tom Cruise, Anderton is a wealthy police chief, the kind of person who can afford a summer house on the lake or the newest Lexus model. But unfortunately, if the future is anything like the present, his will only be one side of the story.


Sunday 24th of April 2016


Reinvent Yourself: The Playboy Interview with








artificial intelligence California cia Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency disnovation drones Google killerrobots nsa pr robot robots San Francisco skynet storytelling terminator terrorism The Electronic disturbance war Wikileaks