Thursday 17th of October 2002


Michael Hayden says Osama Bin Laden protected by 4th


Wednesday 28th of March 2012


Mohamed Merah, l'homme aux cent visages


Sunday 22nd of July 2012


Batman, Colorado, Guns, Terrorism


Sunday 22nd of July 2012


Norway remembers Utoeya and Oslo victims, one year on


Sunday 26th of August 2012


Composed with a clear message the graphic coloring book novel calls out for open and honest discussion. We educate children about something besides the "TMZ Society" which bombards them with "important" news. Truthful and honest education about serious subjects for youth is an essential part of learning and considered a critical step in beginning to comprehend the world in which we live.


Thursday 30th of August 2012


We Shall Never Forget 9/11 - II: The True Faces of Evil


Friday 25th of January 2013


PBS noted the program had received funding from the David H. Koch Foundation for Science. It also received “additional funding” from Lockheed Martin, which on its face looks like a violation of PBS’ underwriting guidelines.


Sunday 17th of February 2013


Ellison, the founder of Annapurna Pictures is key player associated with writer Mark Boal and one of the Wikileaks Movie efforts.


Friday 22nd of February 2013


The list features some basic, common sense tips ("Hide from being directly or indirectly spotted, especially at night."), some more complex ones ("Form anti-spy groups to look for spies and agents.") and a few that don't make much sense ("Jamming of and confusing of electronic communication using the ordinary water-lifting dynamo fitted with a 30-metre copper pole").


Thursday 31st of October 2013


Revealed: NSA pushed 9/11 as key 'sound bite' to justify surveillance


Friday 8th of November 2013


RT @skepticmedic: Met police claims that under UK law someone can be guilty of being a terrorist without Fantastic!


Friday 4th of April 2014


"Captain America: The Winter Soldier" Is About Obama's Terror-Suspect Kill List


Sunday 6th of April 2014


A giant art installation targets predator drone operators


Monday 21st of July 2014


“For many of these cases, they’re often individuals who are young, increasingly young, often have some history of mental problems,” Karen Greenberg of the Center on National Security at Fordham Law School told Al Jazeera. “The real issue is, what about the real terrorists?”


Monday 21st of July 2014


Police agencies coercing people into committing crimes so they can arrest them is not completely unheard of. (It's been used liberally to create the idea that the nation is crawling with Islamic terrorists.)


Monday 21st of July 2014


“.. take a closer look and you realize that many of these people would never have committed a crime if not for law enforcement encouraging, pressuring, and sometimes paying them to commit terrorist acts.”


Monday 21st of July 2014


Nearly all of the highest-profile domestic terrorism plots in the United States since 9/11 featured the "direct involvement" of government agents or informants, a new report says. "In some cases the FBI may have created terrorists out of law-abiding individuals by suggesting the idea of taking terrorist action or encouraging the target to act,"


Saturday 26th of July 2014


“Because you appear on a telephone list of somebody doesn’t make you a terrorist. That’s the kind of information that gets put in there.”


Wednesday 6th of August 2014


“If everything is terrorism, then nothing is terrorism,” says David Gomez, a former senior FBI special agent.


Tuesday 12th of August 2014

Watch video#t=1529


Hayden says protecting Bin Laden under 4th amendment :


Sunday 28th of September 2014


After spending weeks depicting ISIS as an unprecedented threat — too radical even for Al Qaeda! — administration officials suddenly began spoon-feeding their favorite media organizations and national security journalists tales of a secret group that was even scarier and more threatening than ISIS, one that posed a direct and immediate threat to the American Homeland. Seemingly out of nowhere, a new terror group was created in media lore.


Friday 3rd of October 2014


Jeremy Scahill on Obama’s Orwellian War in Iraq: We Created the Very Threat We Claim to be Fighting


Friday 31st of October 2014


Mathieu Rigouste : « La mort de Rémi n’est pas une bavure, c’est un meurtre d’Etat »


Friday 7th of November 2014


Ex-SEAL Robert O’Neill reveals himself as shooter who killed Osama bin Laden


Wednesday 26th of November 2014


This paper examines policy, legal, ethical, and strategy implications for national security of the accelerating science, technology, and engineering (ST&E) revolutions underway in five broad areas: biology, robotics, information, nanotechnology, and energy (BRINE), with a particular emphasis on how they are interacting. The paper considers the timeframe between now and 2030 but emphasizes policy and related choices that need to be made in the next few years to shape the future competitive space favorably, and focuses on those decisions that are within U.S. Department of Defense’s (DOD) purview. The pace and complexity of technological change mean that linear predictions of current needs cannot be the basis for effective guidance or management for the future. These are issues for policymakers and commanders, not just technical specialists.


Saturday 29th of November 2014


Unmanned: America's Drone Wars


Tuesday 9th of December 2014


RT @fmanjoo: The investigation completely rejects the Zero Dark Thirty scenario that torture of the courier led to Osama bin Laden


Tuesday 9th of December 2014


Zero Dark Thirty: CIA hagiography, pernicious propaganda


Tuesday 9th of December 2014


CIA defenders are out in force now that a historic report has exposed a decade of horrific American shame. Torture didn’t work, but why aren’t the architects of torture in jail?


Thursday 11th of December 2014


Ex-CIA chief Michael Hayden: I am not a crook


Sunday 14th of December 2014


A new book exposes the incestuous relationship between the two and the extent to which they both feed us propaganda


Sunday 14th of December 2014


The following article was initially published in 1997. It is in part based on the work of William Blum. Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II, 1995 (GR Ed. M. Ch.)


Thursday 18th of December 2014


It could only happen in the movies. A major Hollywood company produces a film starring well-known comedic actors which involves the tongue-in-cheek assassination of the leader of a remote and rather bizarre dictatorship. The “supreme leader” apparently orders a secret group of cyber warriors calling themselves “The Guardians of Peace” (in actuality, the State-run “Bureau 121”) to retaliate by attacking the company’s IT system.


Thursday 18th of December 2014


It is mind-boggling to me, particularly when you compare it to real things that have actually happened. Someone killed 12 people and shot another 70 people at the opening night of Batman: The Dark Knight [Rises]. They kept that movie in the theaters. You issue an anonymous cyber threat that you do not have the capability to carry out? We pulled a movie from 18,000 theaters.


Monday 22nd of December 2014


"recruitment of filmmakers n musicians in efforts to fight ISIS, studio heads to combat terrorism"


Monday 29th of December 2014


The Disposition Matrix is a database that United States officials describe as a "next-generation capture/kill list".[1] Developed by the Obama Administration beginning in 2010, the "Disposition Matrix" goes beyond existing kill lists, and creates a blueprint for tracking, capturing, rendering, or killing suspected enemies of the US government.


Monday 12th of January 2015


Réalisé par Edward Zwick, "The siege" - trahi par son titre français "Couvre-feu" - relate avec un sens rare de l'anticipation une campagne terroriste conduite dans New-York par un groupe islamiste radical. Tourné en 1998 alors que les Etats-Unis subissaient le 7 août le double-attentat contre leurs ambassades à Nairobi et Dar-es-Salam, le film, qui n'est aucunement inspiré par l'attentat d'Oklahoma City comme l'affirme un article de Wkipédia, constitue un exemple presque parfait d'anticipation artistique d'un phénomène politique majeur.


Monday 12th of January 2015


Comme l’expose le documentaire Dirty Wars, à partir des attentats du 11 septembre 2001, la Maison Blanche a mis en œuvre de nouveaux moyens dans la guerre contre le terrorisme. Le Joint Operation Special Command est l’un d’entre eux. Cette unité d’élite qui opère sous la seule supervision de la Maison Blanche est chargée des assassinats ciblés ou des enlèvements de cibles particulières.


Monday 12th of January 2015


Free speech was not attacked just these last few days, but it has been undermined in Western societies for a long time, often by the same leaders that are now waving Je suis Charlie signs.. Censorship won't stop the criminals. Ignorance won't protect the innocents. Mass surveillance won't save lives. War won't bring democracy.


Tuesday 13th of January 2015


A sad coincidence: A cartoon drawn by murdered editor Stephane "Charb" Charbonnier in Wednesday’s issue of Charlie Hebdo is a joke about terrorists attacking France during the month of January.


Tuesday 13th of January 2015


On ne maîtrise pas un texte. Il existe. Il tourne. Il est lu. Parfois même, il est lu, utilisé ou instrumentalisé par des gens dont on aurait préféré qu’ils ne posent jamais les yeux sur ces mots-là. C’est comme ça. C’est même (paradoxalement) toute la beauté de ces choses étranges que sont l’écriture et le journalisme, cette façon d’avoir un lecteur sans jamais vraiment savoir qui il est. Si proche et si lointain – surtout avec Internet.


Thursday 15th of January 2015


RT @Schwarzenegger: I stand w/ the ppl of France against terror & I want to send a msg so I'm You should h…


Thursday 15th of January 2015


« Je me tiens aux côtés des Français contre la terreur, et je veux faire passer un message, donc je m’abonne. Vous devriez faire la même chose, a tweeté Arnold Schwar­ze­neg­ger. #JeSuisC­har­lie » L’ac­teur améri­cain a ajouté à son message un lien vers Amazon, sur lequel ses conci­toyens pour­ront s’abon­ner au jour­nal depuis les Etats-Unis.


Thursday 22nd of January 2015


Explaining the Japanese meme mocking ISIS


Thursday 22nd of January 2015


We gonna have a little competition to see who be the rougher torture master, broken down by a few overarching categories


Thursday 22nd of January 2015


Google is a smokescreen behind which lurks the US military-industrial complex.


Thursday 22nd of January 2015


Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet— “Google has ramped up its sales force in the Washington area in the past year to adapt its technology products to the needs of the military, civilian agencies and the intelligence community,”


Friday 23rd of January 2015


@NafeezAhmed Why Google made the NSA …


Friday 23rd of January 2015


Japan's silly response to ISIS propaganda did what the government couldn't


Sunday 25th of January 2015

Watch video


Interview Pierre Politique de contre-radicalisation en France ( Ex Affaires stratégiques )


Tuesday 27th of January 2015


RT @jeangene_vilmer: Are terrorists rabbits? "An Ideology of the Drone": my review of Chamayou's book "A Theory of the Drone" (2015)


Monday 2nd of February 2015


RT @AJEnglish: Are we prepared for a 'digital 9/11'? Hacker Jason Moon talks to Al Jazeera about threat of cyber


Wednesday 4th of February 2015


Contre l’Etat islamique, l’armée active une cellule de contre-propagande


Thursday 5th of February 2015


"90% of people involved in terrorist activities have been radicalized by internet"


Wednesday 18th of February 2015


Rencontre avec Vincent Nouzille, auteur des «Tueurs de la République»


Wednesday 18th of February 2015


"Le terroriste, c'est celui qui est désigné comme tel par un juge. Au moins, c'est clair"


Monday 23rd of February 2015


Like propaganda films and sexual pornography, Hollywood movies about America at war have changed remarkably little over the years.


Monday 2nd of March 2015


Death, drugs, and HSBC


Saturday 7th of March 2015


The Air Force explains the departure of these drone pilots in the simplest of terms. They are leaving because they are overworked. The pilots themselves say that it’s humiliating to be scorned by their Air Force colleagues as second-class citizens. Some have also come forward to claim that the horrors of war, seen up close on video screens, day in, day out, are inducing an unprecedented, long-distance version of post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD).


Tuesday 10th of March 2015


How Obama Can Encourage Tech Giants Like and to Aid Government


Tuesday 10th of March 2015


Here are five lessons I learned. I learned that: 1) Law is not to be trusted without interrogating its complicity with privilege and power. 2) Identity is morally problematic, especially if you get yourself born a white male of class privilege. 3) A nation that lets itself be governed by fear will become a poorly governed nation. 4) The arrogance of power contributes to its own demise when confronted by persistent resistance, and finally…. 5) I learned that the anger called hope can overcome despair, create a community of resistance and build a future that seemed impossible.


Wednesday 11th of March 2015


A gripping glimpse into bin Laden's decline and fall


Friday 13th of March 2015


The al Qaeda Files : Tobacco death record makes envious


Monday 16th of March 2015


RT @kgosztola: US government classifies term "America's 'Battle Lab' in war on terror' in Pentagon report by @Jeff_K…


Wednesday 18th of March 2015


Qu’aurait été Oussama Ben Laden sans la CIA ? L’Occident a pour allié le plus constant dans cette région du monde le régime saoudien, le régime fondamentaliste le plus brutal de la planète, et toute lutte contre un djihadisme soutenu par Riyad évoque l’apprenti sorcier qui ne maîtrise plus les forces qu’il a déchainées.


Monday 30th of March 2015


En bref : si Charlie Hebdo en France ou Il Male (1977-1982) en Italie ont eu un temps partie liée, du côté de la satire radicale, avec l’esprit de Mai ou celui de l’Autonomia, le Jyllands‐Posten se trouve absolument à leur antipode.


Wednesday 1st of April 2015


The French Surveillance State


Sunday 5th of April 2015


Humans are natural storytellers, and the world of stories is much more tidy, predictable, and coherent than reality. Millions of people behave strangely enough to attract the FBI’s notice, and almost all of them are harmless.


Sunday 19th of April 2015


Secret exchanges between the US State Department and Sony have also included a bizarre plan to recruit hip-hop artists to produce a Muslim We Are the World video to support the fight against Islamic State (IS). US diplomats are looking for "the Muslim Bob Geldof" to lead the campaign.


Friday 24th of April 2015


Les organisations terroristes, notamment, ont malheureusement bien compris l’enjeu de la communication et l’instrument efficace de propagande, d’endoctrinement et d’enrôlement que pouvait constituer cet espace numérique sans frontières.


Saturday 2nd of May 2015


‘It Don’t GTMO Better Than This’


Wednesday 20th of May 2015

Watch video


Is The Movie "Zero Dark Thirty" Propaganda? | FRONTLINE


Wednesday 20th of May 2015


The secret history of the fight over the CIA’s controversial interrogation methods, widely criticized as torture.


Wednesday 27th of May 2015


Djihadisme : Manuel Valls annonce la création d'un "bataillon de community managers"


Thursday 28th of May 2015


Alors que la Chine a déjà son "armée de l'ombre" depuis une dizaine d'années pour faire la contre-propagande sur le Web, le Premier ministre français Manuel Valls annonce une initiative qui pourrait ne pas être éloignée : une fondation qui aura pour charge d'alimenter des community managers en outils pour diffuser la "parole officielle" contre le djihadisme et le complotisme.


Friday 29th of May 2015


"La technologie du terminator, c'est celle que l'on subit aujourd'hui." @jerezim


Sunday 5th of July 2015


Terrorist or freedom fighter, Satan or saint, monster or victim? When they have white skin, they get to have it all.


Friday 11th of September 2015


Vigipirate et le fantôme de la guerre d’Algérie


Thursday 19th of November 2015


How devastated 4 major cities would look if the ‘Terminator’ machines took over


Saturday 21st of November 2015


Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US


Tuesday 1st of December 2015


RT @MiddleEastEye: Drone terror: Welcome to the barbarism of ‘civilisation’


Wednesday 27th of January 2016


RT @DefTechPat: Refugee or Terrorist? IBM Thinks Its Software Has the Answer My latest for @defenseone


Sunday 31st of January 2016


Etat d'urgence maintenu jusqu'à la défaite de Daech : Valls crée l'imbroglio


Sunday 31st of January 2016


Manuel Valls : "Nous sommes en paix mais nous vivons une guerre"


Sunday 31st of January 2016


: «Résister c'est se confronter à la réalité»


Tuesday 16th of February 2016


The ’s program may be killing thousands of innocent people


Thursday 18th of February 2016


L’état d’urgence médiatique (en vidéo)


Tuesday 8th of March 2016


Jusqu'où pousser le concept de déradicalisation ?


Tuesday 8th of March 2016


Satire is dead when France honors the theocratic Saudi monarchy for “countering extremism and fighting ”


Wednesday 9th of March 2016


RT @CPJTechnology: IBM’s Terrorist-Hunting Software Raises Troubling Questions


Tuesday 22nd of March 2016


RT @wikileaks: How Google, among others, contributed to today's terror attack in Belgium by making Syria a breeding ground for ISIS


Saturday 2nd of April 2016


Why won't the admit it tortured detainees?


Saturday 2nd of April 2016


Johan Grimonprez - "DIAL HISTORY" (1997)


Tuesday 12th of April 2016


France's Hebdo blames ordinary Muslims for terrorism


Friday 15th of April 2016


I am on the Kill This is what it feels like to be hunted


Thursday 28th of April 2016


L’armée dans les rues : pour quoi faire ?


Sunday 1st of May 2016


RT @trevortimm: Are you going to tweet the part where your fake vaccination campaign led to the death of dozens of medical workers?


Saturday 14th of May 2016


That distinctly Hollywood vision of America’s drone wars (with a Terminator edge) was the one that had filtered down to the level of Kennebeck’s three drone-team interviewees when they signed on. It looked to them then like a war worth fighting and a life worth leading. Today, as they speak out, their version of such warfare looks nothing like what either Hollywood or Washington might imagine


Monday 6th of June 2016




Monday 6th of June 2016


Français arrêté en Ukraine : "ça ne colle pas avec le personnage"


Thursday 8th of September 2016


RT @AlexEdneyBrowne: Air Force, Running Low on Drone Pilots, Turns to Contractors in Terror Fight - "many [personnel] found to have PTSD" h…


Wednesday 21st of September 2016


RT @AJEnglish: After 14 years, & thousands of deaths - has the so-called war on terror made the world a safer place?







artificial intelligence California cia Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency disnovation drones Google killerrobots nsa pr robot robots San Francisco skynet storytelling terminator terrorism The Electronic disturbance war Wikileaks