Monday 5th of September 2011


That’s right. There are more devices tapping into the Internet than people on Earth to use them. How is this possible?


Tuesday 14th of February 2012


Mobile web devices will outnumber puny humans this year


Wednesday 29th of February 2012


Introducing the world most self-sufficient Server


Thursday 26th of April 2012


Think tanks predict enormous boom in machine to machine comms


Thursday 14th of June 2012

Watch video


VIDEO: DeLaval VMS voluntary milking system


Sunday 30th of June 2013


Edward Snowden may be the last of the human spies | Christopher Steiner


Monday 1st of July 2013


How algorithms rule the world


Friday 16th of August 2013


“We trust people with data,” Alexander said at the conference. “At the end of the day it’s all about trust. And people who have access to data as part of their missions, if they misuse that trust they can cause huge damage.”


Thursday 20th of February 2014


‘Yes, I’m trying to build SkyNet from


Tuesday 15th of April 2014


RT @berkmancenter: [Today] Ethereum: Freenet or Skynet ?


Wednesday 16th of April 2014


Le trading haute fréquence est un « système de fraude de grande ampleur »


Wednesday 16th of April 2014


High Frequency Trading Infographic: Trading at the speed of light


Sunday 4th of January 2015


When we’re told what the future will look like, we always see the version where everyone lives like Minority Report’s John Anderton. Played by Tom Cruise, Anderton is a wealthy police chief, the kind of person who can afford a summer house on the lake or the newest Lexus model. But unfortunately, if the future is anything like the present, his will only be one side of the story.


Tuesday 17th of March 2015


In the first documented attack of its kind, the Internet of Things has been used as part of an attack that sent out over 750,000 spam emails.


Monday 20th of April 2015


Sans chercher les effets de manche, il y a quelque chose de Terminator dans cette affaire : des machines spéculent contre des machines (car, si plus de la moitié des transactions sont ainsi automatisées, c'est que les logiciels jouent entre eux. Et vue la place grandissante du hedge fund Renaissance, elles jouent contre elles-mêmes. Et quand elles échappent à tout contrôle (ce qui ne veut pas dire qu'il n'y ait pas une petite impulsion...), il y a risque de crash. Un aspect pas bien souvent évoqué de la transformation numérique...







artificial intelligence California cia Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency disnovation drones Google killerrobots nsa pr robot robots San Francisco skynet storytelling terminator terrorism The Electronic disturbance war Wikileaks