Monday 9th of December 2013


Knightscope security robots are not Skynet Terminators


Wednesday 19th of March 2014


Bill Gates: People Don't Realize How Many Jobs Will Soon Be Replaced By Software Bots


Monday 12th of May 2014


Depuis peu, des machines électroniques capables de produire des objets, fonctionnant à la manière d’imprimantes en trois dimensions, sont accessibles au grand public. Elles suscitent un engouement au sein d’une avant-garde qui y voit les ferments d’une nouvelle révolution industrielle. Mais les partisans de ces outils de bricolage technologique oublient souvent l’histoire qui les a vus naître.


Tuesday 13th of May 2014


Corporations are 1st Generation AI’s


Friday 8th of August 2014


Self-driving cars sounds great until you start to think about it. The results over robots taking jobs over has created a split in the scientific community. Forty-eight percent of respondents say that they will destroy more jobs than they create. Fifty-two percent have the opposing view


Tuesday 18th of November 2014


“the robots have problems.” Most notably, he said, robotic cleaning systems tend to leave dirt in the corners of the glass walls that are designed to provide panoramic views from high floors.


Monday 17th of August 2015


Humans are the solution, but they're also still the problem.


Tuesday 9th of August 2016


RT @44Pierre44: @terminatorstud We were afraid to lose our jobs because of Now computers are losing their jobs compu…






artificial intelligence California cia Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency disnovation drones Google killerrobots nsa pr robot robots San Francisco skynet storytelling terminator terrorism The Electronic disturbance war Wikileaks