Friday 28th of October 2011


The Future According To Films -


Tuesday 5th of February 2013


Every film is a remake of a previous film, or a remake of a television series that everyone loved in the 1960s, or a remake of a television series that everyone hated in the 1960s. Or it's a theme park ride; it will soon come to breakfast cereal mascots.


Friday 26th of September 2014


Hollywood knows that where there’s a good story, there’s money to be made from us – audiences only too happy to be outraged at injustice but also only too wiling to believe such “ancient” injustices offer no lessons for the present.For that reason, it is doubtful Kill the Messenger’s viewers will emerge from the film more critical news consumers. They will still trust their daily paper and the TV news, and still assume that when all the president’s men tell them of events on distant shores – from Venezuela to Iran, Syria and Ukraine – they are being told the unvarnished truth.


Wednesday 19th of November 2014


Une superproduction européenne, un scénario haletant, des personnages touchants... La mission sur la comète Tchouri s'est révélée aussi passionnante qu'un long métrage. Analyse de la mise en récit de cet exploit cosmique.


Sunday 14th of December 2014


Les films de guerre américains, comme "La Somme de toutes les peurs", où des terroristes font exploser une bombe nucléaire, font apparaître les liens étroits et renforcés, depuis le 11 septembre, entre l'industrie cinématographique et des autorités soucieuses d'améliorer leur image.


Sunday 14th of December 2014


A new book exposes the incestuous relationship between the two and the extent to which they both feed us propaganda


Thursday 18th of December 2014


Les hackers qui font trembler Sony Pictures


Thursday 18th of December 2014


Note: This article is being updated almost daily with new developments regarding the leaks from the Sony Pictures breach.


Monday 23rd of February 2015


Like propaganda films and sexual pornography, Hollywood movies about America at war have changed remarkably little over the years.


Sunday 19th of April 2015

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Emails published this week by WikiLeaks reveal that a senior State Dept. official asked the CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment for help in countering the narratives of the Russian Federation and the so-called Islamic State.


Tuesday 19th of May 2015


The documentary portrays the Kathryn Bigelow movie, which purports to be a definitive account, as a skewed view that was heavily influenced by the CIA and its press office. The agency had given the filmmakers extraordinary access to classified details about the operation that they didn’t otherwise hand out to journalists. “A lot of other people who covered the beat like I did in that search for bin Laden—we didn’t get close to that kind of cooperation from the agency on telling the inside story,” veteran Washington Post intelligence reporter Greg Miller told Frontline. The documentary is short on news and revelations. But it concisely lays out the the dueling narratives between the CIA’s version of its so-called “rendition, detention, and interrogation” program, and the Senate Intelligence Commitee’s years-long investigation of the same. The committee’s findings conclude that the agency tortured detainees and failed to come up with useful intelligence about terrorist attacks. If you haven’t been following the minutiae of this now-decade-long controversy, the documentary will bring you up to speed.


Friday 12th of June 2015


The Oscar-nominated designers at Legacy Effects have outfitted such memorable movie warriors as The Terminator, RoboCop, Captain America and Iron Man.


Monday 29th of June 2015


For decades, Hollywood has supplied us with plenty of reasons to be frightened about the roboticization of warfare. But now that drones and autonomous antimissile defense systems have been deployed, and many other forms of robotic weaponry are under development, the inflection point where it must be decided whether to go down this road has arrived.


Thursday 2nd of June 2016


RT @tpb: 'Warcraft' director Duncan Jones says Hollywood still won't fund sci-fi blockbusters starring women


Friday 9th of September 2016


RT @vicenews: Hollywood movies are still very white, straight, and male, study says







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