Wednesday 11th of March 2015


A gripping glimpse into bin Laden's decline and fall


Tuesday 19th of May 2015


The Frontline documentary includes a clip from Zero Dark Thirty in which a CIA torturer yells at an al Qaeda prisoner, “When you lie to me, I hurt you!” A repurposing of that line would hold true for the government and the American public — when it lies to us, it hurts us.


Wednesday 9th of September 2015


How the CIA Helped Produce 'Zero Dark Thirty'


Wednesday 9th of September 2015


How the Makers of “Zero Dark Thirty” Seduced the CIA with Fake Earrings



artificial intelligence California cia Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency disnovation drones Google killerrobots nsa pr robot robots San Francisco skynet storytelling terminator terrorism The Electronic disturbance war Wikileaks