Sunday 23rd of April 1820


The Turk, also known as the Mechanical Turk or Automaton Chess Player (German: Schachtürke, "chess Turk"' Hungarian: A Török), was a fake chess-playing machine constructed in the late 18th century. From 1770 until its destruction by fire in 1854, it was exhibited by various owners as an automaton, though it was exposed in the early 1820s as an elaborate hoax.


Sunday 25th of March 2007


« [..] The computer has a task that is easy for a human but extraordinarily hard for the computer. So instead of calling a computer service to perform the function, it calls a human.» Artificial Intelligence, With Help From the Humans - New York Times.


Tuesday 23rd of August 2011


HITs - Human Intelligence Tasks - are individual tasks that you work on.


Friday 23rd of March 2012


Mechanical Turk is a Market place for work

We give businesses and developers access to an on-demand,scalable workforce.

Workers select fomr thousand of tasks and work whenever it's convinient.


Friday 23rd of March 2012


The Bad Guys (The Amazon Noir Crew: Cirio, Lizvlx, Ludovico, Bernhard) stole copyrighted books from Amazon by using sophisticated robot-perversion technology coded by supervillain Paolo Cirio. A subliminal media fight and a covert legal dispute escalated into an online showdown with the heist of over 3000 books at the center of the story.


Thursday 21st of March 2013


CIA's Gus Hunt On Big Data: We 'Try To Collect Everything And Hang On To It Forever'


Friday 12th of April 2013

Watch video


Terms and Conditions May Apply - Official Trailer:


Saturday 27th of April 2013


These vendors are becoming our feudal lords, and we are becoming their vassals. We might refuse to pledge allegiance to all of them – or to a particular one we don’t like. Or we can spread our allegiance around. But either way, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to not pledge allegiance to at least one of them.


Wednesday 7th of August 2013


How The Washington Post’s New Owner Aided the CIA, Blocked


Tuesday 1st of October 2013


Terms and Conditions May Apply (2013) 720p WEB-DL 600MB Ganool


Friday 18th of April 2014


Les drones – une nouvelle technologie controversée


Monday 12th of May 2014


The sobering story of Janet Vertesi's attempts to conceal her pregnancy from the forces of online marketers shows just how Kafkaesque the internet has become..


Thursday 27th of November 2014


Enter Skynet. Along with his tech-savvy partner on the project, the electronics engineer Grant Bajema, Burchat has designed a barcoded and GPS-tagged net that he believes could be mounted on the homes, balconies and backyards of the near future. The opulent gulf state wants to lead what it predicts will be a $10bn industry by 2025, and has offered a US$1m prize to the most promising concept.


Monday 1st of December 2014


Amazon’s frightening CIA partnership:Capitalism, corporations and our massive new surveillance state


Thursday 15th of January 2015


« Je me tiens aux côtés des Français contre la terreur, et je veux faire passer un message, donc je m’abonne. Vous devriez faire la même chose, a tweeté Arnold Schwar­ze­neg­ger. #JeSuisC­har­lie » L’ac­teur améri­cain a ajouté à son message un lien vers Amazon, sur lequel ses conci­toyens pour­ront s’abon­ner au jour­nal depuis les Etats-Unis.


Thursday 22nd of January 2015


The human-fueled automations I saw at Google are also largely out of sight in current international debates about the relationship between digital technology and the future of work. Will technology produce new jobs, new industries, and new forms of comparative advantage? Or will technology take away jobs and concentrate wealth among those who own the machines?


Tuesday 24th of March 2015


Video: Turking for a Living


Sunday 31st of May 2015


The United States and other developed countries are in the midst of a digital revolution that may be even more profound than the industrial revolutions of the past. Advances in robotics, cognitive computing and other digital technologies promise untold benefits in a world of leisure hard to imagine. But there is also a dark side to this technological change. It could lead to joblessness for most and extreme inequality, threatening economic health and political stability. Tension over rising inequality and a lack of good-paying middle class jobs is growing in Silicon Valley and nearby San Francisco, the epicentre of computerisation and the information economy. In San Francisco, buses for Google, Facebook and other companies ferry high-paid tech workers to their jobs in Silicon Valley. This allows tens of thousands to live in the city, fuelling popular anger over gentrification and high housing prices that are pushing longtime residents out.


Monday 17th of August 2015


RT @mims: Killer robots are coming, and it's the likes of Google and Amazon making them possible--not the military


Thursday 24th of March 2016


RT @businessinsider: Photos of Amazon's invitation-only conference, where Jeff Bezos showed up in a robotic suit ht…


Friday 3rd of June 2016


Doesn't Want to Accidentally Make So It's Creating an Off Switch








artificial intelligence California cia Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency disnovation drones Google killerrobots nsa pr robot robots San Francisco skynet storytelling terminator terrorism The Electronic disturbance war Wikileaks