Thursday 23rd of March 1820

Charles Babbage, FRS (26 December 1791 – 18 October 1871[1]) was an English mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer who originated the concept of a programmable computer.[2] Considered a "father of the computer",[3] Babbage is credited with inventing the first mechanical computer that eventually led to more complex designs.[4]


Sunday 23rd of April 1820

The Turk, also known as the Mechanical Turk or Automaton Chess Player (German: Schachtürke, "chess Turk"' Hungarian: A Török), was a fake chess-playing machine constructed in the late 18th century. From 1770 until its destruction by fire in 1854, it was exhibited by various owners as an automaton, though it was exposed in the early 1820s as an elaborate hoax.


Saturday 23rd of March 1850

Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (10 December 1815 – 27 November 1852), born Augusta Ada Byron and now commonly known as Ada Lovelace, was an English mathematician and writer chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's early mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. Her notes on the engine include what is recognized as the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine. Because of this, she is often considered the world's first computer programmer.


Tuesday 28th of April 1863

Biologiste britannique, ami de Charles Darwin, il était surnommé « Le bouledogue de Darwin ». Huxley fut convaincu par la théorie de l'évolution. Il publia en 1863 Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature (La Place de l'homme dans la nature) dans lequel il développa la thèse que les singes anthropoïdes sont nos proches parents, ce qui lui valut des critiques de la part des non-évolutionnistes


Wednesday 28th of April 1920

Karel Čapek introduced and made popular the frequently used international word robot, which first appeared in his play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) in 1920. The word robot comes from the word robota, meaning literally "serf labor", and, figuratively, "drudgery" or "hard work" in modern Czech (in Slovak, Russian, Polish, archaic Czech and other Slavic languages the cognate word means simply "work", comparable to German arbeit, with the same meaning.).


Wednesday 28th of April 1920

The play begins in a factory that makes artificial people, made of synthetic organic matter, called "robots." Unlike the modern usage of the term, these creatures are closer to the modern idea of cyborgs or even clones, as they can be mistaken for humans and can think for themselves. They seem happy to work for humans, although that changes, and a hostile robot rebellion leads to the extinction of the human race.


Sunday 10th of May 1942

A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.


Thursday 2nd of May 1946

One night in 1946, Stanislaw Ulam, a young mathematics professor was overwhelmed by a violent headache. He was rushed to a hospital where the surgeon drilled a hole in his skull and found his brain in an acute state of inflammation. Ulam's wife and friends worried that he would suffer permanent brain damage. But that was far from the case. The mathematician went on to produce some of his best work after his recovery.


Wednesday 5th of February 1947

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.


Friday 8th of February 1957

Recognized as a mathematical prodigy, he began to study advanced calculus under Gábor Szegő at the age of 15. On their first meeting, Szegő was so astounded with the boy's mathematical talent that he was brought to tears. Along with Teller and Stanislaw Ulam, von Neumann worked out key steps in the nuclear physics involved in thermonuclear reactions and the hydrogen bomb.


Thursday 9th of May 1957

History: Twelve year old Alfie Johnson of Dinchester, nicknamed Jumbo by his friends because of his plump, hefty figure, followed his football over a wall. On the other side he is attacked by a tiny RAF jet and a squadron of small tanks, part of an experimental mini-robot army being built by the inventor Professor Carter. When he subsequently saves the Professor from being run over by a bus, Carter rewarded Alfie with the position of General of his remote control army. influencial for Noel Sharkey


Wednesday 18th of March 1964

Wiener is considered the originator of cybernetics, a formalization of the notion of feedback, with many implications for engineering, systems control, computer science, biology, philosophy, and the organization of society. Wiener later helped develop the theories of cybernetics, robotics, computer control, and automation. He shared his theories and findings with other researchers, and credited the contributions of others. These included Soviet researchers and their findings. Wiener's acquaintance with them caused him to be regarded with suspicion during the Cold War. His article "A Scientist Rebels" for the January 1947 issue of The Atlantic Monthly[9] urged scientists to consider the ethical implications of their work. After the war, he refused to accept any government funding or to work on military projects.


Saturday 22nd of August 1964

Watch video

Why is Harlan Ellison's name on the end credits of THE TERMINATOR? Find out the truth in this video.


Saturday 19th of September 1964

Ellison brought suit against The Terminator production company Hemdale and distributor Orion Pictures for plagiarism[2] of this episode. According to The Los Angeles Times, the parties settled the lawsuit for an undisclosed amount, and an acknowledgement of Ellison's "works" in the credits of Terminator.


Saturday 17th of October 1964

Harlan Ellison himself clarified this in a 2001 exchange with a fan at his website: "'Terminator' was not stolen from 'Demon with a Glass Hand,' it was a ripoff of my OTHER Outer Limits script, 'Soldier.'"[3] According to The Los Angeles Times, the parties settled the lawsuit for an undisclosed amount, and an acknowledgement of Ellison's work in the credits of Terminator.


Saturday 24th of October 1964

Theodore John Kaczynski, who later became known as Unabomber, was given the code name "Lawful". Among other purposes, Murray's experiments were focused on measuring people's reaction under extreme stress. Assaults to their egos, cherished ideas and beliefs were the vehicle used to cause high levels of stress and distress to Murray's unwitting guinea pigs. These experiments were conducted at Harvard University from the fall of 1959 through the spring of 1962.[77] and were part of the CIA-sponsored MKUltra experiments. Kaczynski participated along with 21 other undergraduate students in Murray's experiments, which have been described as "disturbing" and "ethically indefensible."[77][78]


Monday 26th of October 1964

Watch video

Jacques Ellul was a French theologian/sociologist & anarchist. He first became well-known to American readers when his book The Technological Society was published in English in 1964. This book leveled a broad critique of technique, a term that means more than gadgets and machines -- as the English word technology means. For Ellul, technique represented an entire way of life characterized by life fragmented so that efficiency ultimately rules over all ethical decisions. Ellul warned that technique was having drastic effects on all aspects of modern life. His books, Anarchy and Christianity, The Politics of God and the Politics of Man are two examples of how his political and religious outlooks mutually reinforced one another. Many Green Anarchists have cited Ellul's work on technique as influential on their thought.


Monday 3rd of July 1967

Watch video

"There is nothing smart ... in taking an LSD trip at all ... Anyone that would engage in this or indulge in this is just a plain fool."


Friday 1st of February 1991

Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf


Wednesday 21st of August 1991

Monsters have always defined the limits of community in Western imaginations. The Centaurs and Amazons of ancient Greece established the limits of the centred polls of the Greek male human by their disruption of marriage and boundary pollutions of the warrior with animality and woman. Unseparated twins and hermaphrodites were the confused human material in early modern France who grounded discourse on the natural and supernatural, medical and legal, portents and diseases -- all crucial to establishing modern identity.30 The evolutionary and behavioural sciences of monkeys and apes have marked the multiple boundaries of late twentieth-century industrial identities. Cyborg monsters in feminist science fiction define quite different political possibilities and limits from those proposed by the mundane fiction of Man and Woman.


Monday 9th of September 1996

Steve Jobs, 1996: "Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal".


Monday 10th of April 2000

Our most powerful 21st-century technologies - robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotech - are threatening to make humans an endangered species.


Thursday 17th of October 2002

Michael Hayden says Osama Bin Laden protected by 4th


Sunday 25th of March 2007

« [..] The computer has a task that is easy for a human but extraordinarily hard for the computer. So instead of calling a computer service to perform the function, it calls a human.» Artificial Intelligence, With Help From the Humans - New York Times.


Monday 23rd of February 2009

Watch video

A video showcasing the robotic technology being developed at Skynet Research as part of our effort to impact human life.


Tuesday 17th of March 2009

Watch video

Deleted Scene in Terminator - 3 Showing why exactly the terminators look like Arnold.


Thursday 9th of April 2009



Tuesday 2nd of February 2010

" I’m an engineer who builds robots; I don’t know why people would be interested in my views on the ethical question " [..] soon the company started to work with Sony on its Aibo robot dog, developing a control system that allowed it to run. After that, it continued in the same vein, with a tool for Sony’s Qrio humanoid robot, allowing choreographers to design dance routines.  


Wednesday 27th of April 2011

Cyberdyne Systems (aka Cyberdyne Systems Corporation), a fictional corporation in the Terminator franchise Cyberdyne Inc. (Japanese company), a Japanese company which sells a Powered exoskeleton called HAL 5 (Hybrid Assistive Limb)


Tuesday 2nd of August 2011

Let's not let old arguments about 'technology creating unemployment' be a smokescreen for the real issues [..] Ironically, some of the workers say that they are made to feel like robots. It is the responsibility of the large corporations to ensure that the companies making their electronics abide by similar practices as in their home countries. And it is the responsibility of all of us not to buy goods made by workers who are stripped of their rights and dignity.


Wednesday 17th of August 2011

"It's no longer easy to double production by doubling your work force, it might be now cheaper to buy a new machine in the long run," he added. BBC News - Foxconn to boost use of robot machines in manufacturing.


Wednesday 17th of August 2011

one of the main concerns of science fiction (SF) is "ultimate issues." Among them are the fate of man, the fate of the universe, the ideal society, etc. Some Thoughts On Ethics and Science Fiction.


Wednesday 17th of August 2011

George C. Devol, a largely self-taught inventor who drew from science fiction to help develop Unimate, the revolutionary mechanical arm that became a prototype for robots now widely used on automobile assembly lines and in other industries.. Mr. Devol said that new technology should be simple and practical. “We should take refuge in the fact that very crude systems can accomplish an awful lot,” he once said. “Elegant capabilities are nice, but often unnecessary.” George Devol, Developer of Robot Arm, Dies at 99 -


Wednesday 17th of August 2011

In addition, the robot is compact and intended to fit into spaces ergonomically designed for human workers. This allows the robot to be easily interchanged with a human coworker when the production order is changed or a new layout is required. FRIDA concept robot.


Wednesday 17th of August 2011

If all plant life is owned by mega-corporations due to total contamination by invasive GMOs, and no regulations are in effect that apply to them, then Terminator technology can be instituted at will with no roadblocks. After all, if you own all of the plants, then you can do with them as you like. This may well be part of a well planned strategy for the complete takeover of every living plant on earth by corporate interests. GMO Deregulation: An act of war | Farm Wars.


Wednesday 17th of August 2011

The Flex-Foot Cheetah from Ossur was designed for all types of lower-limb amputees who wish to sprint at a competitive and/or recreational level. Cheetah.


Wednesday 17th of August 2011

“I believe candidly we can accelerate the evolution of autonomous technology if people would just acknowledge that it’s important.” [..] “They provide situational awareness, unmanned lethal and nonlethal fires, unattended precision target attack and acquisition, maximum standoff from threats, … and perform unmanned logistics support and services,” he said. News Article: Robots Could Save Soldiers’ Lives, Army General Says.


Friday 19th of August 2011

Workers had complained about conditions at Foxconn factories in the past, with some saying they felt like machines themselves. Was this iPad made by a robot? - Hardware - Technology - News - CRN Australia.


Friday 19th of August 2011

Robotic therapeutic Paro pets befriend residents of retirement home 17 miles from stricken Fukushima nuclear plant Japan earthquake survivors find comfort in robot seals | World news | The Guardian.


Friday 19th of August 2011

Hamilton has described herself politically as a Democrat, but she voted for Republican candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger, her Terminator co-star, in the 2003 California gubernatorial election after his campaign convinced her he was suitable for the job.[8] Linda Hamilton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


Tuesday 23rd of August 2011

HITs - Human Intelligence Tasks - are individual tasks that you work on.


Tuesday 23rd of August 2011

"8月27日(土)〜28日(日)開催 福島GameJam(Fukushima Game Jam)概要説明、及び、参加者募集ページ" | IGDA Japan


Tuesday 23rd of August 2011

[Talking about the appeal of the Terminator]: "It's fun to fantasize being a guy who can do whatever he wants. This Terminator guy is indestructible. He can be as rude as he wants. He can walk through a door, go through a plate-glass window and just get up, brush off impacts from bullets. It's like the dark side of Superman, in a sense. I think it has a great cathartic value to people who wish they could just splinter open the door to their boss's office, walk in, break his desk in half, grab him by the throat and throw him out the window and get away with it. Everybody has that little demon that wants to be able to do whatever it wants, the bad kid that never gets punished."


Tuesday 23rd of August 2011

Anonymous cited Monsanto's business practices as "corrupt, unethical and downright evil." The hacking group also said in a press release it plans to go after companies Exxon Mobil, ConocoPhillips, Canadian Oil Sands, Imperial Oil, the Royal Bank of Scotland "and many others" involved in development of Alberta's oil sands.


Wednesday 24th of August 2011

So far as we know, Skynet remains a fictional creation. And yet, if IBM (NYS: IBM) has its way, a machine capable of thinking as a human might isn't far off. A prototype chip created in Big Blue's labs possesses the ability to make decisions from synthesizing massive amounts of data.


Wednesday 24th of August 2011

The Cannabis Sativa Genome


This website contains information on obtaining the whole genome shotgun sequence of the Cannabis Sativa cultivar "Chemdawg.


Thursday 25th of August 2011

So what do you need to do before zombies…or hurricanes or pandemics for example, actually happen? First of all, you should have an emergency kit in your house. This includes things like water, food, and other supplies to get you through the first couple of days before you can locate a zombie-free refugee camp (or in the event of a natural disaster, it will buy you some time until you are able to make your way to an evacuation shelter or utility lines are restored). Below are a few items you should include in your kit, for a full list visit the CDC Emergency page.


Tuesday 30th of August 2011

At the Creative Machines Lab we are interested in robots that create and are creative. We explore novel autonomous systems that can design and make other machines – automatically. Our work is inspired from biology, as we seek new biological concepts for engineering and new engineering insights into biology


Wednesday 31st of August 2011

Labour's attempt at rewriting copyright law prompted protests online, and National's bill was dubbed the 'Skynet law' after National MP Jonathan Young compared the internet to the self-aware supercomputer from the Terminator movie series.
Read more:


Wednesday 31st of August 2011

From biblical apocalypse to the nihilism of the late nineteenth century, from the Enlightenment invention of progress to the counter-cultures of the late twentieth century, from technological utopianism to contemporary anticipations of environmental catastrophe, western civilization has been consistently transfixed by the figurative potential of the future. ‘No Future’ seeks to connect and inter-animate these disparate ways of thinking about the future, while at the same time questioning the basis of the various discourses of futurity they have produced, and which have proliferated in recent years. ‘No Future’ thus also implicitly questions what it is – other than the preoccupations of the present – that is invoked when we talk about the future. No Future Conference - Durham University.


Wednesday 31st of August 2011

A voracious pest which has long plagued corn farmers is devouring a widely-used variety that was genetically modified to thwart the rootworms, raising fears of a new superbug.


Monday 5th of September 2011

"Grey goo" is a term coined by Eric Drexler in his 1986 book about nanotechnology, Engines of Creation. In one section of the book, Drexler speculates about what could happen if we created self-reproducing "nanobots." If they got out of control, they could conceivably use the resources of the entire planet to replicate in an exponential manner akin to bacterial replication. Every living creature, every useful mineral, would be converted into more of the "gray goo."


Monday 5th of September 2011

RT @terminatorfans: The T-1000's birthday is coming on the day Facebook will be attacked by Nov Join the


Monday 5th of September 2011

RT @OReillyMedia: What's that up in the clouds? is fiction, right? Right? /gg


Monday 5th of September 2011

RT @VegasBrent: Today in 8/29/1997: According to Terminator 2: Judgement Day, this is the day Skynet became self-aware and


Monday 5th of September 2011

RT @The_Cinephile: 6 Terrifying Sci-Fi Predictions (About the Year 1997) "It's the Year SkyNet Becomes Self-Aware"


Monday 5th of September 2011

RT @AmandaSevasti: RT @JannieMom: Very interesting "The Internet of Things [INFOGRAPHIC]" via @Judy_Sims


Monday 5th of September 2011

RT @LeeAHarris: This is how Skynet begins! RT @Racheldoesstuff: You have to watch this video of 2 Chatbots interacting:


Monday 5th of September 2011

RT @nzherald: Labour says it would scrap the "termination clause" in new internet legislation:


Monday 5th of September 2011

RT @dupreeben: Why is the first thing I thought of @SkyNet? RT @Slate What should humanity's relationship to technology


Monday 5th of September 2011

That’s right. There are more devices tapping into the Internet than people on Earth to use them. How is this possible?


Tuesday 6th of September 2011

RT @OfficialSkynet: Thinking about putting this as the profile What do you think?


Monday 12th of September 2011

The proof-of-concept even has a name that will bring back memories of a science fiction computer that aims to control the world: SkyNET. For the botmaster, the advantage is obvious: the controlling computer is mobile, and thus much more difficult to track down.


Tuesday 13th of September 2011

RT @engadget: Scientists build WiFi hunter-killer drone and call it Viene Tormenta!


Wednesday 14th of September 2011

In a development that smacks of Terminators and SKYNET, startup Narrative Science has created a program that can turn data into a news stories -- stories that include, most humanely, inferences and an angle.


Thursday 15th of September 2011

RT @infowarsstories: Skynet wants to use your home computers: BBC | Idle home computers are being sought to help search through


Thursday 15th of September 2011

RT @AyoNickAyoNick: I am a little bit scared to keep comparing Google to SkyNet because when it all goes down I'm worried I'll be on the


Thursday 15th of September 2011

RT @sdoesimkins: Turns out it's not Google that'll turn into Skynet and try to destroy mankind, but this creeper:


Thursday 15th of September 2011

RT @xavierla: RT @petealbrecht: With the launch of Google Flights today I'm beginning to suspect that Google really is


Thursday 15th of September 2011

RT @andrettibrown: when Google turns out to be Skynet what are we going to do?


Thursday 15th of September 2011

RT @MikeDobell: --> unemployment at wow thats a crazy stat


Thursday 15th of September 2011

RT @DocPop: Apple banned a game that depicted the dark side of gadget Sidenote; @minusbaby did some


Thursday 15th of September 2011

"Ultimately the goal here is not denying treatment but getting people to the right care," Beer said, adding that Watson was not designed to replace humans.


Thursday 15th of September 2011

In that digital arms race, Mr. Etzoni added, Narrative Science could be a “nuclear weapon."


Friday 16th of September 2011

Google is Skynet 100% Cotton Men Tshirt


Wednesday 21st of September 2011

Skynet becomes self-aware via @AddThis


Wednesday 21st of September 2011

Vatican scientists urge support for engineered crops - 30 November 2010 - New Scientist:


Wednesday 21st of September 2011

September 11 and the Rise of Robots : Discovery News


Wednesday 21st of September 2011

The Transhumanism Trap: Using Technology to Perfect the Human Race via @StevenErtelt


Wednesday 21st of September 2011

Dog Robot: Which Is the Better Soldier? : Discovery News


Wednesday 21st of September 2011

Scientists Worry Machines May Outsmart Man:


Wednesday 21st of September 2011

12 Unabomber Artifacts You Could Now Bid On - The Atlantic via @AddThis


Wednesday 21st of September 2011

wonder why sarah connor actress voted for arnold schwarzenegger in 2003 election ? find-out at !


Wednesday 21st of September 2011

RT @JimCameron: Skynet was supposed to go operational Instead of machines taking over, we have the very real threat of global


Wednesday 21st of September 2011

RT @JimCameron: I wasn't in Brazil for fun I was there to help tribal people fight the dams that are going to destroy their homes and forest


Wednesday 21st of September 2011

Fukushima earthquake occured on April 11 2011 / Skynet was implemented on April 19,attack against humanity on April 21


Wednesday 21st of September 2011

The machine that copies itself via @guardian


Sunday 25th of September 2011

3 mai 2068 : Faut-il avoir peur de Terminator


Monday 26th of September 2011

RT @News24: Another woman dies at Foxconn plant


Monday 26th of September 2011

: Explosion Kills Two, iPad Production Line Halted - @Gizmodo


Monday 26th of September 2011

things is worth more than via


Monday 26th of September 2011

RT @ncroal: The final piece of the puzzle falls into place for Cyberdyne:


Monday 26th of September 2011

De vilains robots qui prennent le contrôle de l'humanité et nous déclarent la guerre ? Pour Kurzweil, aucune raison de s'inquiéter : la cohabitation se fera dans la joie et la bonne humeur, suffit de pas se planter en les programman


Tuesday 27th of September 2011

RT @weedfact: The declaration of independence was written on hemp


Tuesday 27th of September 2011

BBC All Watched Over By Of Loving Grace (download torrent) - TPB via @tpbdotorg


Wednesday 28th of September 2011

RT @weedfact: One acre of hemp will produce as much paper as four acres of


Wednesday 28th of September 2011

RT @NOH8ER: "Anger is more useful than despair" - Terminator


Wednesday 28th of September 2011

India seeds of discord via @FRANCE24


Wednesday 28th of September 2011

RT @NOH8ER: "Skynet is planning something But the resistance is planning something If you're listening to this, you are the


Wednesday 28th of September 2011

Eerie Goal: Why Timeline Changes Everything


Wednesday 28th of September 2011

Robot Invasion 2011 - Will these machines steal your job? - Slate Magazine -


Wednesday 28th of September 2011

's Shandong plant on fire (UPDATED with video) via @9to5mac


Wednesday 28th of September 2011

Je me considère simplement comme très chanceux de vivre à notre époque. Qu’est-ce que j’aurais fait il y a 100 ans avec mes compétences en math ? Ou dans 100 ans ? C’est pile le bon moment de l’Histoire pour être fort en math. Et le je le suis.”


Wednesday 28th of September 2011



Wednesday 28th of September 2011

RT @paleofuture: "It is now plain and clear that neither past nor future are existent"


Wednesday 28th of September 2011

Watch Medicinal Cannabis and its Impact on Human Health on Vimeo!


Thursday 29th of September 2011

Monsanto or Organic? Who to trust with your food [infographic]


Thursday 29th of September 2011

iProtest - Activate - Al Jazeera English


Thursday 29th of September 2011

RT @newscientist: Rise of the (rat) cyborg: Rodent gets a digital cerebellum


Thursday 29th of September 2011

 "Without serious time and money we would never be able to come up with a decent facial recognition system." 


Thursday 29th of September 2011

RT @paleofuture: Technocracy revival? RT @FutureTenseNow: Martin Ford: solution to the robot economy is a guaranteed-income system where


Thursday 29th of September 2011

Watch video

RT @wikileaks: Amazing censored Madonna video "American Life"


Thursday 29th of September 2011

RT @chr1sa: Genius! Kevin Kelly: The 7 Stages of Robot Replacement


Thursday 29th of September 2011

RT @mindflash: What if a robot could do your job? Prepare for the techno takeover with our latest infographic on the Daily ht


Friday 30th of September 2011

“With so many veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, there is a widely accepted need for a new treatment of PTSD,” said Rick Doblin, founder and executive director of the psychedelic studies group. “These are people whom we put in harm’s way, and we have a moral obligation to help them.”


Friday 30th of September 2011

I Wanna Go – "Tuxboard via @tuxboard


Tuesday 4th of October 2011

Robot Arm Brings us One Step Closer to Terminators


Tuesday 4th of October 2011

RT @paleofuture: Just remember to tell your iPhone's new intelligent assistant that it's fat and Low self-esteem will delay the ro


Tuesday 4th of October 2011

RT @ncroal: After latest reveals, Apple, Google, Amazon & Facebook are the Four Horsemen of our coming


Wednesday 5th of October 2011

Apple introduces Siri, Web freaks out a little


Thursday 6th of October 2011

RT @wikileaks: AP says Apple says Steve Jobs has


Thursday 6th of October 2011

RT @schneierblog: Isaac Asimov on Security Theater: A great find: In his 1956 short story, "Let's Get Together," Isaac Asimov ht


Thursday 6th of October 2011

RT @Schwarzenegger: Steve lived the California Dream every day of his life and he changed the world and inspired all of


Thursday 6th of October 2011

Rise of the machines: why we keep coming back to Wells' visions of a dystopian future


Thursday 6th of October 2011

pioneer Prof | In-depth | The Engineer: via @Terminatorstud


Thursday 6th of October 2011

Watch video

Check this video out -- Life: via @terminatorstud


Friday 7th of October 2011

"Pope Turns Up The Heat On Environmental Protection"


Friday 7th of October 2011

RT @MapsNews: Steve Jobs' honesty about his use of was a huge step


Sunday 9th of October 2011

Predator Drone Virus Could Be Internal Monitoring System: Analyst:


Sunday 9th of October 2011

Western Producer - buys biotech firm:


Tuesday 11th of October 2011

Ibama flagra uso de aviões em desmatamento na Amazônia


Tuesday 11th of October 2011

Homeland Security moves forward with 'pre-crime' detection | Privacy - CNET News via @cnet


Tuesday 11th of October 2011

Tokyo Institute of Technology's Osamu Hasegawa invents robot that can think |


Tuesday 11th of October 2011

Intelligence Unit Aims to Build a ‘Data Eye in the Sky’:


Tuesday 11th of October 2011

Watch: The dreams of Foxconn


Tuesday 11th of October 2011

« Progress can kill »


Wednesday 12th of October 2011

PIMCO | Equity Focus - ​Repeating the Future:


Wednesday 12th of October 2011

NEEL KASHKARI: Policy Makers Can't Prevent Slowdown 'Any More Than Sarah Connor Was Able To Stop Skynet'


Monday 17th of October 2011

RT @WithoutMonsanto: An interesting chart depicting seed ownership in the world:


Wednesday 19th of October 2011

Watch video

Check this video out -- One Mainframe To Rule Them All (1of5)


Friday 28th of October 2011

Economists See More Jobs for Machines, Not People:


Friday 28th of October 2011

The Future According To Films -


Monday 31st of October 2011

Concerns Raised about Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes:


Monday 31st of October 2011

bot mimics real carnivorous plant


Monday 31st of October 2011

IBM describes the work in an intriguing paper (pdf) that compares various animal simulations done by its cognitive computing research group in Almaden, Calif. The group has managed to completely simulate the brain of a mouse (512 processors), rat (2,048) and cat (24,576). To rival the cortex inside your head, IBM predicts it will need to hook up 880,000 processors, which it hopes to achieve by 2019.


Monday 31st of October 2011

PETMAN - BigDog gets a Big Brother


Saturday 5th of November 2011

Watch video

gigadeath & artellect - Hugo de Garis interview - Part 1


Saturday 5th of November 2011

Hugo de Garis «The Coming Artilect War »


Sunday 6th of November 2011



Sunday 6th of November 2011

RT @EconSciTech: This week Difference Engine ponders the Luddite legacy: Is smart technology now destroying more jobs than it creates? h


Monday 7th of November 2011

Un exosquelette à la rescousse des travailleurs de Fukushima


Friday 11th of November 2011

BBC News - 'Cyborg' yeast genes run by computer


Monday 14th of November 2011

Avec les robots guerriers, la guerre va changer de visage


Tuesday 15th of November 2011

The Cult of Kurzweil: Will Robots Save Our Souls?


Saturday 19th of November 2011

'Super soldiers': The quest for the ultimate human killing machine


Wednesday 23rd of November 2011

RT @KurzweilAINews: A Terminator-style contact-lens display: Bringing us a step closer to a Terminator-style augmented-reality


Wednesday 23rd of November 2011

RT @ScienceBlogTwit: Insect cyborgs may become first responders


Monday 28th of November 2011

Is the end of the world really nigh?


Monday 28th of November 2011

Watch video

RT @CatoInstitute: George Shultz and Vicente Fox on Ending the War on Drugs:


Monday 28th of November 2011

Avatar joins a growing list of visual effects movies that have used USC ICT’s Light Stage technology; others include Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man 3, Superman Returns, King Kong, Hancock, G.I. Joe andThe Curious Case of Benjamin Button.


Tuesday 6th of December 2011

RT @KurzweilAINews: Sony creates holodeck using Playstation Move and Eyetoy: To promote the immersiveness of movies available on


Monday 12th of December 2011

DRDO building robots : Going futuristic with unmanned fighting systems


Monday 12th of December 2011

riot police to be equipped with laser rifles, Terminator not included


Tuesday 13th of December 2011

Hackers Claim New Attack on Biotech Giant


Wednesday 14th of December 2011

The Original Writer of The Matrix and Terminator Wins Billion Dollar Lawsuit


Friday 16th of December 2011

Look Ma, no hands! lands patent for car


Friday 16th of December 2011

RT @HotHardware: Google Takes a Step Closer to Skynet With Robot Car Patent


Friday 16th of December 2011

robot freezes during prostate cancer operation


Friday 16th of December 2011

Update: On second try, robot surgeon delivers (compare with )


Friday 16th of December 2011

human tests begin on robot exoskeleton


Monday 19th of December 2011

Guardians of the Apocalypse


Wednesday 21st of December 2011

Japanese Company Works On 4m Robot With Built-In Cockpit Research Institute


Wednesday 28th of December 2011

Watch video

- Opperation «There is a plant, which is probably the most versatile plant on our


Friday 30th of December 2011

10 Weirdest Scientific Theories Proposed in Science Fiction « The is not » @io9


Sunday 1st of January 2012

Robot wars «What is the role of drones and robots in wars»  


Monday 2nd of January 2012

cory @doctorow: The coming war on general computation «a world of ubiquitous malware» 


Monday 2nd of January 2012

Drone-Ethics Briefing


Tuesday 3rd of January 2012

Orangutans get iPad to play with at Milwaukee zoo


Wednesday 4th of January 2012

Robotic Hand by armjunkie


Saturday 7th of January 2012

RT @io9: Science Fiction's predictions for the year 2012


Friday 13th of January 2012

Inspired By «we find hope for the future of space travel and echoes of its sciencefiction roots»


Tuesday 17th of January 2012

If a definitive link between intellectual capacity and drug use does exist, it will likely be some time before anyone establishes one. Having said that, this much is for certain: history has more than its fair share of experimenting experimentalists. Let's meet 10 of history's most influential scientific and technological visionaries, along with their drugs of choice.


Tuesday 17th of January 2012

the reason Apple assembles iPhones and iPads in China instead of America, is that assembling them here or Europe would cost much, much more — even with shipping and transportation. And it would cost much, much more because, in the United States and Europe, we have established minimum acceptable standards for the treatment and pay of workers like those who build the iPhones and iPads.


Friday 20th of January 2012

RT: « Office of imaginary landscape » igrow, upwards,


Saturday 28th of January 2012

Lab-Grown Clones Could Save Species From


Sunday 5th of February 2012

Beating lowly humans on Jeopardy was just the beginning. IBM's famed Watson supercomputer will soon be available as a commercialized analytics tool for data-heavy industries like healthcare, telecom and financial services.


Wednesday 8th of February 2012

A Military Robot that Does It is strong enough to tow a


Friday 10th of February 2012

Employees work excessive overtime, in some cases seven days a week, and live in crowded dorms. Some say they stand so long that their legs swell until they can hardly walk. Under-age workers have helped build Apple’s products, and the company’s suppliers have improperly disposed of hazardous waste and falsified records


Friday 10th of February 2012

"Hon Hai has a workforce of over one million worldwide and as human beings are also animals, to manage one million animals gives me a headache," said Hon Hai chairman Terry Gou at a recent year-end party, adding that he wants to learn from Chin Shih-chien, director of Taipei Zoo, regarding how animals should be managed.


Friday 10th of February 2012

Nuclear Damage Control


Tuesday 14th of February 2012

Mobile web devices will outnumber puny humans this year


Tuesday 14th of February 2012

Fair Labor Association Begins Inspections of Foxconn


Sunday 19th of February 2012

Why Robopocalypse, Skynet Or A Distributed Cyber-Mind Will Not Emerge From The Internet


Monday 20th of February 2012

DARPA Avatar project aims to give soldiers surrogate


Sunday 26th of February 2012

Google To Sell Terminator-Style "Heads-Up Display Glasses"


Wednesday 29th of February 2012

Introducing the world most self-sufficient Server


Wednesday 29th of February 2012

RT @CBCTechSci: Apps for Apes seeks iPads for Toronto Zoo


Wednesday 29th of February 2012

The James Bond of robots: Vijay Kumar at TED2012


Thursday 1st of March 2012

[..]listening to data geeks salivating over prospects of ruling the world by 2015 using large scale automated analysis of Web content, I’ve realized that it is up to us bad punners, over-clever reference droppers and metaphor-mixers to prevent the data geeks from accidentally creating Skynet. Or at least delay the takeover. Giving up a few ounces of SEO juice and some traffic is a small price to pay. Call it the Skynet Resistance Tax.


Thursday 1st of March 2012

Robert Proctor production of ignorance»


Thursday 1st of March 2012

Control dangerous AI before it controls us, one expert says


Sunday 4th of March 2012

Humanity Must 'Jail' Dangerous AI to Avoid Doom, Expert Says


Sunday 4th of March 2012

5 Reasons to Fear Robots


Monday 5th of March 2012

Meet Cheetah, Boston Dynamics' Terrifyingly Fast Running Robot (Video)


Tuesday 6th of March 2012

Artists to Labels: "HASTA LA VISTA, BABY!"


Wednesday 7th of March 2012

IBM expects to generate billions in new revenue by 2015 by putting Watson to work. The technology giant has already sold Watson to health-care clients, helping WellPoint Inc. (WLP) and Seton Health Family analyze data to improve care.


Monday 12th of March 2012

Darpa director Regina Dugan will soon be stepping down from her position atop the Pentagon’s premiere research shop to take a job with Google. “The only reason” she decided to leave the Pentagon was the allure of working at Google.


Monday 12th of March 2012

How to make ethical robots


Tuesday 13th of March 2012

Be afraid: Robot experts say machines are catching up


Wednesday 14th of March 2012

Evolution: The last time we redefined what it means to be human - @io9


Sunday 18th of March 2012

Téléchargez le programme « L’Humain d’abord »


Friday 23rd of March 2012

Mechanical Turk is a Market place for work

We give businesses and developers access to an on-demand,scalable workforce.

Workers select fomr thousand of tasks and work whenever it's convinient.


Friday 23rd of March 2012

In 1989 the Barbie Liberation Organization was formed. Taking advantage of similarities in the voice hardware of Teen Talk Barbie and the Talking Duke G.I. Joe doll, er, “action figure,” they absconded with several hundred of each and performed a stereotype-change operation on the lot.


Friday 23rd of March 2012

We generate money by serving Google text advertisments on a network of hidden Websites. With this money we automatically buy Google shares. We buy Google via their own advertisment! Google eats itself - but in the end "we" own it!


Friday 23rd of March 2012

The Bad Guys (The Amazon Noir Crew: Cirio, Lizvlx, Ludovico, Bernhard) stole copyrighted books from Amazon by using sophisticated robot-perversion technology coded by supervillain Paolo Cirio. A subliminal media fight and a covert legal dispute escalated into an online showdown with the heist of over 3000 books at the center of the story.


Friday 23rd of March 2012

Stealing 1 million Facebook profiles, filtering them with face-recognition software, and then,

posting them on a custom-made dating website, sorted by their facial expressions characteristics.


Wednesday 28th of March 2012

Mohamed Merah, l'homme aux cent visages


Tuesday 3rd of April 2012

RT @maltman23: It's I'm greatly saddened I won't be helping at US Maker Faires after they applied for and accepted a DARPA


Sunday 8th of April 2012

DUI's new enemy: robocars


Monday 9th of April 2012

Narrative Networks (N2): The Neurobiology of Narratives


Monday 9th of April 2012

Robot realities fail fictional fantasies


Wednesday 11th of April 2012

National Robotics Week to Engulf the Nation


Thursday 12th of April 2012

DARPA Robotics Challenge


Sunday 22nd of April 2012

Samsung Unveils Fully Automated Sentry Robot that can Track, Kill Humans


Sunday 22nd of April 2012

La crise de l'euro : une offensive de traders robotisés ?


Sunday 22nd of April 2012

man i just had that terminator song on my ipod and


Sunday 22nd of April 2012

Google's Terminator-Style Goggles Might Include


Sunday 22nd of April 2012

Fleshless robot baby would do Skynet proud


Thursday 26th of April 2012

Think tanks predict enormous boom in machine to machine comms


Friday 27th of April 2012

24 Hours to Save the Bees!


Friday 27th of April 2012

Introducing News 4 Tucson SKYNET


Wednesday 2nd of May 2012

LEONHIRTH: Drones could fly in 'Skynet'


Thursday 3rd of May 2012

Ultimately, such surveillance leads to an oppressive atmosphere where people learn to think twice about everything they do, knowing that it will be recorded, charted, scrutinized by increasingly intelligent computers, and possibly used to target them.


Monday 7th of May 2012

Preparing for World Web War I


Monday 7th of May 2012

Web War II: What a future cyberwar will look like


Monday 7th of May 2012

Have we learned from the Flash


Tuesday 8th of May 2012

Skynet emerges in Greenwich, monitoring hearts to light switches


Wednesday 16th of May 2012

Inside the Skynet ghost town built by bunker-based boffins


Thursday 17th of May 2012

From Science Fiction To Fact, Robots Are Coming To A Farm Near You Via @nprnews


Thursday 24th of May 2012

Skynet’s Terminators get one step closer to becoming a terrifying reality


Thursday 24th of May 2012

RT @robotopia: Computer vision: Now Skynet can tell when you fake a smile via @CNET


Tuesday 29th of May 2012

Can satellites be hacked?


Tuesday 29th of May 2012

Super weeds no easy fix for US agriculture-experts


Friday 1st of June 2012

Le gouvernement se prononce pour l’interdiction du pesticide Cruiser


Friday 1st of June 2012

T-STUDIO «This website created by a guy in Japan who is fascinated by the T-800 Terminator»


Friday 1st of June 2012

Anthromod MK2 3D-Printed Robotic Hands: Terminators Set to Arise Next Year


Friday 1st of June 2012

The new billboard for our local news station


Friday 1st of June 2012

Nick Stahl: No foul play suspected in actor's disappearance


Sunday 3rd of June 2012

No Terminator-style overlays in first batch of Google Glasses


Sunday 3rd of June 2012

The Terminator Scenario: Are We Giving Our Military Machines Too Much Power?


Sunday 3rd of June 2012

Les robots vont-ils prendre le pouvoir?


Sunday 3rd of June 2012

Watch video

VIDEO: How To Survive A Robot Uprising (aka Robopocalypse):


Sunday 3rd of June 2012

Watch video

VIDEO : The Cyborg Foundation


Sunday 3rd of June 2012

«We have no laws to protect cyborgs. We are stopped at cinema halls, and outside churches and supermarkets that don't allow the use of electronics. This needs to change.»


Monday 4th of June 2012

"I still believe in global Do you?" asks Ted Kaczynski in now pulled


Monday 4th of June 2012

After gory incidents, online 'zombie' talk grows


Tuesday 5th of June 2012

Planetary Resources - The Asteroids Mining company


Thursday 7th of June 2012

Ray Bradbury dies: Science fiction author of ‘Fahrenheit 451’ and ‘Martian Chronicles’ was 91


Thursday 7th of June 2012

5 Million Farmers Sue Monsanto for Billion


Wednesday 13th of June 2012

'Miami Zombie' girlfriend's lawyer, Gloria Allred: Cannibalism is bad


Wednesday 13th of June 2012

RT @LAFDFIRECHIEF: Zombie Apocalypse: CDC Denies Existence Of Zombies Despite Cannibal Incidents via @HuffPostWeird


Wednesday 13th of June 2012

RT @LAFDFIRECHIEF: Zombie Apocalypse: CDC Denies Existence Of Zombies Despite Cannibal Incidents via @HuffPostWeird


Thursday 14th of June 2012

Voluntary Milking System Station


Thursday 14th of June 2012

Watch video

VIDEO: DeLaval VMS voluntary milking system


Thursday 14th of June 2012

The Enemy Within - Apes Armed with iPads


Friday 15th of June 2012

Apple Is Knight Rider, Google Is Terminator, Microsoft Is Minority Report


Friday 15th of June 2012



Friday 15th of June 2012

The “Truman Show” delusion: Psychosis in the global village


Wednesday 20th of June 2012

Dennis Meadows: « Nous n’avons pas mis fin à la croissance, la nature va s’en charger »


Wednesday 20th of June 2012

Israel developed Flame computer virus to slow Iranian nuclear efforts, officials say


Monday 25th of June 2012

Eugene Goostman, a chatbot with the personality of a 13-year-old boy, won the biggest Turing test ever staged, on 23 June, the 100th anniversary of the birth of Alan Turing.


Monday 25th of June 2012



Monday 25th of June 2012

RT @wikileaks: 'The Catholic Church shut down Galileo for a hundred I think we can shut down Julian (Jan 2011)


Wednesday 27th of June 2012

How Many Computers to Identify a Cat? 16,000


Wednesday 27th of June 2012

 the disappearance of Stahl, best known for playing John Connor inTerminator 3: Rise of the Machines, also serves as further evidence of a very disturbing trend: all the actors who have portrayed the fictional rebel hero in theTerminator films seem to experience great misfortune.


Wednesday 27th of June 2012

Call for Ray Bradbury to be honoured with internet error message


Wednesday 27th of June 2012

A New Status Code for Legally-restricted


Tuesday 3rd of July 2012

From Nazi to Terminator, Europe's media target Merkel


Tuesday 3rd of July 2012

Are We Building Gods or Terminators?


Tuesday 3rd of July 2012

Angela Merkel Economic Terminator


Tuesday 3rd of July 2012

Handout of the front cover of the June 26, 2012 issue of New Statesman magazine | View photo


Friday 6th of July 2012

Alien Pirates, Copyrights to Reach Deep Space


Friday 6th of July 2012

Here comes Skynet: Army drones almost ready to share sky with airlines


Friday 6th of July 2012

RT @AnonyOps: Expect ♻ @telecomix: The 39 MEPs That Voted For


Friday 6th of July 2012

RT @trevortimm: Oh, Genetic surveillance is a "Database of computer-generated 3D profiles constructed from hair


Friday 6th of July 2012

Pentagon Digs In on Cyberwar Front


Friday 6th of July 2012

Skynet is real: 'Internet doomsday' a ticking time bomb


Monday 9th of July 2012

Man and robot linked by brain scanner a long way from being able to help


Wednesday 11th of July 2012

"I am a HUGE Bob Marley fan and have been since high school. I have three large Bob Marley posters in my laboratory, have virtually everything he has ever recorded. "When I had the opportunity to name a species that I consider absolutely fascinating, I chose to name it in Bob's honor. "It has nothing to do with the fact that it is a parasite, and everything to do with the fact that it is a truly remarkable animal that is widespread in the Caribbean."


Thursday 12th of July 2012

DoD Report Reveals Some Detainees Interrogated While Drugged, Others "Chemically Restrained"


Thursday 12th of July 2012

Julian Assange: The Movie


Friday 13th of July 2012

Bloodsucking parasite named after Bob Marley


Friday 13th of July 2012

Reggae king Bob Marley has finally hit the big time" "You read that right: a crustacean, not a Crustafarian."


Friday 13th of July 2012

KINGSTON. A tiny blood-sucking parasite that infests fish on Caribbean coral reefs has been named after Jamaican reggae icon Bob Marley.


Friday 20th of July 2012

Artifical intelligence a long way off from Skynet: expert


Friday 20th of July 2012

Batman cinema shooting: At least 12 shot dead and 50 injured in Denver by 'Terminator-like' gunman


Saturday 21st of July 2012

Wikipedia | Dark Knight massacre


Saturday 21st of July 2012

«He looked like the Terminator. He didn’t say anything. He was just shooting and shooting and shooting»


Saturday 21st of July 2012



Saturday 21st of July 2012

SAIC : cybersecurity


Sunday 22nd of July 2012

Why Batman Believes in Gun Control


Sunday 22nd of July 2012

Warner Bros Axing Gun Imagery from Trailer


Sunday 22nd of July 2012

Movies and real life: Debate rages on


Sunday 22nd of July 2012

Colorado suspect was brilliant science student


Sunday 22nd of July 2012

Batman, Colorado, Guns, Terrorism


Sunday 22nd of July 2012

Norway remembers Utoeya and Oslo victims, one year on


Monday 23rd of July 2012

RT @JPBarlow: RT @akaWACA Buying 6,000 rounds of ammunition online is freedom; leaking information about war crimes online is


Tuesday 24th of July 2012

"I think it's a tragedy and to blame the movie business is incorrect and inappropriate," Geffen said Sunday at the Television Critics Association meeting in Beverly Hills.


Tuesday 24th of July 2012

 "Mr. Bale is there as himself, not representing Warner Brothers."


Tuesday 24th of July 2012

Karpel says "Dark Knight Rises" was particularly violent and Holmes mimicked some of the action.  The attorney says theater goers were helpless because they thought the shooter was part of the movie.  Karpel tells TMZ, "Somebody has to be responsible for the rampant violence that is shown today."


Tuesday 24th of July 2012

"The money means less than the legacy," says Jeff Bock of industry trackers Exhibitor Relations. "You've seen the entire business essentially shut down out of respect for the families."


Wednesday 25th of July 2012

Female space robot learning to be more human


Wednesday 25th of July 2012

Mitt Romney – Are all twitter followers equal?


Thursday 26th of July 2012

Bob Marley advocated world peace through his music, but the blood feeder named after him is anything but peaceful.


Thursday 26th of July 2012

We also will not hear that this was an act of terrorism, but what else is it when someone who clearly had an agenda or is emotionally disturbed -- or both -- thinks it his basic right and freedom to unleash tear gas and bullets into a theater packed with innocent human beings?


Saturday 28th of July 2012

"They hope that by getting me out of the way, they'll shut down our operations. They won't," Watson said.

"This is not about me. It is about our oceans and the ever-escalating threat of diminishment of the diversity of life in our seas. It is about the sharks, the whales, the seals, the sea turtles and the fish," he said.


Monday 30th of July 2012

Venice Beach Bodybuilders Fear Google Is Kicking Sand at Them


Friday 3rd of August 2012

Hunter Furrow, from Aurora, wears a Batman earring during a prayer vigil for the victims of the mass shooting.


Saturday 4th of August 2012

"Il ne s'agit pas de justice. Il s'agit de vengeance".


Saturday 4th of August 2012

Eyewitnesses said 6ft tall Holmes, dressed in black body armour and a gas mask, burst into the front of the theatre through a fire exit like the "Terminator", threw a smoke grenade and started firing at the audience with three different guns.


Sunday 5th of August 2012

“It clearly looks like a deranged individual. “He had his hair painted red. He said he was The Joker, obviously the ‘enemy’ of Batman.”


Wednesday 8th of August 2012

INTERPOL statement in relation to Red Notice issued for of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society


Thursday 9th of August 2012

What may be the world’s first cybernetic hate crime unfolds in French McDonald’s


Thursday 9th of August 2012

"I’m not sure why the perpetrators attacked, but 'Perp.' [Mann's name for one of his assailants] did mention about cameras not being allowed," he told us in an exclusive email interview. Mann was unavailable for a phone call because his iPhone was also damaged in the alleged attack. 


Saturday 18th of August 2012

INTERPOL Red Notice for remains in force


Tuesday 21st of August 2012

The new totalitarianism of surveillance technology


Tuesday 21st of August 2012

 “This is a test of being a successful liar,” says Hayes. “If you had something that really could pass Turing’s imitation game, it would be a very successful human mimic.’”


Sunday 26th of August 2012

Composed with a clear message the graphic coloring book novel calls out for open and honest discussion. We educate children about something besides the "TMZ Society" which bombards them with "important" news. Truthful and honest education about serious subjects for youth is an essential part of learning and considered a critical step in beginning to comprehend the world in which we live.


Thursday 30th of August 2012

We Shall Never Forget 9/11 - II: The True Faces of Evil


Monday 10th of September 2012

Blamed for Bee Collapse, Monsanto Buys Bee Research Firm


Monday 10th of September 2012

RT @tpb: Sweden Kidnapped My Friend, Pirate Bay Co-Founder Anakata: This is a guest post by researcher, hacker and


Thursday 20th of September 2012

Could the Internet Ever “Wake Up”?


Sunday 23rd of September 2012

Free Speech in the Age of YouTube


Wednesday 26th of September 2012

Whoa, Dude, Are We Inside a Computer Right Now?


Friday 28th of September 2012

Uh-oh, the Rise of the Machines Is for Realsies


Friday 28th of September 2012

Alper Bozkurt Develops Technique to Remotely Control Cockroaches


Wednesday 3rd of October 2012

Robobees, A convergence of body, brain, and colony


Tuesday 9th of October 2012

Watch video

RT @wikileaks: On Youtube: Underground: Julian Assange full movie


Saturday 13th of October 2012

Soutien de «Terminator» à Hollande: le PCF dénonce «un mauvais film»


Tuesday 16th of October 2012

Watch video

Talking about the introduction of the psychedelic awareness into our technology. And the fact that the spreading of LSD had a major impact on the creation of the modern computer system. Also showing the very first computer interface demonstration by Douglas Englebart, called "the mother of all demos".


Tuesday 16th of October 2012

Captain Paul Watson: There Can Be No Honor in Supporting Death


Monday 22nd of October 2012

Welcome to Terminator Planet


Tuesday 23rd of October 2012

Terminator Planet: The First History of Drone Warfare, 2001-2050


Friday 26th of October 2012

Boston Dynamics Human-Like AtlasProto Robot Defeats Obstacles


Saturday 27th of October 2012

Watch video

RT @DARPA: Video: DARPA's Pet-Proto Robot Navigates Obstacles


Tuesday 27th of November 2012

Risk of robot uprising wiping out human race to be studied


Tuesday 27th of November 2012

Cambridge University's "Terminator studies" department – do we really need it?


Tuesday 27th of November 2012

'Terminator' Studies Center Launched at Cambridge


Tuesday 27th of November 2012

'Terminator centre' to open at Cambridge University


Tuesday 27th of November 2012

Cambridge University to open 'Terminator centre' to study threat to humans from artificial intelligence


Tuesday 27th of November 2012

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s classic Terminator films famously showed a world where ultra-intelligent machines fight against humanity in the form of the genocidal Skynet system.


Wednesday 28th of November 2012

A centre for 'terminator studies', where leading academics will study the threat that robots pose to humanity, is set to open at Cambridge University.


Wednesday 28th of November 2012

An originator of the concept now known as "technological singularity," Good served as consultant on supercomputers to Stanley Kubrick, director of the 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey.
« Let an ultraintelligent machine be defined as a machine that can far surpass all the intellectual activities of any man however clever. Since the design of machines is one of these intellectual activities, an ultraintelligent machine could design even better machines; there would then unquestionably be an 'intelligence explosion,' and the intelligence of man would be left far behind. Thus the first ultraintelligent machine is the last invention that man need ever make. »


Wednesday 28th of November 2012

"We should be investing a little of our intellectual resources in shifting some probability from bad outcomes to good ones." via Cambridge center to study tech extinction risks | TG Daily.


Wednesday 28th of November 2012

The scientists said that to dismiss concerns of a potential robot uprising would be "dangerous".


Wednesday 28th of November 2012

We are a risk-averse society. But there's a mismatch between public perception of very different risks and their actual seriousness.


Wednesday 28th of November 2012

Many scientists are concerned that developments in human technology may soon pose new, extinction-level risks to our species as a whole. Such dangers have been suggested from progress in AI, from developments in biotechnology and artificial life, from nanotechnology, and from possible extreme effects of anthropogenic climate change. via Centre for the Study of Existential Risk.


Wednesday 28th of November 2012

In 1965, Irving John ‘Jack’ Good wrote a paper for New Scientist called ‘Speculations concerning the first ultra-intelligent machine’.


Wednesday 28th of November 2012

What to do? A good first step, we think, would be to stop treating intelligent machines as the stuff of science fiction, and start thinking of them as a part of the reality that we or our descendants may actually confront, sooner or later. via Artificial intelligence – can we keep it in the box?.


Friday 30th of November 2012

Spanner isn’t quite Skynet — the self-aware artificial intelligence system in the Terminator movies — but it does show how far we’ve come at building connected systems and databases. “When there are outages, things just sort of flip — client machines access other servers in the system,” Google software engineer Andrew Fikes told Wired. “It’s a much easier service story. … The system responds — and not a human.”


Friday 30th of November 2012

Could computers become cleverer than humans and take over the world? Or is that just the stuff of science fiction?


Friday 30th of November 2012

the most comprehensive source of GMO heath risk information on the web


Friday 30th of November 2012

By METRO REPORTER - 26 November, 2012 inShare 2 'Terminator centre' at Cambridge University to save us all from robots The Terminator warned: 'I'll be back!' But researchers at Cambridge University plan to be ready for him, as it opens a centre for 'Terminator studies' to combat the threats to humanity by killer robots. Read more:


Saturday 1st of December 2012

Humanity’s last invention and our uncertain future


Saturday 1st of December 2012

« Our technological progress has by and large replaced evolution as the dominant, future-shaping


Saturday 1st of December 2012

« The seriousness of these risks is difficult to assess, but that in itself seems a cause for concern, given how much is at stake.»


Saturday 1st of December 2012

“Think how it might be to compete for resources with the dominant species,” says Price. “Take gorillas for example – the reason they are going extinct is not because humans are actively hostile towards them, but because we control the environments in ways that suit us, but are detrimental to their survival.”


Saturday 1st of December 2012

“ Take gorillas for example – the reason they are going extinct is not because humans are actively hostile towards them, but because we control the environments in ways that suit us, but are detrimental to their survival. ”


Saturday 1st of December 2012

« The seriousness of these risks is difficult to assess, but that in itself seems a cause for concern, given how much is at stake »


Saturday 1st of December 2012

I'll be back....with a degree


Saturday 1st of December 2012

Watch video

The Centre for the Study of Existential Risk looks at the "four greatest threats to humanity," including rogue biotechnology.


Saturday 1st of December 2012

« the threat is terror as well as error »


Saturday 1st of December 2012

« Our instincts don’t care about saving the Universe » - Jaan Tallinn


Saturday 1st of December 2012

With so much at stake, we need to do a better job of understanding the risks of potentially catastrophic --Huw Price


Saturday 1st of December 2012

«we should even consider the sci-fi scenario that a network of computers could develop a mind of its own and threaten us --Martin Rees


Saturday 1st of December 2012

L-R: Huw Price, Jaan Tallinn and Martin Rees. Photo credit: Dwayne Senior (copyright)


Saturday 1st of December 2012

Our goal is to clarify the choices that will shape humanity’s long-term future.


Saturday 1st of December 2012

‘I’ve watched the Terminator films, which play on our darkest fears about robots,’ said Mr Barbato. ‘Clearly, if a type of killer cyborg evolved, it might easily lead to a breakdown of morals and consciousness, the degradation of life and the disintegration of human civilisation.’


Saturday 1st of December 2012

"It tends to be regarded as a flaky concern, but given that we don't know how serious the risks are, that we don't know the time scale, dismissing the concerns is dangerous,"


Saturday 1st of December 2012

the destructiveness of humanity meant our species could wipe itself out by 2100


Saturday 1st of December 2012

The team showed that if the polymer is broken or damaged, once the damaged parts are placed together and the healing process starts, electrical conductivity is almost completely restored within about 15 seconds.


Saturday 1st of December 2012

I have heard few discussions of robotic warfare without someone joking about the Matrix or Terminator; the danger of delegating warfare to machines has been a central theme of modern science fiction.


Saturday 1st of December 2012

Bosco "The Terminator" Ntaganda, the Rwandan-born Tutsi warlord


Saturday 1st of December 2012

the man indicted by the ICC for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity, including murder, rape, sexual slavery and the recruitment of child soldiers.


Tuesday 4th of December 2012

“Losing Humanity” is the first major publication about fully autonomous weapons by a nongovernmental organization and is based on extensive research into the law, technology, and ethics of these proposed weapons.


Tuesday 4th of December 2012

America's mindless killer robots must be stopped | Noel Sharkey


Thursday 6th of December 2012

"The politics of the established order speaks to no one except the powerful. It speaks a dead language in which there are no people, no love, no fraternity, no poetry, no taste of the future, no passion for science

via 2012-12-05 Assange to meet with French Left Party politician Jean-Luc Mélenchon | WL Central.


Thursday 13th of December 2012

We're all super humans until our devices lose energy.


Sunday 16th of December 2012

Kurzweil joins Google to work on new projects involving machine learning and language processing


Sunday 16th of December 2012

“I’m thrilled to be teaming up with Google to work on some of the hardest problems in computer science so we can turn the next decade’s ‘unrealistic’ visions into reality.”


Thursday 20th of December 2012

Watch video

DARPA Building Real LifevTerminators Military Robots:


Thursday 20th of December 2012

Watch video

Thats Impossible! - Real Terminators:


Thursday 27th of December 2012

Service robots are machines that are, to a certain extent, able to execute services independently for the convenience of human beings,' the researchers say. 'Since they share their 'living space' with people, userfriendliness and safety are of great importance'.


Friday 28th of December 2012

Watch video

RT @wikileaks: Video: Today's @ioerror keynote at CCC


Friday 28th of December 2012

The Goliath tracked mine - complete German name: Leichter Ladungsträger Goliath (Sd.Kfz. 302/303a/303b) - was a remote controlled German-engineered demolition vehicle, also known as the beetle tank to Allies.


Friday 4th of January 2013

Watch video

Beyond Asimov - Laws for Robots [25C3]:


Friday 18th of January 2013

Although Asimov’s benevolent robots and the Terminator movies’ terrible war machines are still a distant fantasy, researchers across a wide range of disciplines are beginning to work together toward a more modest goal—building virtual humans.


Wednesday 23rd of January 2013

Paul Krugman : Is Growth Over?


Wednesday 23rd of January 2013

Watch video

Interview : Wataru Yoshizaki:


Thursday 24th of January 2013

"The jobs that are going away aren't coming back," says Andrew McAfee, principal research scientist at the Center for Digital Business at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and co-author of "Race Against the Machine."


Thursday 24th of January 2013

While the robots do look a bit unsettling – like Sonny from I, Robot with bad skin – it’s definitely a compelling project that could really change the way we think about 3D printing at home.

via A French Artist Is Posting DIY Robot Parts So We Can Print Our Own Androids | TechCrunch.


Thursday 24th of January 2013

How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up.


Thursday 24th of January 2013

Across the world, authorities are wildly overreacting to the threat posed by online activism. History says it won’t work. Expect more Aaron Swartzs, Bradley Mannings and Kim Dotcomes in coming years.

via Swartz, Assange, Manning, Dotcom: overreaction to online activism | Crikey.


Thursday 24th of January 2013

Hospitals and clinics have a new tool to combat the spread of drug-resistant superbugs from patient to patient.


Friday 25th of January 2013

LONDON — WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange hit out on Wednesday at a Hollywood film about his secret-spilling website, calling the movie "a massive propaganda attack".


Friday 25th of January 2013

PBS noted the program had received funding from the David H. Koch Foundation for Science. It also received “additional funding” from Lockheed Martin, which on its face looks like a violation of PBS’ underwriting guidelines.


Friday 25th of January 2013

The Skynet system, which includes the radio equipment deployed on ships, on vehicles and in the hands of troops, is the UK's single biggest space project.


Friday 25th of January 2013

RP-VITA is designed to navigate around hospitals on its own and has a 15-inch LCD screen as a face.


Friday 25th of January 2013

The build is almost too brilliant; it's not impossible to believe a human designed and built this impressive creation, but what's more plausible is that somewhere Skynet has already begun its master plan to build an army of cyborgs to wipe out humanity.


Friday 25th of January 2013

The Skynet system, which includes the radio equipment deployed on ships, on vehicles and in the hands of troops, is the UK's single biggest space project.


Saturday 26th of January 2013

The film traces the early days of WikiLeaks, culminating in the release of a series of controversial and history changing information leaks, and is due out in the USA in November.(AP Photo/ Frank Connor / DreamWorks Studios)


Monday 28th of January 2013

While the robots do look a bit unsettling – like Sonny from I, Robot with bad skin – it’s definitely a compelling project that could really change the way we think about 3D printing at home.


Wednesday 30th of January 2013

Innocent-seeming information they get from you could give them the opportunity to convict you or your friends, and Assange, even if you had nothing to do with the leak and neither did they.


Monday 4th of February 2013

The Ray Kurzweil Show, Now at the Googleplex


Monday 4th of February 2013

“Imagine your brain being augmented by Google,” the search engine’s co-founder and chief executive officer, Larry Page, said in a 2004 interview. “For example, you think about something and your cell phone could whisper the answer into your ear.”


Monday 4th of February 2013

Pat Pilcher: Is Skynet really digital Darwinism in action? - Business - NZ Herald News


Tuesday 5th of February 2013

Every film is a remake of a previous film, or a remake of a television series that everyone loved in the 1960s, or a remake of a television series that everyone hated in the 1960s. Or it's a theme park ride; it will soon come to breakfast cereal mascots.


Tuesday 5th of February 2013

According to Time, the protesters' adoption of the mask has led to it becoming the top-selling mask on, selling hundreds of thousands a year.


Tuesday 5th of February 2013

He combined the ideas of Gustave Le Bon and Wilfred Trotter on crowd psychology with the psychoanalytical ideas of his uncle, Sigmund Freud..


Wednesday 6th of February 2013

Timothy Leary, the psychedelic maestro of that period, declared that “the PC is the LSD of the 1990’s.”


Friday 15th of February 2013

The dark side of the Blade Runner


Saturday 16th of February 2013

Video: A message from Julian


Saturday 16th of February 2013

From Terminator to Toy Story: drones for a better tomorrow


Saturday 16th of February 2013

Researchers Give Lab Rats Terminator-Like Infrared Vision


Saturday 16th of February 2013

Yesterday, the United States Department of Energy announced that national research laboratories had finally created a bionic eye to meet Food and Drug Administration standards. And so our transformation into human-cyborg hybrids takes another giant step forward.


Sunday 17th of February 2013

Ellison, the founder of Annapurna Pictures is key player associated with writer Mark Boal and one of the Wikileaks Movie efforts.


Friday 22nd of February 2013

The list features some basic, common sense tips ("Hide from being directly or indirectly spotted, especially at night."), some more complex ones ("Form anti-spy groups to look for spies and agents.") and a few that don't make much sense ("Jamming of and confusing of electronic communication using the ordinary water-lifting dynamo fitted with a 30-metre copper pole").


Thursday 28th of February 2013

Adam Harvey // anti-drone burqa | primitivelondon


Monday 11th of March 2013

It's much better – and potentially cheaper – to prevent a crime before it happens than to come late and investigate it. So while patrolling officers might not catch a criminal in action, their presence in the right place at the right time still helps to deter criminal activity.


Wednesday 13th of March 2013

Surveillance software used to spy on activists around the world


Wednesday 13th of March 2013

RSF : The Enemies of Internet - Era of the digital mercenaries


Wednesday 13th of March 2013

Martin J. Muench -- is the developer of Andover, U.K.-based Gamma Group’s FinFisher intrusion software, which he sells to police and spy agencies around the world for monitoring computers and smartphones to intercept Skype calls, peer through Web cameras and record keystrokes.


Wednesday 13th of March 2013

RT @ioerror: #Finfisher is helping advance political goals that include torture and a lack of due process just as #deomag did:


Thursday 14th of March 2013

RT @mims: Hard not to imagine Sergei Brin watching Terminator films on Google Glass, cheering for the machines


Saturday 16th of March 2013

“Labor violations aren’t restricted to Samsung and are a problem in the electronics industry,”


Sunday 17th of March 2013

The Internet is a surveillance state. Whether we admit it to ourselves or not, and whether we like it or not, we're being tracked all the time. Google tracks us, both on its pages and on other pages it has access to. Facebook does the same; it even tracks non-Facebook users. Apple tracks us on our iPhones and iPads.


Thursday 21st of March 2013

CIA's Gus Hunt On Big Data: We 'Try To Collect Everything And Hang On To It Forever'


Friday 22nd of March 2013

« It is nearly within our grasp to compute on ALL human generated information »


Saturday 23rd of March 2013

Recombinant Fiction emerges as a political and aesthetic fiction genre of this new immersive and participative form of art. By identifying valuable, distinctive characteristics and objectives, Recombinant Fiction defines a unique genre able to drive tactical activism and dramatic purposes.


Sunday 24th of March 2013

Under Nazi Germany, Dehomag leased and maintained the Nazis' collection of card punch machines. The use of this technology increased the efficiency of the Final Solution. IBM in New York established a special subsidiary, Watson Business Machines, to deal with railway traffic in the General Government during the Holocaust in Poland.


Monday 25th of March 2013

The company suspects the rodent may have caused a short-circuit in a switchboard, triggering the power cut.


Monday 25th of March 2013

Out of Sight, Out of Mind, a visualisation of drone strikes in Pakistan since 2004


Wednesday 27th of March 2013

Watch video

New 2013 DARPA Building Real Life Terminators Military Robots:


Thursday 28th of March 2013

Top Pentagon thinker bemoans “civilian subjugation to the


Thursday 28th of March 2013

Despite the pervasiveness of law enforcement surveillance of digital communication, the FBI still has a difficult time monitoring Gmail, Google Voice, and Dropbox in real time. But that may change soon, because the bureau says it has made gaining more powers to wiretap all forms of Internet conversation and cloud storage a “top priority” this year


Thursday 28th of March 2013

Facebook and the disintegration of the human


Thursday 28th of March 2013

Here comes Skynet: amazing video shows flying robots work together


Tuesday 9th of April 2013

Watch video

Project K sleeping danger to US PR'


Tuesday 9th of April 2013

Obama’s drone war kills ‘others,’ not just al Qaida leaders


Friday 12th of April 2013

Watch video

Terms and Conditions May Apply - Official Trailer:


Saturday 27th of April 2013

These vendors are becoming our feudal lords, and we are becoming their vassals. We might refuse to pledge allegiance to all of them – or to a particular one we don’t like. Or we can spread our allegiance around. But either way, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to not pledge allegiance to at least one of them.


Sunday 28th of April 2013

Feudalism was a set of legal and military customs in medieval Europe that flourished between the 9th and 15th centuries, which, broadly defined, was a system for structuring society around relationships derived from the holding of land in exchange for service or labour.


Sunday 28th of April 2013

Written partly in response to Social Darwinism and in particular to Thomas H. Huxley's Nineteenth Century essay, "The Struggle for Existence", Kropotkin's book drew on his experiences in scientific expeditions in Siberia to illustrate the phenomenon of cooperation. After examining the evidence of cooperation in nonhuman animals, in pre-feudal societies and medieval cities, and in modern times, he concluded that cooperation and mutual aid are the most important factors in the evolution of species and the ability to survive.


Thursday 2nd of May 2013

Bigelow was married to fellow director James Cameron from 1989 to 1991.
Zero Dark Thirty, a dramatization of American efforts to find Osama bin Laden. Zero Dark Thirty was acclaimed by film critics but it has also attracted controversy and strong criticism for its allegedly pro-torture stance.


Friday 3rd of May 2013

Biometric data gathering, facial recognition technology, domestic drone surveillance, and the strategic interception of all private communication: these are the four horsemen of Assange’s apocalypse. [..]African countries are getting entire spy network infrastructure as a gift from the Chinese, who expect to be paid back “in data, the new currency.”


Tuesday 7th of May 2013

Kathryn Bigelow's Osama bin Laden revenge-porn flick Zero Dark Thirtywas the biggest publicity coup for the CIA this century outside of the actual killing of Osama bin Laden. But the extent to which the CIA shaped the film has remained unclear. Now, a memo obtained by Gawker shows that the CIA actively, and apparently successfully, pressured Mark Boal to remove scenes that made them look bad from the Zero Dark Thirty script.


Wednesday 8th of May 2013

Like it or not, science fiction is becoming science fact. The Terminator was, of course, a work of fiction, but the idea of cyborgs and killer machines is not all that farfetched.  In fact, the danger is becoming so real that the Obama Administration found the need to spell out explicit rules that specify under what circumstances machines are allowed to kill humans.


Thursday 9th of May 2013

Former CIA director George Tenet says,
We [the CIA] decided to use our limited dollars to leverage technology developed elsewhere. In 1999 we chartered ... In-Q-Tel. ... While we pay the bills, In-Q-Tel is independent of CIA. CIA identifies pressing problems, and In-Q-Tel provides the technology to address them. The In-Q-Tel alliance has put the Agency back at the leading edge of technology ...


Friday 10th of May 2013

Drone manufacturers are far from the only ethically dark gray to black donors to LGBT advocacy organizations: a brief perusal of any major LGBT organization’s list of donors reveals that corporate black hats like Bank of America, BP, Coke, and Nike all provide major cash to LGBT nonprofits.


Monday 13th of May 2013

Smart machines probably won't kill us all—but they'll definitely take our jobs, and sooner than you think.
And guess who will own all these robots? People with money, of course. As this happens, capital will become ever more powerful and labor will become ever more worthless. Those without money—most of us—will live on whatever crumbs the owners of capital allow us.
It's easy to joke about our future robot overlords—R2-D2 or the Terminator?—but the challenge that machine intelligence presents really isn't science fiction anymore.


Saturday 18th of May 2013

'We have to make it happen'. Because Google operates the most widely used search engine in the world, and has hundreds of millions of Gmail, YouTube, and Android users as well, the company has a profound advantage when tuning its artificial intelligence approaches in response to people. It's as though every user of Google services is checking and rechecking Google's AI techniques, correcting the search company when it gets something wrong, and performing an action when it gets it right.


Wednesday 29th of May 2013

"Machines lack morality and mortality, and as a result should not have life and death powers over humans,"


Tuesday 4th of June 2013

Can we sentence Microsoft to be tried in The Hague for war crimes? Tempting as this option may be, especially after Windows 8, it seems unlikely. If interactions between armed robots were to trigger combat between major powers, there might be nobody left alive to try to figure out what had gone wrong.


Thursday 6th of June 2013

these robots have “the potential to pose new threats to the right to life…[to] create serious international division and weaken the role and rule of international law – and in the process undermine the international security system.”


Saturday 8th of June 2013

We know that the NSA has many domestic-surveillance and data-mining programs with codenames like Trailblazer, Stellar Wind, and Ragtime -- deliberately using different codenames for similar programs to stymie oversight and conceal what's really going on. We know that the NSA is building an enormous computer facility in Utah to store all this data, as well as faster computer networks to process it all. We know the U.S. Cyber Command employs 4,000 people.


Wednesday 12th of June 2013

“The guy that was running forward, he’s missing his right leg,” he recalled. “And I watch this guy bleed out and, I mean, the blood is hot.” As the man died his body grew cold, said Bryant, and his thermal image changed until he became the same color as the ground. “You don't feel the aircraft turn,” he said. “You don't feel the hum of the engine. You hear the hum of the computers, but that's definitely not the same thing.”


Wednesday 12th of June 2013

Connected to the Google Connected to the government


Wednesday 12th of June 2013

Hand in hand with the military-industrial complex, U.S. imperialism has created a massive prison-industrial complex that generates billions of dollars annually for businesses and industries profiting from mass incarceration.


Sunday 16th of June 2013

Schwarzengger's Terminator Will Be Back Soon


Friday 21st of June 2013

Web’s Reach Binds and Silicon Valley Leaders


Sunday 30th of June 2013

Edward Snowden may be the last of the human spies | Christopher Steiner


Monday 1st of July 2013

How algorithms rule the world


Wednesday 10th of July 2013

Jobocalypse is a look at the rapidly changing face of robotics and how it will revolutionize employment and jobs over the next thirty years. Ben Way lays out the arguments in favor of and against the mechanization of our society, as well as the amazing advantages and untold risks, as we march into this ever-present future.


Friday 12th of July 2013

Atlas looks like the prototype for a future robot infantryman, and it can tackle rough terrain and carry human tools. Can you say "Skynet"?


Saturday 13th of July 2013

DARPA uncloaks unTerminator for $2 million robotics challenge


Saturday 13th of July 2013

Watch video

Meet the Teams: DARPA Robotics Challenge Track A Robots:


Tuesday 23rd of July 2013

Watch video

Noel Sharkey is a multi-disciplinarian with a career spanning psychology, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, computer science, engineering and robotics. He holds a PhD in psychology/cognitive science and has an honorary science doctorate DSc. He is a chartered electrical engineer and a chartered information technology professional. Noel holds fellowships at the Institution of Engineering and Information Technology, the Royal Institute of Navigation, the British Computer Society and the Royal Society of Arts. He is a member of the Experimental Psychology Society and also Equity, the actors union. Noel is best known to the public for his frequent appearances in the media as a robot expert. His current research passion is on the ethics of robot applications including care, policing, military, crime, sex, transport and medicine.


Tuesday 23rd of July 2013

Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Professor of Public Engagement University of Sheffield


Thursday 25th of July 2013

The Love Hormone is Two-Faced


Saturday 27th of July 2013

Lawmakers Who Upheld NSA Phone Spying Received Double the Defense Industry Cash


Saturday 27th of July 2013

Watch video

Richard Stallman: Snowden & Assange besieged by empire but not defeated:


Wednesday 7th of August 2013

BBC News - Newspaper review: Lab-grown burger makes headlines


Wednesday 7th of August 2013

Former NSA Boss Equates Transparency Activists With Al-Qaeda


Wednesday 7th of August 2013

How The Washington Post’s New Owner Aided the CIA, Blocked


Friday 16th of August 2013

“We trust people with data,” Alexander said at the conference. “At the end of the day it’s all about trust. And people who have access to data as part of their missions, if they misuse that trust they can cause huge damage.”


Friday 16th of August 2013

Adam Curtis - BUGGER


Wednesday 4th of September 2013

Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange: our new heroes | Slavoj Žižek


Thursday 12th of September 2013

PETMAN is the Terminator's less violent kid brother


Sunday 15th of September 2013

Google's Eric Schmidt says government spying is 'the nature of our society'


Monday 16th of September 2013

Google knows nearly every Wi-Fi password in the world


Monday 16th of September 2013

The Stone: The Banality of Systemic Evil


Friday 20th of September 2013

@jerezim don't get fooled @VerhoevensTweet is itself a bot


Monday 23rd of September 2013

Watch video

The "Terminator" polymer: I'll be back:


Tuesday 24th of September 2013

RT @Cabledrummer: Who rules Disney? Bank of America, Visa, Halliburton: The connections of board of directors


Sunday 29th of September 2013

Why Free Software Is More Important Now Than Ever Before


Tuesday 1st of October 2013

Terms and Conditions May Apply (2013) 720p WEB-DL 600MB Ganool


Tuesday 1st of October 2013

Counter-Intelligence: Shining a Light on Black Operations (2013)


Wednesday 2nd of October 2013

Watch video

Allan Francovich - On Company Business


Thursday 3rd of October 2013

Facebook Launches Advanced AI Effort to Find Meaning in Your Posts


Friday 4th of October 2013

RT @avilarenata: Internet "hygiene" means saying good bye to cute YouTube videos, flashy websites and certain But it is


Thursday 10th of October 2013

Bruce Schneier at Congress on Privacy & Surveillance(COPS)


Friday 11th of October 2013

Eben Moglen : Snowden and the Future


Friday 11th of October 2013

RT @astepanovich: Observation listening to @itsDanielSuarez at world would be a better place if we spent more time listening to…


Friday 11th of October 2013

RT @KevinBankston: The upshot: @itsDanielSuarez says we need an international ban on killer robots, straight


Friday 11th of October 2013

Kill Decision Synopsis


Friday 11th of October 2013

Watch video

US Army RDECOM - Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (TALOS) Combat Simulation


Saturday 12th of October 2013

RT @HardSciFiMovies: After robots kill most of Earth's population, the Resistance sends a lone soldier back in time to prevent No-one …


Thursday 17th of October 2013

How the CIA Helped Disney Conquer Florida


Friday 18th of October 2013

Terminator-style robot busts leg in martial arts demo mishap


Friday 18th of October 2013

Busting a move: HKU unveils humanoid robot - and it breaks its ankle


Friday 18th of October 2013

Rise of the drone hobbyists


Tuesday 22nd of October 2013

RT @jilliancyork: Must be hard to get trolled because you support murder


Tuesday 22nd of October 2013

Don't Ban Armed Robots in the


Sunday 27th of October 2013

Watch video

NSA Director Alexander and Cybersecurity


Sunday 27th of October 2013

Brazil Set to Unleash Terminator Threat


Monday 28th of October 2013

Duncan Campbell - Secret Society - We're All Data Now (1988)


Monday 28th of October 2013

Duncan Campbell - The Hill (1993)


Wednesday 30th of October 2013

Watch video

Monsanto Acquires The Climate Corporation


Thursday 31st of October 2013

Revealed: NSA pushed 9/11 as key 'sound bite' to justify surveillance


Friday 1st of November 2013

‘SkyNet’ Automated Systems Could Save Lots of Lives


Saturday 2nd of November 2013

RT @ArmedwScience: I Spy, No Lie: mythbusting misinformation re: the @JLTozer's exclusive interview w/ Alexander


Saturday 2nd of November 2013

RT @DeptofDefense: "I Spy, No Lie" Alexander, NSA Director discusses myths and rumors surrounding


Saturday 2nd of November 2013

RT @ArmedwScience: Alexander on programs: "If you have a better way, put it on the table" don't ignore lessons learned in 9/11 ht…


Saturday 2nd of November 2013

NSA Keith Alexander : « We are blessed »


Saturday 2nd of November 2013

RT @ONOrobot: Facebook Tests Software to Track Your Cursor on Screen


Sunday 3rd of November 2013

Ladar Levison : « We’re taking our inspiration from the Rebel »


Sunday 3rd of November 2013

Meet “badBIOS,” the mysterious Mac and PC malware that jumps airgaps


Monday 4th of November 2013

The Roboroach (Beta)


Friday 8th of November 2013

Suzanne Treister - CAMOUFLAGE (2013)


Friday 8th of November 2013

Banksy - Lower East Side (Better Out Than In 2013 NYC)


Friday 8th of November 2013

RT @skepticmedic: Met police claims that under UK law someone can be guilty of being a terrorist without Fantastic!


Friday 8th of November 2013

Google Is Testing A Program That Tracks You Everywhere You Go


Friday 8th of November 2013

Britain's Spy Chiefs Throw Off James Bond Image to Attack NSA's Edward Snowden Leaks


Friday 8th of November 2013

Video games are making us too comfortable with the modern surveillance state


Friday 8th of November 2013

Watch video

Web Biennial 2012 - Josh Bricker - Post Newtonianism (War Footage/ Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare)


Friday 8th of November 2013

HSBC - Banking on Extinction


Thursday 14th of November 2013

Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)


Monday 25th of November 2013

RT @kgosztola: Some great art from Pakistan focusing on drones & daily violence in the country:


Wednesday 27th of November 2013

International Principles on the Application of Human Rights to Communications Surveillance


Sunday 1st of December 2013

French Intelligence Involved in NSA Spying in France, Monde Says


Sunday 1st of December 2013

Busting Eight Common Excuses for NSA Mass Surveillance


Sunday 1st of December 2013

This Massive Robot Could Soon Join Marines on the Battlefield


Sunday 1st of December 2013

Watch video

DARPA Legged Squad Support System (LS3) Demonstrates New Capabilities


Tuesday 3rd of December 2013

The first person in the world to become a government-recognized cyborg


Tuesday 3rd of December 2013

People "will start becoming technology" says human cyborg


Tuesday 3rd of December 2013

Vers une surveillance généralisée d'Internet en France ?


Tuesday 3rd of December 2013

Watch video

Jacob Appelbaum @ioerror - Defenderse del Espionaje Informático con Software Libre y Criptografía


Wednesday 4th of December 2013

Evading Airport Security


Thursday 5th of December 2013

La civilisation du silicium


Thursday 5th of December 2013

Intel, l’empire contre-attaque


Thursday 5th of December 2013

Video : Asimov at 391 - The open


Thursday 5th of December 2013

Watch video

Isaac Asimov - Visions of the Future (1992) 1/4


Sunday 8th of December 2013

RT @wikileaks: Disney cracks down on pirated copies of after using a pirated shirt in the movie


Monday 9th of December 2013

Google Puts Money on Robots, Using the Man Behind Android


Monday 9th of December 2013

Knightscope security robots are not Skynet Terminators


Monday 9th of December 2013

Watch video

The Knightscope K5 - Autonomous Data Machine


Saturday 14th of December 2013

Google Adds to Its Menagerie of


Monday 16th of December 2013

The Day Google Became Skynet


Monday 16th of December 2013

An NSA Coworker Remembers The Real Edward Snowden: 'A Genius Among


Friday 20th of December 2013

as housing prices rise in the San Francisco Bay Area, angry activists are targeting those shuttles to protest the region's gentrification. "We want the ruling class, which is becoming the tech class, to listen to our voices and listen to the voices of folks that are being displaced," said one SF protester.


Saturday 28th of December 2013

Google s'achète un bestiaire d'automates …


Tuesday 31st of December 2013

Inside TAO: Documents Reveal Top NSA Hacking Unit


Tuesday 31st of December 2013

Watch video

Jacob Applebaum: To Protect And Infect, Part 2 [30c3]


Wednesday 1st of January 2014

Not Socially Acceptable: NSA boss video ‘most hated’ on YouTube in 2013?


Wednesday 1st of January 2014

Interactive Graphic: The NSA's Spy Catalog


Thursday 2nd of January 2014

NSA seeks to build quantum computer that could crack most types of encryption


Thursday 2nd of January 2014

Laboratory for Physical Sciences


Thursday 2nd of January 2014

D-Wave, The Quantum Computing Company


Thursday 2nd of January 2014

The NSA Sent a Takedown Notice Over My Custom PRISM-Logo T-Shirts


Friday 3rd of January 2014

Searching the Internet for evidence of time travelers


Friday 3rd of January 2014

RT @ArmedwScience: Check out the newest thing in quantum imaging (thanks to the @ArmyResearchLab)!


Friday 3rd of January 2014

RT @ggreenwald: RT @AdamSerwer What we have now is system where pot is all but legal for wealthy & white- illegal for everyone else


Friday 3rd of January 2014

RT @Valleywag: The Silicon Valley Secessionist wants to create a new "zone" within the US of "Inverse Amish"


Friday 3rd of January 2014

RT @BoingBoing: Logo: "NSA


Saturday 4th of January 2014

Which drone future will Americans choose?


Sunday 5th of January 2014

DARPA Tried to Build Skynet in the 1980s


Sunday 5th of January 2014

A Closer Look at Google's New Robot Army


Sunday 5th of January 2014

Apparently, Google’s robotics division needs to scare the pants off of the rest of the world.


Monday 6th of January 2014

Terminators or protectors? Rise of the robot soldiers may be closer than you think


Thursday 9th of January 2014

What Is War in the Digital Realm? A Reality Check on the Meaning of “Cyberspace”


Thursday 9th of January 2014

Watch video

RT @jerezim: Flying Robots - What the f*** is going on?


Tuesday 14th of January 2014

Chine, Cambodge, Bangladesh: le réveil ouvrier


Wednesday 15th of January 2014

RT @dailydot: RoboEarth is a cloud network that lets robots teach each other new Skynet seems closer every day:


Wednesday 15th of January 2014

Google just moved into your house


Saturday 18th of January 2014

BYU's smart object recognition algorithm doesn't need humans


Sunday 19th of January 2014

Meet the Google robot that won DARPA's techno challenge (video)


Sunday 19th of January 2014

The new GE: Google, everywhere


Monday 20th of January 2014

« À jouer la guéguerre des machines, nous serons toujours perdants »


Monday 20th of January 2014

REMINDER: Asimov's Laws Of Robotics Won't Protect You And Robots Will Be More Than Happy To Kill Us All


Tuesday 21st of January 2014

Prosthesis The Anti-Robot


Saturday 25th of January 2014

Google Engineer Targeted By Protesters In Front Of His East Bay Home


Saturday 25th of January 2014

In defense of militant anti-Google protests


Saturday 25th of January 2014

Fight Evil Join The Revolution


Monday 27th of January 2014

Kurzweil's goal is to build a search engine that's so smart it'll act like a "cybernetic friend". We're sure that's what Skynet's creators thought before the Terminator appeared on the scene. And with Google's purchase of (primarily military) robotics specialist Boston Dynamics last month we're genuinely starting to get a little worried.


Monday 27th of January 2014

Are Google building a TERMINATOR? Choc Factory buys AI firm DeepMind Technologies


Monday 27th of January 2014

All the pieces are now in place for a Google-created Skynet and the robotic Judgment Day apocalypse that would surely follow. Yes, Google might become the first big corporation to enact Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics.


Tuesday 28th of January 2014

"IF WE CAN PROTECT INNOCENT CIVILIAN LIFE, I DO NOT WANT TO SHUT THE DOOR ON THE USE OF THIS TECHNOLOGY." Ron Arkin "this isn’t about killer robots or killer soldiers, this is about disaster response,’ but everybody knows what the real interest is," MG "Either we're going to decide not to do this, and have an international agreement not to do it, or it's going to happen." MG


Thursday 30th of January 2014

Google sets up artificial intelligence ethics board to curb the rise of the robots


Saturday 1st of February 2014

Watch video

Trevor Paglen / transmediale 2014 keynote: Art as Evidence


Saturday 1st of February 2014

Watch video

Jacob Applebaum / transmediale 2014 keynote: Art as Evidence /


Saturday 1st of February 2014

Watch video

Laura Poitras / transmediale 2014 keynote: Art as Evidence


Saturday 1st of February 2014

RT @camillefrancois: & Society, too, must ask the ethical questions!


Friday 7th of February 2014

RT @MickiKaufman: My text analysis of DNSA's Kissinger Correspondence (memcons and telcons) - here's my latest set of visualizations:


Friday 7th of February 2014

@wikileaks There's always a Kissinger book in the background of NBC interviews


Friday 7th of February 2014

a lot of that kind of thing seems to be happening, between the NSA spying and Google (GOOG) Glass, which apparently has a new app with facial recognition software, designed to look at you and then your face compared to millions of others in the database, including social networks, and it comes up and tells the person who you are, where you live, and so forth and so on, and all the information that’s available to you in the Internet. Here we are, welcome to the future.


Friday 7th of February 2014

Terminator co-writer : « One of my inspirations was Darpa »


Tuesday 11th of February 2014

@google also time to reform google surveillance


Saturday 15th of February 2014

Rebecca Solnit Diary: get off the bus


Thursday 20th of February 2014

‘Yes, I’m trying to build SkyNet from


Friday 21st of February 2014

Watch video

Professor Martin Rees: Our Final Century? The risks posed by emerging 21st century technologies


Tuesday 25th of February 2014

RT @BanKillerRobots: Fully autonomous weapons are never going to work b/c logic of war is asymmetrical based on different moral codes/conve…


Tuesday 25th of February 2014

RT @BanKillerRobots: Why does the campaign call them "killer robots"? Because that's what they'll Why do you call Predator and …


Tuesday 25th of February 2014

RT @BanKillerRobots: We're not anti-technology or We are against giving machines the ability to target + kill human


Tuesday 25th of February 2014

RT @BanKillerRobots: Machine ethics is now the fastest-growing area in ethical studies, eg @Google driverless car, cyber,


Tuesday 25th of February 2014

RT @BanKillerRobots: We're building very bright machines no social or emotional Can ethical knowledge be programmed? Likel…


Tuesday 25th of February 2014

RT @BanKillerRobots: We are already being emotionally managed by the machines that we Will guilt + deceit be programmed in?


Tuesday 25th of February 2014

RT @BanKillerRobots: We have to anticipate what might happen b/c if we don't we won't be in a position to take action when it does …


Tuesday 25th of February 2014

RT @BanKillerRobots: Every technology invented was supposed to put an end to war, but rather it done opposite by providing new opportunitie…


Wednesday 26th of February 2014

Stop killer robots while we still can


Thursday 27th of February 2014

Watch video

Obama: 'We're building Iron Man'


Thursday 27th of February 2014

RT @BanKillerRobots: European Parliament resolution adopted today on armed drones includes a call to ban fully autonomous weapons!


Thursday 27th of February 2014

SOCOM working on 'Iron Man' suit


Wednesday 12th of March 2014

Killer robots: dystopian fiction or imminent threat?


Wednesday 12th of March 2014

Why You're Better Off Trusting a Robot Over a Human


Wednesday 12th of March 2014

If you want to trust a robot, look at how it makes decisions


Wednesday 12th of March 2014

Google’s big principled stance against surveillance is honorable — or it would be, if the company wasn’t so deeply involved in the very thing that it claims to be against. what few people realize is that Google has also been using its wares to enhance and enrich the surveillance operations of the biggest and most powerful intelligence and DoD agencies in the world: NSA, FBI, CIA, DEA and NGA — the whole alphabet soup.


Friday 14th of March 2014

RT @TadekSolarz: RT @BaronVonPing: The only thing they didn't see was the irony


Monday 17th of March 2014

Why Is Google Building A Robot Army?


Wednesday 19th of March 2014

Bill Gates: People Don't Realize How Many Jobs Will Soon Be Replaced By Software Bots


Wednesday 19th of March 2014

Here's how we take back the Internet


Wednesday 19th of March 2014

Appearing by telepresence robot, Edward Snowden speaks at TED2014 about surveillance and Internet freedom. The right to data privacy, he suggests, is not a partisan issue, but requires a fundamental rethink of the role of the internet in our lives — and the laws that protect it. "Your rights matter,” he says, "because you never know when you're going to need them." Chris Anderson interviews, with special guest Tim Berners-Lee.


Thursday 20th of March 2014

RT @TEDchris: You never know who you might bump into at


Thursday 20th of March 2014

Snowden's robot promises more revelations


Thursday 20th of March 2014

Nasa-funded study: industrial civilisation headed for 'irreversible collapse'?


Tuesday 25th of March 2014

Adding Coding to the Curriculum


Tuesday 25th of March 2014

RT @doctorow: Jake Appelbaum reads his Homeland afterword, with bonus Atari Teenage Riot vocoder mix


Tuesday 25th of March 2014

Après plusieurs mois de discussions avec les trois principaux réseaux sociaux (Facebook, Twitter, Google) qui s’entêtent à maintenir des clauses que l’association juge abusives ou illicites, l’UFC-Que Choisir les assigne en justice devant le Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris et, plus généralement, appelle les consommateurs à la mobilisation pour qu’ils gardent la main sur leurs données.


Tuesday 25th of March 2014

Homeland Afterword by Jacob Applebaum


Wednesday 26th of March 2014

Facebook buying Oculus VR for $2 billion


Wednesday 26th of March 2014

Facebook is Buying Oculus Because It Needs a Sci-Fi Toy


Wednesday 26th of March 2014

@paleofuture : This Is What I See Every Time You Tell Me How Cool Oculus Rift Is


Wednesday 26th of March 2014

«Virtual reality was once the dream of science Mark Zuckerberg


Wednesday 26th of March 2014

Google isn’t interested in taking money from DARPA because its ambitions are in the more lucrative consumer market, and any association with DARPA leads to headlines like, "What the heck will Google do with these scary military robots?"


Wednesday 26th of March 2014

@TEDchris You never know who you might bump into at


Thursday 27th of March 2014

Robotics Firm With Evil Name Wins Investors


Thursday 27th of March 2014

Terminator-maker 'Cyberdyne Inc' lists on Tokyo stock exchange …


Wednesday 2nd of April 2014

NSA performed warrantless searches on Americans' calls and emails – Clapper


Friday 4th of April 2014

Meet Z-Machines, Squarepusher's new robot band


Friday 4th of April 2014

"Captain America: The Winter Soldier" Is About Obama's Terror-Suspect Kill List


Friday 4th of April 2014

Coalition Against Unlawful Surveillance Exports


Sunday 6th of April 2014

A giant art installation targets predator drone operators


Monday 7th of April 2014

DARPA-Funded Atlas Robot to Go Tetherless in the Next Six Months


Monday 7th of April 2014

«Google est une société magnifique. Pourtant, si elle devient leader en matière de lutte contre la mort, d'intelligence artificielle, de robotique, de domotique, de voitures intelligentes, il faudra vraiment réfléchir à la démanteler! Elle pourrait devenir plus puissante que les États.»


Monday 7th of April 2014

Watch video

VIDEO: BigDog Beta (High Quality) - early Big Dog quadruped robot testing


Thursday 10th of April 2014

RT @Liberationtech: US NSA "Owns" Debian, @Wikileaks' Julian Assange Says &


Thursday 10th of April 2014

RT @csoghoian: Dropbox adding NSA defender Condi to their board would be a non-issue if they didn't have access to their users'


Thursday 10th of April 2014

RT @JimCameron: It’s time for people to face the fact that our world is at Tune in to @YEARSofLIVING and take a


Thursday 10th of April 2014

RT @wikileaks: No, Julian did not say that was owned by the but rather that it is easy to backdoor all OSs


Thursday 10th of April 2014

RT @paleofuture: if i ever saw a vending machine do this i'd probably set it on fire just to show the robots who's boss


Friday 11th of April 2014

Watch video

RT @BarackObama: The real victims of climate change: Watch the trailer for "Years of Living Dangerously":


Friday 11th of April 2014

Surveillance is the Business Model of the Internet: Bruce Schneier


Friday 11th of April 2014

RT @WakeUp__America:


Friday 11th of April 2014

Apple and Microsoft have bigger cash holdings than UK


Tuesday 15th of April 2014

RT @ilana_u: GCHQ spokesperson: "This is the first time we have ever been asked to comment on


Tuesday 15th of April 2014

RT @phillipanderson: To recap: we pay people tens of billions of $ every year to keep us They do this by making sure the internet isn…


Tuesday 15th of April 2014

Google Buys Drone Firm That Facebook Pursued, Too


Tuesday 15th of April 2014

RT @berkmancenter: [Today] Ethereum: Freenet or Skynet ?


Tuesday 15th of April 2014

RT @BanKillerRobots: Our of major developments + actions on


Wednesday 16th of April 2014

Les barons de la banque et de la drogue


Wednesday 16th of April 2014

Le trading haute fréquence est un « système de fraude de grande ampleur »


Wednesday 16th of April 2014

High Frequency Trading Infographic: Trading at the speed of light


Wednesday 16th of April 2014

Google Warns: We Are Scanning Your Email


Wednesday 16th of April 2014

CAPTCHAs Are Becoming Security Theater


Wednesday 16th of April 2014

Google is building up a digital superstate, says German media boss


Thursday 17th of April 2014

Données personnelles : sortir des injonctions contradictoires via @manhack


Thursday 17th of April 2014

Introducing AISight: The slightly scary CCTV network completely run by AI


Friday 18th of April 2014

Les drones – une nouvelle technologie controversée


Monday 21st of April 2014

@NO2NSA @BanKillerRobots @Jean_no @Bruce_Schneier RT: @OurNetMundial END GLOBAL SURVEILLANCE! SIGN :


Monday 28th of April 2014

Maths spying: The quandary of working for the spooks


Wednesday 30th of April 2014

The Rise of the Drone Master: Pop Culture Recasts Obama


Wednesday 30th of April 2014

Obama’s Pop Culture Legacy [VIDEO]


Thursday 1st of May 2014

Schwarzenegger’s Ties to Palm Oil Reveal Hypocrisy of ‘Years of Living Dangerously’


Thursday 1st of May 2014

The Schwarzenegger dilemma:Years of investing dangerously


Thursday 1st of May 2014

Will Arnold Schwarzenegger terminate his ties to forest destruction?


Thursday 1st of May 2014

Watch video

«We can Terminate Climate Change !»


Thursday 1st of May 2014

Watch video

« This is About Survival »


Saturday 3rd of May 2014

RT @botherder: RoboCop movie's propaganda easter egg: "@Greenpeace attacked by @wikileaks


Monday 5th of May 2014

RT @TheAnonNation: Here's Michael Hayden acting like the evil Burns from the Simpsons at the


Monday 5th of May 2014

Wikileaks Julian Assange on The Simpsons 500th Episode


Monday 5th of May 2014

RT @sarahjeong: “That’s Google, not NSA” — Michael Hayden


Tuesday 6th of May 2014

How GCHQ built on a colossal secret


Tuesday 6th of May 2014

@republica filming the audience during conference about privacy and protection of anonymity is counter productive


Wednesday 7th of May 2014

Exclusive: Emails reveal close Google relationship with NSA


Friday 9th of May 2014

RT @GalouGentil: Ex-NSA chief Alexander is launching a consulting firm for financial institutions looking to address cyber


Friday 9th of May 2014

'Killer robots' to be debated at UN


Sunday 11th of May 2014

If all a futurist has to do is wave his hands and say things will change more rapidly than we expect, then futurists like Kurzweil are nothing but techno-gimmicky Criswells. Utterly useless.


Sunday 11th of May 2014

Google Nest: Your safe


Monday 12th of May 2014

The sobering story of Janet Vertesi's attempts to conceal her pregnancy from the forces of online marketers shows just how Kafkaesque the internet has become..


Monday 12th of May 2014

Depuis peu, des machines électroniques capables de produire des objets, fonctionnant à la manière d’imprimantes en trois dimensions, sont accessibles au grand public. Elles suscitent un engouement au sein d’une avant-garde qui y voit les ferments d’une nouvelle révolution industrielle. Mais les partisans de ces outils de bricolage technologique oublient souvent l’histoire qui les a vus naître.


Monday 12th of May 2014

His entire life, Tim Scully has been interested in cutting edge technology and computers. As a teen in 1958, he earned an honorable mention at a San Francisco Bay Area science fair for designing and building a small computer. He later received recognition for building a small linear accelerator pictured in a 1961 edition of the Oakland Tribune. He was trying to make gold atoms from mercury. Tim Scully is best known in the psychedelic underground for his work in the production of LSD from 1966 to 1969, for which he was indicted in 1973 and convicted in 1974. His best known product, dubbed "Orange Sunshine", was considered the standard for quality LSD in 1969.


Monday 12th of May 2014

Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks, says a group of leading scientists


Tuesday 13th of May 2014

Corporations are 1st Generation AI’s


Tuesday 13th of May 2014

‘We Kill People Based on Metadata’


Wednesday 14th of May 2014

RT @BanKillerRobots: Now session on ethical + societal concerns chaired by who cites Isaac Azimov's "3 Laws of Robotics" in his op…


Wednesday 14th of May 2014

RT @BanKillerRobots: @SarahKnuckey One govt delegation raised spectre of "The Terminator" It's their mtg, govts can say w…


Wednesday 14th of May 2014

RT @BanKillerRobots: Everyone wants to prevent the scifi scenario says We need to consider challenging Q of "meaningful" huma…


Wednesday 14th of May 2014

RT @BanKillerRobots: Starting session on legal concerns over lethal autonomous weapons systems - with The Terminator on 1st slide ht…


Wednesday 14th of May 2014

Watch video

Machines are starting to take the place of human soldiers on the battlefield. Some military and robotics experts predict that "killer robots" -- fully autonomous weapons that could select and engage targets --- could be developed within 20-30 years.


Wednesday 14th of May 2014

Watch video#t=1081

Michael Hayden "We Kill People Based on Meta-Data"


Wednesday 14th of May 2014

Le principe technique de l’internet, c’est le contournement des obstacles, il doit bien être possible de contourner Google. Hier donc, on s’est aperçu qu’un monde sans Google était un monde possible. Monde souhaitable ou désirable, c’est une autre question. Mais au moins, c’est un monde possible.


Wednesday 14th of May 2014

Watch video

make/real, Virgil Widrich, 2010:


Wednesday 14th of May 2014

Imaginez des machines capables de repérer des humains, de les approcher et de... les tuer. Pour le moment, cette situation n'est qu'une fiction mise en scène dans la saga "Terminator". Mais la technologie progresse si rapidement qu'elle pourrait être très bientôt une réalité.


Thursday 15th of May 2014

RT @mgubrud: Heyns: to be targeted as an object by a machine is the ultimate


Thursday 15th of May 2014

In “United States of Secrets,” a two-part series airing May 13 & 20, FRONTLINE reveals the dramatic inside story of how the U.S. government came to monitor and collect the communications of millions of people around the world—and the lengths they went to trying to hide the massive surveillance program from the public.


Saturday 17th of May 2014

"The Jetsons" gave us the dream of a robot designed to help. "The Terminator" gave us the nightmare of a machine designed to kill. The future is apparently here.


Saturday 17th of May 2014

RT @Wolfman_Patt: uses 4 times as much Co2 as Stop Global Warming Vote for Hemp @votehemp 's Action page


Saturday 17th of May 2014

Even if you're careful about choosing how and where your email is sent, chances are you reply to plenty of messages sent from Gmail. And, as it turns out, that probably means that Google has most of your email, whether you like it or not.


Sunday 18th of May 2014

Sony Pictures Entertainment has optioned the film rights to the book “No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State” with the James Bond producers Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli ..


Monday 19th of May 2014

RT @TBIJ: Global drones wars - an excellent infographic by @AOAV using our data


Monday 19th of May 2014

Around 7AM on January 21st, 2014, a small group of protesters gathered in the driveway of an understated $1 million four bedroom family home in Berkeley and unfurled a hand-painted banner that read "GOOGLE’S FUTURE STOPS HERE."


Monday 19th of May 2014

Breaking the rules of a civil society: Activists target a Google engineer at his Berkeley home


Monday 19th of May 2014

... celebrating an imaginary Google service allowing the public to ride the private shuttles, "Google Buses," for free since MUNI is in crisis, and a fare hike is imminent.


Monday 19th of May 2014

Sergey Brin gestures after riding in a driverless car with California Jerry Brown


Tuesday 20th of May 2014

In the Terminator movies, fully autonomous robots wage war against humanity. Although cyborg assassins won’t be arriving from the future anytime soon, offensive “Terminator-style” autonomous robots that are programmed to kill could soon escape Hollywood science fiction and become reality.


Monday 26th of May 2014

“It is very possible that Terminator of the future would need to be constructed starting from such building blocks.”


Monday 26th of May 2014

Inspired by fictional cyborgs like Terminator, a team of researchers at the University of Michigan and the University of Pittsburgh has made the first bionic particles from semiconductors and proteins.


Monday 26th of May 2014

How killer robots became more than just scary science fiction.


Tuesday 27th of May 2014

Researchers are working on robots that can make ethical choices and then explain why


Wednesday 28th of May 2014

Thanks to Edward Snowden, we know the apparatus of repression has been covertly attached to the democratic state. However, our struggle to retain privacy is far from hopeless


Tuesday 3rd of June 2014

The Second Psychedelic Revolution : Alexander ‘Sasha’ Shulgin, The Psychedelic Godfather


Thursday 5th of June 2014

Il y a un an, Edward Snowden révélait « à quel point notre relation à la technologie a changé à tout jamais, et pourquoi nous ne pourrons plus faire confiance aux machines »


Thursday 5th of June 2014

We live already in the era of the Cyborg. Our Humanities are practically indistinct from the Machine. Functions of our bodies such as communicating, remembering, recognizing each other, our personal and shared memories and most of our works are now indivisible from the functions of the machines.


Friday 6th of June 2014

Why are we so afraid of robots in general, and why can’t we have robots do our dirty work? Human mediation, as anyone who’s interacted with humans understands, is typically messy and irrational. Why would it be less likely for a robot to comply with international humanitarian law than a human?


Friday 6th of June 2014

The U.S. Secret Service is looking to buy software to help it distinguish between sarcastic remarks made on social media and legitimate threats.


Monday 9th of June 2014

Right now the most significant consequence has been the knowledge that has fueled the debate. A lot of what we have read from these NSA documents isn't surprising, but the details make them real in a way that speculation doesn't.


Monday 9th of June 2014

65 Things We Know About NSA Surveillance That We Didn’t Know a Year Ago


Monday 9th of June 2014

Engineers say the robot is also equipped with a sophisticated audio command program that recognizes and subsequently ignores such phrases as “Stop” and “I give up” and is programmed to apply pressure to a prostrate suspect’s neck with a force of up to 500 PSI both before and after he’s stopped moving. Its operating system is also reportedly loaded with advanced visual recognition software that allows the robot to identify nearly any object in the subject’s hand as a weapon, prompting it to rapidly empty the clip on its extendable .40-caliber firearm.


Tuesday 10th of June 2014

The Central Intelligence Agency used American modern art - including the works of such artists as Jackson Pollock, Robert Motherwell, Willem de Kooning and Mark Rothko - as a weapon in the Cold War. In the manner of a Renaissance prince - except that it acted secretly - the CIA fostered and promoted American Abstract Expressionist painting around the world for more than 20 years..


Tuesday 10th of June 2014

“We’re nowhere near Skynet today. That’s way the heck out there. That’s not close to anything that’s possible today.”


Wednesday 11th of June 2014

After all, putting an all-seeing Google eye in space gives a whole new meaning to “do not track.”


Sunday 15th of June 2014

"What's happening is if you have a great idea and the technical skills to implement it you can create disproportionate wealth very quickly," he said. "That's good by itself except it increases disparity." That disparity, Khosla said, will only continue to grow as machine learning and big data technologies improves. Eventually, software will have the ability to replace everything from farmworkers picking lettuce to law clerks.


Sunday 15th of June 2014

The audio-recognition feature works similar to the app Shazam, which also can identify music and television programming using the built-in microphones in mobile phones.


Sunday 15th of June 2014

ISIS communicates using human beings—not the Internet or phones, networks the U.S. intelligence apparatus can surveil with relative ease. Human couriers, in contrast, move quietly, quickly, and blend into the local population, rendering them effectively invisible.


Sunday 15th of June 2014

The Fog Machine of War


Tuesday 17th of June 2014

Only the unmeasured is free.


Tuesday 17th of June 2014

Designers create a Faraday-cage cloak to foil NSA, other spies


Tuesday 24th of June 2014

Snowden can drive his in-office telepresence system with his keyboard’s arrow keys at around two miles an hour. It has an eight hour battery life before it needs to dock into a $950 charging station, and even comes with a “party mode” that activates more ambient microphones and elevates the volume of its speaker.


Thursday 26th of June 2014

Watch video

Think the NSA is scarry ? Watch this..


Thursday 26th of June 2014

RT @isaach: meanwhile at google i/o


Thursday 26th of June 2014

Google’s DC office is crammed to the brim with former spooks, intelligence officials and revolving door military contractors.


Friday 27th of June 2014

Watch video

Over the past few years Google has made strides into robotics, artificial intelligence, self-driving vehicles... and that's just the secret projects we know about. Watching the pieces fall into place, it's hard to not see a certain pattern emerge. One that matches a familiar sci-fi world that filmmaker James Cameron first envisioned 30 years ago. One in which AI, robotics, and autonomous vehicles all unite in a winner-takes-all battle against humanity itself.


Friday 27th of June 2014

Meet your new robot overlords


Monday 30th of June 2014



Monday 30th of June 2014



Wednesday 2nd of July 2014

The U.S. government is militarizing social media through a combination of technology and social sciences, and Facebook is helping them.


Wednesday 2nd of July 2014

We show, via a massive (N = 689,003) experiment on Facebook, that emotional states can be transferred to others via emotional contagion, leading people to experience the same emotions without their awareness. We provide experimental evidence that emotional contagion occurs without direct interaction between people (exposure to a friend expressing an emotion is sufficient), and in the complete absence of nonverbal cues.


Wednesday 2nd of July 2014

We may think of ourselves as rational actors, in conscious control of our choices, but most of what we do is reflexive. Our behavior is determined by our subliminal reactions to the influence of other people, particularly those in the various peer groups we belong to.


Wednesday 2nd of July 2014

"Even when you don’t see them, you can hear them, you know they are there."


Thursday 3rd of July 2014

The CIA saw LSD as a potential “truth serum," according to FOIA documents obtained by Jacobsen, but it turned out to be an active metaphor for Cold War paranoia.


Thursday 3rd of July 2014

As some had been branded war criminals at Nuremberg, the U.S. military whitewashed the backgrounds of many scientists in an attempt to justify hiring them.


Thursday 3rd of July 2014

At a secret black site in the years after the end of WWII, CIA and US intelligence operatives tested LSD and other interrogation techniques on captured Soviet spies—all with the help of former Nazi doctors. An excerpt from Annie Jacobsen’s Operation Paperclip, published this week.


Thursday 10th of July 2014

Sarkozy-Terminator ira-t-il frapper à la porte de l'UMP pour demander la tête, non de Sarah Connor, mais, au hasard, de François Fillon?


Friday 11th of July 2014

In a move echoing the apocolyptic situation played out in the Terminator series of films, the US government is handing over control of its nuclear stockpile to computers. In the Terminator films the US government develops a computer system called Skynet which is designed to have command over all computerised military hardware and systems, including America's entire nuclear weapons arsenal.


Friday 11th of July 2014

“We don’t give them a manual, we don’t send them home for three weeks to study,” says James Blake, head of the U.S. Army Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation. “We just put them in the environment, put the device on them, and exercise.” “We get kids who come in with unrealistic views of the Army because of Call of Duty,” Hill says, referring to Activision Blizzard’s popular video game franchise. “You’re not going to come in here and run around like you’re in a one-man war.”


Friday 11th of July 2014

The NSA will soon be able to collect 966 exabytes a year, the total of internet traffic annually. Former Google head Eric Schmidt once argued that the entire amount of knowledge from the beginning of humankind until 2003 amount to only five exabytes.


Friday 18th of July 2014

Every time it kills civilians, we add to guilt, like a bank account. And as time passes, guilt decays and reduces in value (especially if the robot kills bad guys). Now here's the governor bit: whenever guilt is above a value -- say, 100 -- then the robot formulaically becomes less willing to shoot.


Friday 18th of July 2014

This form of control is indifferent to whether or not I “believe” in it. I can’t choose to opt out or face it down with a vigilant skepticism. I can decide to resist—I can toss my smartphone in a lead bag and refuse all social media—but these decisions won’t affect the social infrastructure I am embedded in.


Monday 21st of July 2014

These robots are our golems — utterly unpredictable, entirely unaccountable, alarmingly enabling. The horizon of war reeks of their casualties, with every blue face, every lank arm, the output of an arbitrary machine.


Monday 21st of July 2014

“For many of these cases, they’re often individuals who are young, increasingly young, often have some history of mental problems,” Karen Greenberg of the Center on National Security at Fordham Law School told Al Jazeera. “The real issue is, what about the real terrorists?”


Monday 21st of July 2014

Police agencies coercing people into committing crimes so they can arrest them is not completely unheard of. (It's been used liberally to create the idea that the nation is crawling with Islamic terrorists.)


Monday 21st of July 2014

“.. take a closer look and you realize that many of these people would never have committed a crime if not for law enforcement encouraging, pressuring, and sometimes paying them to commit terrorist acts.”


Monday 21st of July 2014

Nearly all of the highest-profile domestic terrorism plots in the United States since 9/11 featured the "direct involvement" of government agents or informants, a new report says. "In some cases the FBI may have created terrorists out of law-abiding individuals by suggesting the idea of taking terrorist action or encouraging the target to act,"


Saturday 26th of July 2014

“Because you appear on a telephone list of somebody doesn’t make you a terrorist. That’s the kind of information that gets put in there.”


Thursday 31st of July 2014

the project will collect anonymous genetic and molecular information from 175 people—and later thousands more—to create what the company hopes will be the fullest picture of what a healthy human being should be.


Tuesday 5th of August 2014

Google entered the lobbying rankings above military aerospace giant Lockheed Martin, with a total of $18.2 million spent in 2012. Boeing and Northrop Grumman also came below the tech...


Tuesday 5th of August 2014

Google is Watching you!


Wednesday 6th of August 2014

“If everything is terrorism, then nothing is terrorism,” says David Gomez, a former senior FBI special agent.


Wednesday 6th of August 2014 Silicon Valley’s question of “Is Internet access a human right?” one could respond by turning the tables: What kind of “Internet,” and what kind of “access”?


Friday 8th of August 2014

Self-driving cars sounds great until you start to think about it. The results over robots taking jobs over has created a split in the scientific community. Forty-eight percent of respondents say that they will destroy more jobs than they create. Fifty-two percent have the opposing view


Friday 8th of August 2014

Google actively scans the images that pass through Gmail accounts.. "There will of course be some who see it as yet another sign of how the twin Big Brothers of state agencies and corporate behemoths have nothing better to do than delve into the private lives of all and sundry, looking for dirt,"


Tuesday 12th of August 2014

Watch video#t=1529

Hayden says protecting Bin Laden under 4th amendment :


Tuesday 12th of August 2014

Watch video

7 Things You Didn't Know About Terminator:


Thursday 14th of August 2014

The real Skynet: New NSA autonomous weapons system intercepts threats and retaliates automatically


Friday 15th of August 2014

Snowden: The NSA's building Skynet to fight wars online


Friday 15th of August 2014

study of the cultural production of ignorance is a rich field, especially today when whole industries devote themselves to sowing public misinformation and doubt about their products and activities. "The myth of the 'information society' is that we're drowning in knowledge," he says. "But it's easier to propagate ignorance."-R.Procor


Friday 15th of August 2014

Agnotology (formerly agnatology) is the study of culturally induced ignorance or doubt, particularly the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data.


Friday 15th of August 2014

"The myth of the 'information society' is that we're drowning in knowledge, But it's easier to propagate ignorance"-Robert Proctor


Saturday 16th of August 2014

"It's no longer a flight of fantasy, it's something that people should start taking seriously. But at the same time, it's not too late. Had we waited until we started seeing these enter battlefields worldwide, we think that it would be much harder to get this sort of dialogue going and realistically have a chance of stopping this technology from proliferating,"


Saturday 16th of August 2014

The company says it will continue to work with its military clients, but has “vouched to not manufacture weaponized robots that remove humans from the loop” as it “has chosen to value our ethics over potential future revenue.” Stop Killer Robots Canada has welcomed the statement by Clearpath Robotics, which it said “has set the ethical standard for robotics companies around the world.”


Friday 22nd of August 2014

RT @mgubrud: @mchorowitz So then IF a human says "Kill Sarah Connor but try to avoid collateral damage" then that's OK (unde…


Friday 22nd of August 2014

RT @mgubrud: @mchorowitz So then IF a human says "Kill Sarah Connor but try to avoid collateral damage" then that's OK (unde…


Friday 22nd of August 2014

RT @mgubrud: @mchorowitz So then IF a human says "Kill Sarah Connor but try to avoid collateral damage" then that's OK (unde…


Saturday 23rd of August 2014

Killer Robots: Keeping Control of Autonomous Weapons


Saturday 23rd of August 2014

RT @mgubrud: Human says "Kill Sarah So, Terminator is not an autonomous weapon system? @DaveMajumdar @USNINews @mch…


Saturday 23rd of August 2014

RT @paul_scharre: @mchorowitz Well, I'd point out that in the movie the Terminator kills a whole lot more people and is actually …


Wednesday 27th of August 2014

To allow government agents to sift through the masses of records on ICREACH, engineers designed a simple “Google-like” search interface. This enabled analysts to run searches against particular “selectors” associated with a person of interest—such as an email address or phone number—and receive a page of results displaying, for instance, a list of phone calls made and received by a suspect over a month-long period.The myth that metadata is just a bunch of numbers and is not as revealing as actual communications content was exploded long ago—this is a trove of incredibly sensitive information.”


Wednesday 27th of August 2014

Watch video

RT @carwinb: Killer Mike - "Reagan" (Official Music Video)


Wednesday 27th of August 2014

CSSD bore the hallmarks of an industry front group designed to put an environmentally friendly spin on fracking — similar to the tobacco group that Mr. Cohon advised. If Mr. Cohon was complicit in an industry effort to downplay smoking hazards, would he do the same for fracking?


Wednesday 27th of August 2014

"San Francisco’s minimum wage is nearly $3 more than the federal minimum wage, yet it is three-and-a-half times less than what is needed to afford a decent two-bedroom unit in this expensive jurisdiction"—or $37.62 an hour. Or, $78,250 a year. Either way: Time to blockade a Google bus.


Thursday 28th of August 2014

“Firstly there's a real loss of control over the battlefield for commanders. Secondly, if a mistake is made there's a real problem with accountability."


Friday 29th of August 2014

Watch video#t=873

« he took another role: if i cannot be a performer in this way, i'd be a performer in another way »


Friday 29th of August 2014

Watch video#t=1086

«Ronald Reagan was an informer for the FBI »


Friday 29th of August 2014

Watch video#t=2105

Ronald Reagan was elected by looking back at the antiwar protest,counter-culture, making that into a political issue


Friday 29th of August 2014

Watch video#t=2608

« we have it in our power to begin the world all over again »


Friday 29th of August 2014

Watch video#t=3691

whenever you find a situation where you have to use your military hardware,that's a clear sign you didnt spend enough


Saturday 30th of August 2014

Watch video#t=3715

the idea came from a 40s movie he was involved in "murder in the air"


Saturday 30th of August 2014

reporter Gary Webb linked the origins of crack cocaine in California to the contras, a guerrilla force backed by the Reagan administration that attacked Nicaragua's Sandinista government during the 1980s.


Saturday 30th of August 2014



Saturday 30th of August 2014

« We are building iron-man » @arthackday


Saturday 30th of August 2014

@arthackday @StopTheRobotWar


Saturday 30th of August 2014

billionaire:'Technology increases the wealth gap' @arthackday


Saturday 30th of August 2014

we allready live in the cyborg era @jerezim @arthackday


Saturday 30th of August 2014

« When The Simpsons do something with you, you cannot be completely bad »


Saturday 30th of August 2014

« The Future doesn't need us »


Monday 1st of September 2014

Google can collect real-time analytics on us, after all, but there’s almost no way to track how their decisions hold up or undermine their “don’t be evil” ethos. What’s trust without transparency?


Thursday 4th of September 2014

« Megan has spent her career leading talented teams and taking cutting-edge technology and innovation initiatives from concept to design to deployment. I am confident that in her new role as America’s Chief Technology Officer, she will put her long record of leadership and exceptional skills to work on behalf of the American people. » -B. Obama


Thursday 4th of September 2014

Meanwhile, former Twitter General Counsel Alex Macgillivray will be joining the White House as Deputy CTO, replacing Nicole Wong (who, as it hapens, was previously part of Legal at both Twitter and Google.)


Thursday 4th of September 2014

former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, is financing forest destruction. Schwarzenegger is part-owner of Dimensional Fund Advisors, a money manager with deep ties to forest destruction through logging and palm oil companies. Let's hold Schwarzenegger to a higher standard. Tell him to pressure DFA to cut its ties with forest-destroying palm oil companies.


Thursday 4th of September 2014

"12333 is used to target foreigners abroad, and collection happens outside the US," “Reagan did this at every opportunity: with military exercises, challenging the Soviets in their own airspace and waters, across the board. The gloves were coming off,”


Thursday 4th of September 2014

Agencies are not authorized to use such techniques as electronic surveillance, unconsented physical search, mail surveillance, physical surveillance, or monitoring devices unless they are in accordance with procedures established by the head of the agency concerned and approved by the Attorney General.


Thursday 4th of September 2014

« Le journalisme c’est publier ce que quelqu’un d’autre ne veut pas voir publié. Tout le reste relève des relations publiques ». – George Orwell. Fabriquées de bric et de broc, les accusations contre Assange visent l’intimidation de tous, journalistes, blogueurs, citoyens. Quelques rappels.


Friday 5th of September 2014

In 1996, Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist GARY WEBB (1955–2004) wrote a shocking series of articles for the San Jose Mercury News exposing the CIA’s link to Nicaraguan cocaine smuggled into the US by the Contras, which had fueled the widespread crack epidemic that swept through urban areas


Friday 5th of September 2014

Backers of CIA-led Nicaraguan rebels brought cocaine to poor L.A. neighborhoods in early '80s to help finance war -- and a plague was born.


Monday 8th of September 2014

Ironically, the criminalization of the possession of psychedelic drugs in 1970 and the attendant passion of the authorities’ anti-drug crusade did little to slow the spread of recreational abuse, but effectively shut all research into possible beneficial uses down cold. The cost to the American taxpayer of giving these vets the medical care they’ve earned will be in the range of a trillion dollars over the next 30 or 40 years. If PTSD could be reliably cured with a short-term treatment using an inexpensive drug like MDMA, those costs could be slashed dramatically. And yet, though the Department of Defense is spending lavishly on speculative development all sorts of untested therapies – including planting microchips in veterans’ brains – it has yet to budget a dime for MDMA research, in part, clearly, because the cultural wars of 1970 continue to hold the image of psychedelics hostage.


Monday 8th of September 2014

These academic revelations add fodder to the argument that drug firms maintain quiet ties to the marijuana prohibition lobby.


Monday 8th of September 2014

Cyborg Unplug is a wireless anti-surveillance system for the home and workplace. 'Plug to Unplug', it detects and kicks devices known to pose a risk to personal privacy from your local wireless network, breaking uploads and streams.


Monday 8th of September 2014

"In the 21st century medicine is moving onwards and trying to surpass the norm, to help people live longer, to have stronger memories, to have better control of their emotions. But upgrading like that is not an egalitarian project, it's an elitist project. No matter what norm you reach, there is always another upgrade which is possible."


Tuesday 9th of September 2014

how did the sugar industry engineer its turnaround? The answer is found in more than 1,500 pages of internal memos, letters, and company board reports we discovered buried in the archives of now-defunct sugar companies as well as in the recently released papers of deceased researchers and consultants who played key roles in the industry's strategy. They show how Big Sugar used Big Tobacco-style tactics to ensure that government agencies would dismiss troubling health claims against their products.


Tuesday 9th of September 2014

Perhaps unsurprisingly, science fiction references infused media coverage of the original meeting in May, just as a stock photo of Terminators attacking dressed up news coverage of Angela Kane’s remarks last week. The Wall Street Journal’s headline about the Experts’ Meeting read “It’s Judgment Day for Killer Robots at the UN” and included a “Robocop” still. Reuters used a similar headline and went with an image from “The Terminator.” A few reports used pictures of Cylons. At Mashable, readers were told: “The UN [is battling] killer robots. Yes, the robopocalypse might be coming.”


Tuesday 9th of September 2014

The genre of science fiction offers the analyst an opportunity that cannot be matched by more mimetic genres, namely the chance to look at how sets of widely-circulating expectations of the social serve to constrain authors as they work to introduce as yet unexplored problematiques, the fantasy aspect in much of science fiction storytelling is premised simply on a material difference.


Thursday 11th of September 2014

Not because they might develop the worst human characteristics, but because they’re nothing like humans at all.If we now reflect that human beings consist of useful resources (such as conveniently located atoms) and that we depend for our survival and flourishing on many more local resources, we can see that the outcome could easily be one in which humanity quickly becomes extinct.


Friday 12th of September 2014

With a net worth of $51.3 billion, Oracle founder and CEO Larry Ellison is the fifth wealthiest person in the world. Megan Ellison was born on Jan. 31, 1986, in Santa Clara County, California. Like her father, Megan was rebellious and tough from a young age. She posted this photo of herself to her Twitter account with the caption, "You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."


Friday 12th of September 2014

Larry Ellison has transferred a good portion of his wealth to his children Megan and David, also a film producer. The two have 3 million shares of Netsuite and own 900 million shares of Oracle each. It is estimated that the Netsuite holdings are worth $306 million alone.


Sunday 14th of September 2014

While the technology behind facial recognition continues to develop as its presence increases, some artists are trying to give citizens their privacy back the best way they know how—by designing contraptions that help ordinary citizens avoid detection.


Sunday 14th of September 2014

Facial Weaponization Communiqué: Fag


Thursday 18th of September 2014

his article contributes to a special symposium on science fiction and international law, examining the blurry lines between science and fiction in the policy discussions concerning the military use of lethal autonomous robots


Monday 22nd of September 2014

Some of the biggest names in technology have been making the pilgrimage to the desert for years, happily blending in unnoticed. These include Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the Google founders, and Jeff Bezos, chief executive of Amazon. But now a new set of younger rich techies are heading east, including Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, employees from Twitter, Zynga and Uber, and a slew of khaki-wearing venture capitalists.


Tuesday 23rd of September 2014

[Google] wants people never to leave the internet at all. But then there are the self-driving cars and the drones; there’s Baseline Study, a project to collect blood, saliva and urine from hundreds of anonymous volunteers to try to predict the likelihood of heart attacks and other life-threatening conditions; and Calico, a biotech subsidiary that aims – in the words of Time magazine, anyway – to “solve death”. Are these all just the hobbies of astonishingly rich men who’d like to find a way not to die (and a good place for dinner)? Or is there a masterplan? What does Google want?


Tuesday 23rd of September 2014

Watch video

RT @m_cetera: @EricSchmidt calls 824 days of detainment in Ecuadorian Embassy "luxury lodgings"


Thursday 25th of September 2014

In “Managing a Nightmare,” Dujmovic attributed the initial outcry over the “Dark Alliance” series to “societal shortcomings” that are not present in the spy agency. “As a personal post-script, I would submit that ultimately the CIA-drug story says a lot more about American society on the eve of the millennium that [sic] it does about either the CIA or the media,” he wrote. “We live in somewhat coarse and emotional times–when large numbers of Americans do not adhere to the same standards of logic, evidence, or even civil discourse as those practiced by members of the CIA community.”


Friday 26th of September 2014

Hollywood knows that where there’s a good story, there’s money to be made from us – audiences only too happy to be outraged at injustice but also only too wiling to believe such “ancient” injustices offer no lessons for the present.For that reason, it is doubtful Kill the Messenger’s viewers will emerge from the film more critical news consumers. They will still trust their daily paper and the TV news, and still assume that when all the president’s men tell them of events on distant shores – from Venezuela to Iran, Syria and Ukraine – they are being told the unvarnished truth.


Sunday 28th of September 2014

Ninguém está 100% seguro, mas há algumas coisas que você pode fazer para se proteger antes de sair para as ruas. este guia vai te dar umas boas dicas.


Sunday 28th of September 2014

The notion that the world outside its homepage remains anonymous is increasingly untrue. Millions of internet users voluntarily give Facebook, Google, and others access to their movements across the web and on mobile when they use “social log in,” or the ability to sign in to a website using credentials from the big identity providers.


Sunday 28th of September 2014

books that have somewhat disquieting titles like “Everyone Else Must Fail” and “The Difference Between God and Larry Ellison,” the punch line being: “God doesn’t think he’s Larry Ellison.” “At the end of the day, Mr. Ellison can and will do what he wants. He asks for input, but that’s like me asking for input on what to do with my backyard. I own my backyard.” (Around town, the event was rumored to be a giant party for Ellison’s daughter, Megan.)


Sunday 28th of September 2014

After spending weeks depicting ISIS as an unprecedented threat — too radical even for Al Qaeda! — administration officials suddenly began spoon-feeding their favorite media organizations and national security journalists tales of a secret group that was even scarier and more threatening than ISIS, one that posed a direct and immediate threat to the American Homeland. Seemingly out of nowhere, a new terror group was created in media lore.


Tuesday 30th of September 2014



Tuesday 30th of September 2014

La psilocybine contenue dans certains champignons hallucinogènes pourrait aider des fumeurs de longue durée à arrêter de fumer. C’est le résultat d’une petite étude pilote qui a obtenu 80 % de réussite sur un échantillon de 15 fumeurs.


Tuesday 30th of September 2014

RT @julian0liver: buyers from Mountain View & the Bay Area USA have a 'Sympathy Discount' of 10%


Tuesday 30th of September 2014

RT @julian0liver: buyers from Mountain View & the Bay Area USA have a 'Sympathy Discount' of 10%


Tuesday 30th of September 2014

RT @LastWeekTonight: Last night's segment on drones is here for you to enjoy/be terrified


Wednesday 1st of October 2014

La répression des toxicomanies au nom de l’ordre et de la santé publique contredit les principes libéraux de liberté individuelle et d’accroissement de l’offre ; elle se voit à son tour contredite par les conséquences psychiques, physiques et criminelles de la clandestinité qu’elle implique. Il convient donc de réapprécier les risques et les responsabilités.


Friday 3rd of October 2014

The Ghost of Ronald Reagan Authorizes Most NSA Spying


Friday 3rd of October 2014

Jeremy Scahill on Obama’s Orwellian War in Iraq: We Created the Very Threat We Claim to be Fighting


Sunday 5th of October 2014

Watch video

Do Killer Robots Already Exist?


Sunday 5th of October 2014

Watch video

Will robots rule the stock market?


Tuesday 7th of October 2014

"You see this [science fiction inspiration] in everything from what scientists decide to invent to what Congress and the military decides to fund," Singer said. "It shapes expectations when people think 'This is what the future is going to be, so we should invest in that today.'"


Tuesday 7th of October 2014

Somewhere between military robots, Amazon drones knocking on your door to deliver a parcel, and the rise in machine intelligence, lies what some call The Terminator Scenario. Jean-Baptiste Bayle has spent the past few years looking at the fear and likeliness that our society is getting closer to the one depicted in the 1984 science fiction film The Terminator. The Terminator Studies timeline, map and news collection propose a reinterpretation of a Sci-fi blockbuster. The picture that emerges from this research hovers between cinematographic prophecy and History contaminated by fiction.


Tuesday 7th of October 2014

Au milieu des multinationales tentaculaires, quelques organisations non-lucratives continuent de lutter activement pour un Web ouvert et respectueux des internautes.


Thursday 9th of October 2014

In a 1990 letter to drug policy reformers, Sagan suggested that reformers organize themselves to rebut Partnership for a Drug-Free America commercials that he felt "routinely make gross distortions of the scientific facts."


Friday 17th of October 2014

RT @edwyplenel: La cocaïne est le « pétrole blanc » du capitalisme, selon Roberto via @Mediapart


Friday 17th of October 2014

For a long time Hollywood has warned of killer robots turning on humans - now they're a reality and the UN is worried. "Technology is a tool and it should remain a tool, but it is a dangerous tool and should be held under scrutiny. We need to try to define the elements of needful human control," he said.


Monday 20th of October 2014

"Apple has enough people with their devices being tracked by the government. Every place you go with that thing they know exactly where you are," said Cameron. "So you want to talk about Skynet." "It's not that I have anything to hide," Cameron said. "To me it's a matter of principle."


Tuesday 21st of October 2014

RT @BanKillerRobots: Nice Q's from audience "Do references to science fiction by the media help or hurt the campaign" Our answer? We want t…


Tuesday 21st of October 2014

Isaac Asimov was one of the great sci-fi writers of the 20th century. So naturally, at the dawn of the space age, the military wanted to tap his brain. In 1959 he was approached by ARPA (now known as DARPA) to "think outside of the box" about how ideas are formed. His brief work for the organization has never been published, until today.


Tuesday 21st of October 2014

Probably more inhibiting than anything else is a feeling of responsibility. The great ideas of the ages have come from people who weren’t paid to have great ideas, but were paid to be teachers or patent clerks or petty officials, or were not paid at all. The great ideas came as side issues.


Tuesday 21st of October 2014

SPECIAL GUEST: Mary Wareham (of Human Rights Watch, the Campaign To Stop Killer Robots). An important question faces the human race. Will we decide to "outsource" the decision to take a human life to machines? Do we need autonomous killing machines as part of our military technological arsenal? Perhaps this seems like science fiction to you... but while most of us go about our day-to-day lives, this science fiction scenario is already beginning to come true.


Tuesday 21st of October 2014

The organizations, technologies, and people behind Google's autonomous vehicles


Tuesday 21st of October 2014

RT @DARPA: Asimov: "For every new good idea you have, there are a hundred, ten thousand foolish We aim for slightly better, but valid point


Wednesday 22nd of October 2014

What matters, Deutsch argues, is "the ability to create new explanations," to generate theories about the world and all its particulars. In contrast with this, the idea that self-awareness — let alone real intelligence — will spontaneously emerge from a complex computer network is not just science fiction. It's pure fantasy.


Wednesday 22nd of October 2014

Similarly, we can see how the U.S. war on drugs in Afghanistan isn’t “failing” unless you believe official claims about their objectives — and Devereaux just wrote about the same government that was “also involved in trafficking cocaine to the U.S. in order to fund their counter-revolutionary campaign” in the 80s.


Sunday 26th of October 2014

RT @wikileaks: Assange: Google Is Not What It Seems:


Monday 27th of October 2014

RT @elonmusk: Worth reading Superintelligence by We need to be super careful with Potentially more dangerous than


Monday 27th of October 2014

Elon Musk: ‘With artificial intelligence we are summoning the


Tuesday 28th of October 2014

Killer robots are here and we must stop them, expert says


Tuesday 28th of October 2014

I think The Terminator is a great film, but the threat of a computer surprisingly turning against its creators is


Tuesday 28th of October 2014

“Maybe the danger is [a robot] doing exactly what we @mgubrud intended


Tuesday 28th of October 2014

RT @meganeellison: “Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist -Pablo Picasso


Tuesday 28th of October 2014

The Future of Civilization Is a Battle Between Google and Wikileaks


Wednesday 29th of October 2014

In Cold War, Spy Agencies Used 1,000 Nazis


Wednesday 29th of October 2014

Le rôle diplomatique secret de Google dénoncé par Julian Assange


Thursday 30th of October 2014

RT @nico_maigret: First pictures from the show @ accès)s( Festival @julian0liver @rybn @terminatorstud @wmmna @recyclism


Friday 31st of October 2014

Mathieu Rigouste : « La mort de Rémi n’est pas une bavure, c’est un meurtre d’Etat »


Friday 31st of October 2014

RT @Mynorthwest: Beware the killer robots @thedaveross talks treaty to keep humans in control @clearpathrobots


Friday 31st of October 2014

RT @twittlesis: @NPR, Kennedy's anti-pot group is tied to corps that profit from prohibition @lhfang


Saturday 1st of November 2014

Ray Kurzweil popularised the Teminator-like moment he called the 'singularity', when artificial intelligence overtakes human thinking. But now the man who hopes to be immortal is involved in the very same quest – on behalf of the tech behemoth. Although possibly this is what Kurzweil's critics, such as the biologist PZ Myers, mean when they say that the problem with Kurzweil's theories is that "it's a very bizarre mixture of ideas that are solid and good with ideas that are crazy. It's as if you took a lot of very good food and some dog excrement and blended it all up so that you can't possibly figure out what's good or bad." Or Jaron Lanier, who calls him "a genius" but "a product of a narcissistic age".


Sunday 2nd of November 2014

As Ray Kurzweil speaks to the Observer New Review about the impending advances in artificial intelligence, it seems a good time to heed the warning of such screen classics as Alien, The Terminator and Blade Runner and look back at the rogue computers, robots and replicants that have brought death, disquiet and destruction to humankind. Enjoy, before it's too late


Monday 3rd of November 2014

"The future rests in many ways on hard days like this but we believe we owe it to the folks who were flying these vehicles as well as the folks working so hard on this to understand this and move forward."


Tuesday 4th of November 2014

Writing the future: A timeline of science fiction literature


Wednesday 5th of November 2014

RT @mathieumatiu: Predicting the present: Science Fiction as a lens for focusing on today (with


Wednesday 5th of November 2014

RT @attac_fr: Des "violences inacceptables" "qui n’ont pas leur place dans un Etat de droit" @BCazeneuve? C'est la FNSEA donc ça va


Thursday 6th of November 2014

iExploitation: Apple Supplier Jabil Exploits Workers to Meet iPhone 6 Demands


Thursday 6th of November 2014

Cash Investigation : "Les secrets inavouables de nos téléphones portables"


Friday 7th of November 2014

Watch video

Cash investigation - Industrie du tabac la grande manipulation


Friday 7th of November 2014

Ex-SEAL Robert O’Neill reveals himself as shooter who killed Osama bin Laden


Friday 7th of November 2014

Fiction and reality. Here is the twosome that Edward Snowden has perhaps the most sustainably shaken. Some alerts had already been raised with the revelation of the Echelon system at the end of the last century; the ever-growing number of terrorism laws, the progressively more oligopolistic Internet ecosystem during the 2000s… But, by revealing - that is materialising - the surveillance mechanisms that control every aspect of our lives, en masse and with no criteria, Edward Snowden has turned the anxiety of the future into a terror of the present.


Friday 7th of November 2014

"We live in a world ruled by fictions of every fiction is already The writer’s task is to invent Ballard


Sunday 9th of November 2014

Watch video

Obama Osama name Mixups Volume 1


Sunday 9th of November 2014

Watch video

LSD Experiment - "Schizophrenia Psychosis Induced by LSD25" 1955 CIA via @BeckleyDrugs


Monday 10th of November 2014

“Today we have demonstrated that, together, we are able to efficiently remove vital criminal infrastructures that are supporting serious organised crime. And we are not 'just' removing these services from the open Internet; this time we have also hit services on the Darknet using Tor where, for a long time, criminals have considered themselves beyond reach. We can now show that they are neither invisible nor untouchable. The criminals can run but they can’t hide. And our work continues....”, says Troels Oerting, Head of EC3.


Monday 10th of November 2014

Global law enforcement conducted a massive raid of the Dark Web this week. It started with the FBI takedown of Silk Road 2.0 and the arrest of its alleged operator Blake Benthall in San Francisco on Wednesday.


Wednesday 12th of November 2014

Microdosing: The Revolutionary Way of Using Psychedelics


Wednesday 12th of November 2014

Research into the therapeutic potential of illegal "psychedelic" drugs to treat an assortment of mainstream mental health conditions is undergoing a modern-day renaissance.It's a new world and there is a greater need than ever for more effective treatment models for individuals for whom our conventional treatment models are often sorely lacking.


Tuesday 18th of November 2014

“the robots have problems.” Most notably, he said, robotic cleaning systems tend to leave dirt in the corners of the glass walls that are designed to provide panoramic views from high floors.


Wednesday 19th of November 2014

Une superproduction européenne, un scénario haletant, des personnages touchants... La mission sur la comète Tchouri s'est révélée aussi passionnante qu'un long métrage. Analyse de la mise en récit de cet exploit cosmique.


Wednesday 19th of November 2014

"I am not alone in thinking we should be worried. The leading AI companies have taken great steps to ensure safety. They recognize the danger, but believe that they can shape and control the digital superintelligences and prevent bad ones from escaping into the Internet. That remains to be seen..."


Wednesday 19th of November 2014

RT @wikileaks: Why are Univision, Disney, Google behind global revolution "Rise Up!" event in Washington DC?


Wednesday 19th of November 2014

Le pouvoir politique subit une pression croissante exercée par le lobbying numérico-industriel, lui faisant miroiter une fluidification et une optimisation de la vie grâce à ses systèmes de rationalisation computationnelle, déjà à l’œuvre dans les programmes de l’Open data ou des smart cities. Face à la démission du politique, c’est une politisation de ces enjeux par toutes les forces de la société qui s’impose aujourd’hui.


Thursday 20th of November 2014

Science fiction never imagined Google, but it certainly imagined computers that would advise us what to do. HAL 9000, in “2001: A Space Odyssey,” will forever come to mind, his advice, we assume, eminently reliable — before his malfunction.We have yet to take Google’s measure. We’ve seen nothing like it before, and we already perceive much of our world through it.


Thursday 20th of November 2014

Do we really desire Google to tell us what we should be doing next? I believe that we do, though with some rather complicated qualifiers.


Thursday 20th of November 2014

Moving Walls 22 / Watching You, Watching Me explores the intersection between photography and surveillance. Employing a dynamic range of approaches—from documentary to conceptual practice, from appropriation to street art—these 10 artists provide a satellite-to-street view of the ways in which surveillance culture blurs the boundaries between the private and public realm.


Thursday 20th of November 2014

Surveillance art — or as one academic has called it, artveillance — fits into a creative continuum that stretches back to at least the 1930s, when the introduction of “miniature” cameras, such as the Leica, made it relatively easy for photographers to secretly take pictures. Walker Evans led the way with undercover pictures taken on the New York City subway with a Leica hidden behind his coat.


Friday 21st of November 2014

As real as that daydream may seem, its path through your brain runs opposite reality. Aiming to discern discrete neural circuits, researchers have tracked electrical activity in the brains of people who alternately imagined scenes or watched videos.


Tuesday 25th of November 2014

RT @NafeezAhmed: Pentagon wants to create The For And Skynet, My latest exclusive for @VICE @…
