robotsuperbug 01/24/13 11:31pm Edit Disinfecting Robots Can Fight Hospital Superbugs Disinfecting Robots Can Fight Hospital Superbugs 3/18/13 3:47pm 10 minutes ago g 769 L 6 Edit Hospitals and clinics have a new tool to combat the spread of drug-resistant superbugs from patient to patient. Read…
superbugantibiotics 01/24/13 11:17pm Edit Rise of superbugs threatens antibiotic crisis | Society | The Guardian Rise of superbugs threatens antibiotic crisis | Society | The Guardian 3/18/13 3:47pm 10 minutes ago g 769 L 6 Edit Rise of superbugs threatens antibiotic crisis | Society | The Guardian. Read…
monsantosuperbug 08/31/11 4:02pm Edit GMO corn falls prey to bugs it was supposed to thwart GMO corn falls prey to bugs it was supposed to thwart 3/18/13 3:47pm 10 minutes ago g 769 L 6 Edit A voracious pest which has long plagued corn farmers is devouring a widely-used variety that was genetically modified to thwart the rootworms, raising fears of a new superbug. Read…