Doesn't Want to Accidentally Make So It's Creating an Off Switch

Doesn't Want to Accidentally Make So It's Creating an Off Switch
RT @csoghoian: The US droned a guy who wrote a RAT & hacked Facebook accounts for We live in the future
RT @trevortimm: Who has creepier facial recognition technology: Facebook, Google, random advertisers on the street, or the FBI?
Les organisations terroristes, notamment, ont malheureusement bien compris l’enjeu de la communication et l’instrument efficace de propagande, d’endoctrinement et d’enrôlement que pouvait constituer cet espace numérique sans frontières.
San Francisco's degree of income inequality has also increased, to levels roughly on par with Madagascar. Of the 150 largest regions in the US, the Bay Area ranked 45th for income inequality in 1979. Now we've jumped to No. 14. Across the US, income inequality has risen steadily since 1979, but in about 1999, the Bay Area's rate of increase surpassed the nation's average.
Defense Secretary Ashton Carter is making a big play for Silicon Valley startups and tech innovators that so far have shown little to no interest in working with the Pentagon. To show its seriousness about engaging Silicon Valley, the Defense Department will stand up a permanent office there called “defense innovation unit experimental” — the first time the Pentagon will have a full-time outreach presence in the Valley. It will be staffed by civilian and military officials, including reservists with private-sector experience. Carter also is proposing a pilot program to invest in startup ventures under the CIA’s existing In-Q-Tel technology incubator. According to a senior defense official, the Pentagon will make “small investments” in promising technologies in areas like electronics, software and automation.
How Obama Can Encourage Tech Giants Like and to Aid Government
The notion that the world outside its homepage remains anonymous is increasingly untrue. Millions of internet users voluntarily give Facebook, Google, and others access to their movements across the web and on mobile when they use “social log in,” or the ability to sign in to a website using credentials from the big identity providers.