RT @Eric_Sadin: Ma tribune assassine aujourd’hui dans @libe en des tablettes numériques au

Le pouvoir politique subit une pression croissante exercée par le lobbying numérico-industriel, lui faisant miroiter une fluidification et une optimisation de la vie grâce à ses systèmes de rationalisation computationnelle, déjà à l’œuvre dans les programmes de l’Open data ou des smart cities. Face à la démission du politique, c’est une politisation de ces enjeux par toutes les forces de la société qui s’impose aujourd’hui.


Cameron:”Skynet has already won,everyone is already wired to their iphone

"Apple has enough people with their devices being tracked by the government. Every place you go with that thing they know exactly where you are," said Cameron. "So you want to talk about Skynet." "It's not that I have anything to hide," Cameron said. "To me it's a matter of principle."


Body upgrades may be nearing reality, but only for the rich

"In the 21st century medicine is moving onwards and trying to surpass the norm, to help people live longer, to have stronger memories, to have better control of their emotions. But upgrading like that is not an egalitarian project, it's an elitist project. No matter what norm you reach, there is always another upgrade which is possible."


RT @stopthecyborgs: Announcing the Cyborg Unplug surveillance devices off your local wireless network”

Cyborg Unplug is a wireless anti-surveillance system for the home and workplace. 'Plug to Unplug', it detects and kicks devices known to pose a risk to personal privacy from your local wireless network, breaking uploads and streams.
