Cameron:”Skynet has already won,everyone is already wired to their iphone

"Apple has enough people with their devices being tracked by the government. Every place you go with that thing they know exactly where you are," said Cameron. "So you want to talk about Skynet." "It's not that I have anything to hide," Cameron said. "To me it's a matter of principle."


The lesson Hollywood cannot teach us

Hollywood knows that where there’s a good story, there’s money to be made from us – audiences only too happy to be outraged at injustice but also only too wiling to believe such “ancient” injustices offer no lessons for the present.For that reason, it is doubtful Kill the Messenger’s viewers will emerge from the film more critical news consumers. They will still trust their daily paper and the TV news, and still assume that when all the president’s men tell them of events on distant shores – from Venezuela to Iran, Syria and Ukraine – they are being told the unvarnished truth.


RT @wikileaks: Death, drones and driverless cars: how Google wants to control our lives More:

[Google] wants people never to leave the internet at all. But then there are the self-driving cars and the drones; there’s Baseline Study, a project to collect blood, saliva and urine from hundreds of anonymous volunteers to try to predict the likelihood of heart attacks and other life-threatening conditions; and Calico, a biotech subsidiary that aims – in the words of Time magazine, anyway – to “solve death”. Are these all just the hobbies of astonishingly rich men who’d like to find a way not to die (and a good place for dinner)? Or is there a masterplan? What does Google want?
