At the Creative Machines Lab we are interested in robots that create and are creative. We explore novel autonomous systems that can design and make other machines – automatically. Our work is inspired from biology, as we seek new biological concepts for engineering and new engineering insights into biology
IBM: Desperately Seeking Skynet – DailyFinance
So far as we know, Skynet remains a fictional creation. And yet, if IBM (NYS: IBM) has its way, a machine capable of thinking as a human might isn't far off. A prototype chip created in Big Blue's labs possesses the ability to make decisions from synthesizing massive amounts of data.
Amazon Mechanical Turk – Welcome
HITs - Human Intelligence Tasks - are individual tasks that you work on.
Artificial Intelligence, With Help From the Humans – New York Times
« [..] The computer has a task that is easy for a human but extraordinarily hard for the computer. So instead of calling a computer service to perform the function, it calls a human.» Artificial Intelligence, With Help From the Humans - New York Times.
John von Neumann – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Recognized as a mathematical prodigy, he began to study advanced calculus under Gábor Szegő at the age of 15. On their first meeting, Szegő was so astounded with the boy's mathematical talent that he was brought to tears. Along with Teller and Stanislaw Ulam, von Neumann worked out key steps in the nuclear physics involved in thermonuclear reactions and the hydrogen bomb.