Be afraid: Robot experts say machines are catching up

Be afraid: Robot experts say machines are catching up
Humanity Must 'Jail' Dangerous AI to Avoid Doom, Expert Says
Control dangerous AI before it controls us, one expert says
Why Robopocalypse, Skynet Or A Distributed Cyber-Mind Will Not Emerge From The Internet
gigadeath & artellect - Hugo de Garis interview - Part 1
IBM describes the work in an intriguing paper (pdf) that compares various animal simulations done by its cognitive computing research group in Almaden, Calif. The group has managed to completely simulate the brain of a mouse (512 processors), rat (2,048) and cat (24,576). To rival the cortex inside your head, IBM predicts it will need to hook up 880,000 processors, which it hopes to achieve by 2019.
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