RT @AlleenBrown: Bin Laden straight talk:”they still havenot come out in mass protests to close down tobacco companies” @the_intercept

Conducting large-scale terrorist attacks against the United States remained a priority for bin Laden, who argued that the number of casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan was insufficient to prompt a significant change in U.S. foreign policy. To do that, he concluded, required something more. “[E]very year 400,000 (four hundred thousand) people die from smoking, which is a huge number compared to the number killed in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but they still have not come out in mass protests to close down tobacco companies,” he wrote.


Is this how Skynet takes over? The shape-shifting liquid metal that channels the Terminator

"The soft machine looks rather intelligent and [can] deform itself according to the space it voyages in – just like [the] Terminator does from the science-fiction film," Jing Liu from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China told The New Scientist.


Siri is recording everything you say

The iOS terms clearly state that Apple will record what you say and may send it to subsidiaries and their agents. It goes on to add that they will record the names of your contacts, your relationships with them, in-home devices, and sometimes your location.
