RT @alexanderchee: Sort of like the Terminator, but with

An unclassified 2016 Department of Defense (DoD) document, the Human Systems Roadmap Review, reveals that the US military plans to create artificially intelligent (AI) autonomous weapon systems, which will use predictive social media analytics to make decisions on lethal force with minimal human involvement. Terminator teams, led by humans The Autonomy roadmap document clearly confirms that the Pentagon’s final objective is to delegate the bulk of military operations to autonomous machines, capable of inflicting “Collective Defeat of Hard and Deeply Buried Targets.”


Ce que voulait vraiment dire Churchill avec son «La démocratie est le pire des systèmes

"La démocratie n'est pas un lieu où ou obtient un mandat déterminé sur des promesses, puis où on en fait ce qu'on veut. Nous estimons qu'il devrait y avoir une relation constante entre les dirigeants et le peuple. "Le gouvernement du peuple, par le peuple, pour le peuple": voilà qui reste la définition souveraine de la démocratie. [...] Démocratie, dois-je expliquer au ministre, ne signifie pas "Nous avons notre majorité, peu importe comment, et nous avons notre bail pour cinq ans, qu'allons-nous donc en faire?". Cela n'est pas la démocratie, c'est seulement du petit baratin partisan, qui ne va pas jusqu'à la masse des habitants de ce pays."


RT @LiveScienceTech: One step closer to status w/ this super strong suit:

Unlike a rigid exoskeleton or even a flashy Iron-Man-like suit, the exosuit Walsh and his colleagues built consists of textiles and soft materials that attach to a person's legs, waist and back. The soft suit doesn't hinder people's movement, allowing them to walk like they aren't carrying a load at all, the researchers said.


Army Chaplain Resigns In Opposition to Use of Assassin by the United States

Dear Mr. President: I hereby resign my commission as an Officer in the United States Army. I resign because I refuse to support U.S. armed drone policy. The Executive Branch continues to claim the right to kill anyone, anywhere on earth, at any tie, for secret reasons, based on secret evidence, in a secret process, undertaken by unidentified officials. I refuse to support this policy of unaccountable killing. I resign because I refuse to support U.S. nuclear weapon policy. The Executive Branch continues to invest billions of dollars into nuclear weapons, which threaten the existence of humankind and the earth. I refuse to support this policy of terror ad mutually assured destruction. I resign because I refuse to support U.S. policy of preventive war, permanent military supremacy and global power projection. The Executive branch continues to claim extra- constitutional authority and impunity from international law. I refuse to support this policy of imperial overstretch. I resign because I refuse to serve as an empire chaplain. I cannot reconcile these policies with wither my sworn duty to protect and defend America and our constitutional democracy or my covenantal commitment to the core principles of my religion faith. These principles include: justice, equity and compassion in human relations, a free and responsible search for truth; and the inherent worth and dignity of every person. Respectfully submitted,


SpaceX Hired a Legendary Costume Designer to Create Their Own Spacesuits via @nico_maigret

You’ve likely seen Fernandez’s work before: He’s responsible for designing costumes in Batman v Superman, Oblivion, Tron: Legacy, The Avengers, Iron Man, Jupiter Ascending, and quite a few others. He knows his way around the sorts of costumes that are functional, but which also look cool. Elon Musk has previously noted design is going to be a priority for their own astronauts, and that he wants it to look ‘badass’: "Our spacesuit design is finally coming together and will also be unveiled later this year. We are putting a lot of effort into design esthetics, not just utility. It needs to both look like a 21st century spacesuit and work well."
