Thursday 1st of March 2012


Robert Proctor production of ignorance»


Friday 15th of August 2014


study of the cultural production of ignorance is a rich field, especially today when whole industries devote themselves to sowing public misinformation and doubt about their products and activities. "The myth of the 'information society' is that we're drowning in knowledge," he says. "But it's easier to propagate ignorance."-R.Procor


Friday 15th of August 2014


Agnotology (formerly agnatology) is the study of culturally induced ignorance or doubt, particularly the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data.


Friday 15th of August 2014


"The myth of the 'information society' is that we're drowning in knowledge, But it's easier to propagate ignorance"-Robert Proctor


Wednesday 27th of August 2014


CSSD bore the hallmarks of an industry front group designed to put an environmentally friendly spin on fracking — similar to the tobacco group that Mr. Cohon advised. If Mr. Cohon was complicit in an industry effort to downplay smoking hazards, would he do the same for fracking?


Tuesday 9th of September 2014


how did the sugar industry engineer its turnaround? The answer is found in more than 1,500 pages of internal memos, letters, and company board reports we discovered buried in the archives of now-defunct sugar companies as well as in the recently released papers of deceased researchers and consultants who played key roles in the industry's strategy. They show how Big Sugar used Big Tobacco-style tactics to ensure that government agencies would dismiss troubling health claims against their products.


Friday 7th of November 2014

Watch video


Cash investigation - Industrie du tabac la grande manipulation




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