Tuesday 30th of August 2011


At the Creative Machines Lab we are interested in robots that create and are creative. We explore novel autonomous systems that can design and make other machines – automatically. Our work is inspired from biology, as we seek new biological concepts for engineering and new engineering insights into biology


Wednesday 21st of September 2011


The machine that copies itself via @guardian


Wednesday 4th of January 2012


Robotic Hand by armjunkie


Friday 1st of June 2012


Anthromod MK2 3D-Printed Robotic Hands: Terminators Set to Arise Next Year


Thursday 24th of January 2013


While the robots do look a bit unsettling – like Sonny from I, Robot with bad skin – it’s definitely a compelling project that could really change the way we think about 3D printing at home.

via A French Artist Is Posting DIY Robot Parts So We Can Print Our Own Androids | TechCrunch.


Friday 25th of January 2013


The build is almost too brilliant; it's not impossible to believe a human designed and built this impressive creation, but what's more plausible is that somewhere Skynet has already begun its master plan to build an army of cyborgs to wipe out humanity.


Monday 28th of January 2013


While the robots do look a bit unsettling – like Sonny from I, Robot with bad skin – it’s definitely a compelling project that could really change the way we think about 3D printing at home.


Monday 12th of May 2014


Depuis peu, des machines électroniques capables de produire des objets, fonctionnant à la manière d’imprimantes en trois dimensions, sont accessibles au grand public. Elles suscitent un engouement au sein d’une avant-garde qui y voit les ferments d’une nouvelle révolution industrielle. Mais les partisans de ces outils de bricolage technologique oublient souvent l’histoire qui les a vus naître.


Wednesday 18th of March 2015


Carbon3D said its "game-changing" process could make objects such as car parts, medical devices or shoes. The technique was inspired by the film Terminator 2, in which the T-1000 robot rises from a pool of metallic liquid.


Friday 17th of April 2015


Inspiré par le blockbuster Américain « Terminator », Joseph DeSimone a inventé un procédé d’impression 3D « ultra rapide » (au regard des techniques actuelles) qui pourrait à terme révolutionner (ou renverser) l’industrie plastique, médicale ou encore aéronautique.







artificial intelligence California cia Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency disnovation drones Google killerrobots nsa pr robot robots San Francisco skynet storytelling terminator terrorism The Electronic disturbance war Wikileaks