Sunday 3rd of June 2012


The Terminator Scenario: Are We Giving Our Military Machines Too Much Power?


Thursday 7th of June 2012


5 Million Farmers Sue Monsanto for Billion


Thursday 14th of June 2012


Voluntary Milking System Station


Thursday 14th of June 2012

Watch video


VIDEO: DeLaval VMS voluntary milking system


Thursday 20th of December 2012

Watch video


DARPA Building Real LifevTerminators Military Robots:


Wednesday 27th of March 2013

Watch video


New 2013 DARPA Building Real Life Terminators Military Robots:


Thursday 28th of March 2013


Top Pentagon thinker bemoans “civilian subjugation to the


Saturday 13th of July 2013


DARPA uncloaks unTerminator for $2 million robotics challenge


Monday 27th of January 2014


All the pieces are now in place for a Google-created Skynet and the robotic Judgment Day apocalypse that would surely follow. Yes, Google might become the first big corporation to enact Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics.


Saturday 1st of February 2014


RT @camillefrancois: & Society, too, must ask the ethical questions!


Wednesday 12th of March 2014


Google’s big principled stance against surveillance is honorable — or it would be, if the company wasn’t so deeply involved in the very thing that it claims to be against. what few people realize is that Google has also been using its wares to enhance and enrich the surveillance operations of the biggest and most powerful intelligence and DoD agencies in the world: NSA, FBI, CIA, DEA and NGA — the whole alphabet soup.


Wednesday 26th of March 2014


Google isn’t interested in taking money from DARPA because its ambitions are in the more lucrative consumer market, and any association with DARPA leads to headlines like, "What the heck will Google do with these scary military robots?"


Sunday 15th of June 2014


ISIS communicates using human beings—not the Internet or phones, networks the U.S. intelligence apparatus can surveil with relative ease. Human couriers, in contrast, move quietly, quickly, and blend into the local population, rendering them effectively invisible.


Thursday 26th of June 2014


Google’s DC office is crammed to the brim with former spooks, intelligence officials and revolving door military contractors.


Friday 11th of July 2014


“We don’t give them a manual, we don’t send them home for three weeks to study,” says James Blake, head of the U.S. Army Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation. “We just put them in the environment, put the device on them, and exercise.” “We get kids who come in with unrealistic views of the Army because of Call of Duty,” Hill says, referring to Activision Blizzard’s popular video game franchise. “You’re not going to come in here and run around like you’re in a one-man war.”


Tuesday 5th of August 2014


Google entered the lobbying rankings above military aerospace giant Lockheed Martin, with a total of $18.2 million spent in 2012. Boeing and Northrop Grumman also came below the tech...


Friday 29th of August 2014

Watch video#t=3691


whenever you find a situation where you have to use your military hardware,that's a clear sign you didnt spend enough


Tuesday 7th of October 2014


"You see this [science fiction inspiration] in everything from what scientists decide to invent to what Congress and the military decides to fund," Singer said. "It shapes expectations when people think 'This is what the future is going to be, so we should invest in that today.'"


Friday 8th of May 2015


RT @coracurrier: NSA's SKYNET looks for suspect behaviors in millions of Pakistani cell records


Friday 12th of June 2015


The Oscar-nominated designers at Legacy Effects have outfitted such memorable movie warriors as The Terminator, RoboCop, Captain America and Iron Man.


Tuesday 28th of July 2015


RT @alexboutilier: CIA paid a contractor $40 million to compile, redact top-secret torture docs for Senate investigation, @VICE reports htt…


Monday 17th of August 2015


RT @mims: Killer robots are coming, and it's the likes of Google and Amazon making them possible--not the military


Monday 17th of August 2015


Are robots capable of moral or ethical reasoning? It’s no longer just a question for tenured philosophy professors or Hollywood directors. This week, it’s a question being put to the United Nations


Tuesday 6th of October 2015


RT @PengBerlin: And also this campaign by former Military urging drone operators to refuse to fly


Thursday 22nd of October 2015


De 1974 à l’an cinq milliards, l’histoire du monde vue par la science-fiction


Saturday 31st of October 2015


RT @AJBousquet: The US military is responsible for almost all the technology in your iPhone


Wednesday 20th of January 2016


RT @NSArchive: 27 documents shed light on US military ops in cyberspace, including vision/strategy, intel ops


Tuesday 26th of January 2016


Vice Chairman: Military, Nation Need Dialogue About New Technologies


Tuesday 26th of January 2016


Gen. Paul J. Selva serves as the 10th Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In this capacity, he is a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the nation’s second highest-ranking military officer.


Saturday 5th of March 2016


Les militaires américains "envisagent" les robots guerriers autonomes


Thursday 10th of March 2016


RT @icracnet: military spending millions to make cyborgs a reality @CNNPolitics


Sunday 27th of March 2016


RT @PeterAsaro: In Syria, militias armed by the Pentagon fight those armed by the CIA


Friday 22nd of April 2016


RT @Paulmd199: Cia torturers: James Mitchell, Bruce Jessen, Alfreda Bikowski, Matthew Zirbel, Albert El Gamil, Ronald Czarnetsky, Paul Zalu…


Wednesday 18th of May 2016


RT @BanKillerRobots: Fully autonomous weapons seen as "one of the most pressing + interesting techno-military issues of our time"


Monday 23rd of May 2016


RT @bfmbusiness: Bayer fait une offre de 62 milliards de dollars pour racheter Monsanto


Monday 13th of June 2016


RT @mgubrud: RT @ploughshares_ca The Military Is Betting On “Smart” Drones — Lots And Lots Of Them


Tuesday 9th of August 2016


Wi-Spy Engineer Outed As 'Hacker' 'God' Marius Milner


Tuesday 13th of September 2016


RT @wikileaks: US Defense Security Service issued these two warning posters to put up around military bases and







artificial intelligence California cia Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency disnovation drones Google killerrobots nsa pr robot robots San Francisco skynet storytelling terminator terrorism The Electronic disturbance war Wikileaks