Friday 8th of February 1957


Recognized as a mathematical prodigy, he began to study advanced calculus under Gábor Szegő at the age of 15. On their first meeting, Szegő was so astounded with the boy's mathematical talent that he was brought to tears. Along with Teller and Stanislaw Ulam, von Neumann worked out key steps in the nuclear physics involved in thermonuclear reactions and the hydrogen bomb.


Sunday 25th of March 2007


« [..] The computer has a task that is easy for a human but extraordinarily hard for the computer. So instead of calling a computer service to perform the function, it calls a human.» Artificial Intelligence, With Help From the Humans - New York Times.


Tuesday 23rd of August 2011


HITs - Human Intelligence Tasks - are individual tasks that you work on.


Wednesday 24th of August 2011


So far as we know, Skynet remains a fictional creation. And yet, if IBM (NYS: IBM) has its way, a machine capable of thinking as a human might isn't far off. A prototype chip created in Big Blue's labs possesses the ability to make decisions from synthesizing massive amounts of data.


Tuesday 30th of August 2011


At the Creative Machines Lab we are interested in robots that create and are creative. We explore novel autonomous systems that can design and make other machines – automatically. Our work is inspired from biology, as we seek new biological concepts for engineering and new engineering insights into biology


Wednesday 14th of September 2011


In a development that smacks of Terminators and SKYNET, startup Narrative Science has created a program that can turn data into a news stories -- stories that include, most humanely, inferences and an angle.


Thursday 15th of September 2011


"Ultimately the goal here is not denying treatment but getting people to the right care," Beer said, adding that Watson was not designed to replace humans.


Thursday 15th of September 2011


In that digital arms race, Mr. Etzoni added, Narrative Science could be a “nuclear weapon."


Sunday 25th of September 2011


3 mai 2068 : Faut-il avoir peur de Terminator


Monday 26th of September 2011


De vilains robots qui prennent le contrôle de l'humanité et nous déclarent la guerre ? Pour Kurzweil, aucune raison de s'inquiéter : la cohabitation se fera dans la joie et la bonne humeur, suffit de pas se planter en les programman


Wednesday 28th of September 2011


RT @paleofuture: "It is now plain and clear that neither past nor future are existent"


Thursday 29th of September 2011


 "Without serious time and money we would never be able to come up with a decent facial recognition system." 


Thursday 29th of September 2011


RT @mindflash: What if a robot could do your job? Prepare for the techno takeover with our latest infographic on the Daily ht


Tuesday 4th of October 2011


RT @paleofuture: Just remember to tell your iPhone's new intelligent assistant that it's fat and Low self-esteem will delay the ro


Tuesday 11th of October 2011


Tokyo Institute of Technology's Osamu Hasegawa invents robot that can think |


Tuesday 11th of October 2011


Intelligence Unit Aims to Build a ‘Data Eye in the Sky’:


Wednesday 19th of October 2011

Watch video


Check this video out -- One Mainframe To Rule Them All (1of5)


Monday 31st of October 2011


Concerns Raised about Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes:


Monday 31st of October 2011


IBM describes the work in an intriguing paper (pdf) that compares various animal simulations done by its cognitive computing research group in Almaden, Calif. The group has managed to completely simulate the brain of a mouse (512 processors), rat (2,048) and cat (24,576). To rival the cortex inside your head, IBM predicts it will need to hook up 880,000 processors, which it hopes to achieve by 2019.


Saturday 5th of November 2011

Watch video


gigadeath & artellect - Hugo de Garis interview - Part 1


Saturday 5th of November 2011


Hugo de Garis «The Coming Artilect War »


Sunday 19th of February 2012


Why Robopocalypse, Skynet Or A Distributed Cyber-Mind Will Not Emerge From The Internet


Thursday 1st of March 2012


Control dangerous AI before it controls us, one expert says


Sunday 4th of March 2012


Humanity Must 'Jail' Dangerous AI to Avoid Doom, Expert Says


Tuesday 13th of March 2012


Be afraid: Robot experts say machines are catching up


Monday 9th of April 2012


Robot realities fail fictional fantasies


Sunday 3rd of June 2012


Les robots vont-ils prendre le pouvoir?


Wednesday 27th of June 2012


How Many Computers to Identify a Cat? 16,000


Tuesday 3rd of July 2012


Are We Building Gods or Terminators?


Friday 6th of July 2012


Here comes Skynet: Army drones almost ready to share sky with airlines


Friday 6th of July 2012


RT @trevortimm: Oh, Genetic surveillance is a "Database of computer-generated 3D profiles constructed from hair


Friday 20th of July 2012


Artifical intelligence a long way off from Skynet: expert


Thursday 20th of September 2012


Could the Internet Ever “Wake Up”?


Friday 28th of September 2012


Uh-oh, the Rise of the Machines Is for Realsies


Wednesday 3rd of October 2012


Robobees, A convergence of body, brain, and colony


Tuesday 16th of October 2012

Watch video


Talking about the introduction of the psychedelic awareness into our technology. And the fact that the spreading of LSD had a major impact on the creation of the modern computer system. Also showing the very first computer interface demonstration by Douglas Englebart, called "the mother of all demos".


Tuesday 27th of November 2012


Cambridge University to open 'Terminator centre' to study threat to humans from artificial intelligence


Tuesday 27th of November 2012


Arnold Schwarzenegger’s classic Terminator films famously showed a world where ultra-intelligent machines fight against humanity in the form of the genocidal Skynet system.


Wednesday 28th of November 2012


A centre for 'terminator studies', where leading academics will study the threat that robots pose to humanity, is set to open at Cambridge University.


Wednesday 28th of November 2012


"We should be investing a little of our intellectual resources in shifting some probability from bad outcomes to good ones." via Cambridge center to study tech extinction risks | TG Daily.


Wednesday 28th of November 2012


The scientists said that to dismiss concerns of a potential robot uprising would be "dangerous".


Wednesday 28th of November 2012


We are a risk-averse society. But there's a mismatch between public perception of very different risks and their actual seriousness.


Wednesday 28th of November 2012


Many scientists are concerned that developments in human technology may soon pose new, extinction-level risks to our species as a whole. Such dangers have been suggested from progress in AI, from developments in biotechnology and artificial life, from nanotechnology, and from possible extreme effects of anthropogenic climate change. via Centre for the Study of Existential Risk.


Wednesday 28th of November 2012


In 1965, Irving John ‘Jack’ Good wrote a paper for New Scientist called ‘Speculations concerning the first ultra-intelligent machine’.


Wednesday 28th of November 2012


What to do? A good first step, we think, would be to stop treating intelligent machines as the stuff of science fiction, and start thinking of them as a part of the reality that we or our descendants may actually confront, sooner or later. via Artificial intelligence – can we keep it in the box?.


Friday 30th of November 2012


Could computers become cleverer than humans and take over the world? Or is that just the stuff of science fiction?


Saturday 1st of December 2012


Humanity’s last invention and our uncertain future


Saturday 1st of December 2012


“Think how it might be to compete for resources with the dominant species,” says Price. “Take gorillas for example – the reason they are going extinct is not because humans are actively hostile towards them, but because we control the environments in ways that suit us, but are detrimental to their survival.”


Saturday 1st of December 2012


‘I’ve watched the Terminator films, which play on our darkest fears about robots,’ said Mr Barbato. ‘Clearly, if a type of killer cyborg evolved, it might easily lead to a breakdown of morals and consciousness, the degradation of life and the disintegration of human civilisation.’


Thursday 27th of December 2012


Service robots are machines that are, to a certain extent, able to execute services independently for the convenience of human beings,' the researchers say. 'Since they share their 'living space' with people, userfriendliness and safety are of great importance'.


Thursday 28th of March 2013


Despite the pervasiveness of law enforcement surveillance of digital communication, the FBI still has a difficult time monitoring Gmail, Google Voice, and Dropbox in real time. But that may change soon, because the bureau says it has made gaining more powers to wiretap all forms of Internet conversation and cloud storage a “top priority” this year


Tuesday 9th of April 2013


Obama’s drone war kills ‘others,’ not just al Qaida leaders


Wednesday 8th of May 2013


Like it or not, science fiction is becoming science fact. The Terminator was, of course, a work of fiction, but the idea of cyborgs and killer machines is not all that farfetched.  In fact, the danger is becoming so real that the Obama Administration found the need to spell out explicit rules that specify under what circumstances machines are allowed to kill humans.


Monday 13th of May 2013


Smart machines probably won't kill us all—but they'll definitely take our jobs, and sooner than you think.
And guess who will own all these robots? People with money, of course. As this happens, capital will become ever more powerful and labor will become ever more worthless. Those without money—most of us—will live on whatever crumbs the owners of capital allow us.
It's easy to joke about our future robot overlords—R2-D2 or the Terminator?—but the challenge that machine intelligence presents really isn't science fiction anymore.


Saturday 18th of May 2013


'We have to make it happen'. Because Google operates the most widely used search engine in the world, and has hundreds of millions of Gmail, YouTube, and Android users as well, the company has a profound advantage when tuning its artificial intelligence approaches in response to people. It's as though every user of Google services is checking and rechecking Google's AI techniques, correcting the search company when it gets something wrong, and performing an action when it gets it right.


Friday 12th of July 2013


Atlas looks like the prototype for a future robot infantryman, and it can tackle rough terrain and carry human tools. Can you say "Skynet"?


Wednesday 7th of August 2013


How The Washington Post’s New Owner Aided the CIA, Blocked


Thursday 3rd of October 2013


Facebook Launches Advanced AI Effort to Find Meaning in Your Posts


Friday 4th of October 2013


RT @avilarenata: Internet "hygiene" means saying good bye to cute YouTube videos, flashy websites and certain But it is


Friday 11th of October 2013


RT @KevinBankston: The upshot: @itsDanielSuarez says we need an international ban on killer robots, straight


Sunday 3rd of November 2013


Meet “badBIOS,” the mysterious Mac and PC malware that jumps airgaps


Friday 8th of November 2013


RT @skepticmedic: Met police claims that under UK law someone can be guilty of being a terrorist without Fantastic!


Friday 8th of November 2013


Britain's Spy Chiefs Throw Off James Bond Image to Attack NSA's Edward Snowden Leaks


Monday 25th of November 2013


RT @kgosztola: Some great art from Pakistan focusing on drones & daily violence in the country:


Wednesday 4th of December 2013


Evading Airport Security


Saturday 28th of December 2013


Google s'achète un bestiaire d'automates …


Thursday 2nd of January 2014


D-Wave, The Quantum Computing Company


Wednesday 15th of January 2014


RT @dailydot: RoboEarth is a cloud network that lets robots teach each other new Skynet seems closer every day:


Saturday 18th of January 2014


BYU's smart object recognition algorithm doesn't need humans


Monday 27th of January 2014


Are Google building a TERMINATOR? Choc Factory buys AI firm DeepMind Technologies


Monday 27th of January 2014


All the pieces are now in place for a Google-created Skynet and the robotic Judgment Day apocalypse that would surely follow. Yes, Google might become the first big corporation to enact Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics.


Thursday 30th of January 2014


Google sets up artificial intelligence ethics board to curb the rise of the robots


Tuesday 25th of February 2014


RT @BanKillerRobots: Why does the campaign call them "killer robots"? Because that's what they'll Why do you call Predator and …


Tuesday 25th of February 2014


RT @BanKillerRobots: We're not anti-technology or We are against giving machines the ability to target + kill human


Tuesday 25th of February 2014


RT @BanKillerRobots: Machine ethics is now the fastest-growing area in ethical studies, eg @Google driverless car, cyber,


Wednesday 12th of March 2014


Why You're Better Off Trusting a Robot Over a Human


Wednesday 12th of March 2014


If you want to trust a robot, look at how it makes decisions


Monday 17th of March 2014


Why Is Google Building A Robot Army?


Wednesday 19th of March 2014


Bill Gates: People Don't Realize How Many Jobs Will Soon Be Replaced By Software Bots


Wednesday 2nd of April 2014


NSA performed warrantless searches on Americans' calls and emails – Clapper


Friday 4th of April 2014


Coalition Against Unlawful Surveillance Exports


Monday 7th of April 2014


«Google est une société magnifique. Pourtant, si elle devient leader en matière de lutte contre la mort, d'intelligence artificielle, de robotique, de domotique, de voitures intelligentes, il faudra vraiment réfléchir à la démanteler! Elle pourrait devenir plus puissante que les États.»


Wednesday 16th of April 2014


Google Warns: We Are Scanning Your Email


Thursday 17th of April 2014


Introducing AISight: The slightly scary CCTV network completely run by AI


Wednesday 7th of May 2014


Exclusive: Emails reveal close Google relationship with NSA


Sunday 11th of May 2014


If all a futurist has to do is wave his hands and say things will change more rapidly than we expect, then futurists like Kurzweil are nothing but techno-gimmicky Criswells. Utterly useless.


Sunday 11th of May 2014


Google Nest: Your safe


Monday 12th of May 2014


Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks, says a group of leading scientists


Tuesday 13th of May 2014


Corporations are 1st Generation AI’s


Wednesday 14th of May 2014


RT @BanKillerRobots: Now session on ethical + societal concerns chaired by who cites Isaac Azimov's "3 Laws of Robotics" in his op…


Wednesday 14th of May 2014


RT @BanKillerRobots: @SarahKnuckey One govt delegation raised spectre of "The Terminator" It's their mtg, govts can say w…


Saturday 17th of May 2014


Even if you're careful about choosing how and where your email is sent, chances are you reply to plenty of messages sent from Gmail. And, as it turns out, that probably means that Google has most of your email, whether you like it or not.


Monday 19th of May 2014


Sergey Brin gestures after riding in a driverless car with California Jerry Brown


Tuesday 20th of May 2014


In the Terminator movies, fully autonomous robots wage war against humanity. Although cyborg assassins won’t be arriving from the future anytime soon, offensive “Terminator-style” autonomous robots that are programmed to kill could soon escape Hollywood science fiction and become reality.


Monday 26th of May 2014


How killer robots became more than just scary science fiction.


Tuesday 10th of June 2014


“We’re nowhere near Skynet today. That’s way the heck out there. That’s not close to anything that’s possible today.”


Sunday 15th of June 2014


The audio-recognition feature works similar to the app Shazam, which also can identify music and television programming using the built-in microphones in mobile phones.


Thursday 26th of June 2014

Watch video


Think the NSA is scarry ? Watch this..


Friday 27th of June 2014


Meet your new robot overlords


Monday 30th of June 2014




Monday 30th of June 2014




Friday 11th of July 2014


“We don’t give them a manual, we don’t send them home for three weeks to study,” says James Blake, head of the U.S. Army Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation. “We just put them in the environment, put the device on them, and exercise.” “We get kids who come in with unrealistic views of the Army because of Call of Duty,” Hill says, referring to Activision Blizzard’s popular video game franchise. “You’re not going to come in here and run around like you’re in a one-man war.”


Friday 11th of July 2014


The NSA will soon be able to collect 966 exabytes a year, the total of internet traffic annually. Former Google head Eric Schmidt once argued that the entire amount of knowledge from the beginning of humankind until 2003 amount to only five exabytes.


Monday 21st of July 2014


These robots are our golems — utterly unpredictable, entirely unaccountable, alarmingly enabling. The horizon of war reeks of their casualties, with every blue face, every lank arm, the output of an arbitrary machine.


Friday 8th of August 2014


Google actively scans the images that pass through Gmail accounts.. "There will of course be some who see it as yet another sign of how the twin Big Brothers of state agencies and corporate behemoths have nothing better to do than delve into the private lives of all and sundry, looking for dirt,"


Saturday 16th of August 2014


"It's no longer a flight of fantasy, it's something that people should start taking seriously. But at the same time, it's not too late. Had we waited until we started seeing these enter battlefields worldwide, we think that it would be much harder to get this sort of dialogue going and realistically have a chance of stopping this technology from proliferating,"


Friday 29th of August 2014

Watch video#t=2608


« we have it in our power to begin the world all over again »


Saturday 30th of August 2014

Watch video#t=3715


the idea came from a 40s movie he was involved in "murder in the air"


Saturday 30th of August 2014


reporter Gary Webb linked the origins of crack cocaine in California to the contras, a guerrilla force backed by the Reagan administration that attacked Nicaragua's Sandinista government during the 1980s.


Saturday 30th of August 2014




Saturday 30th of August 2014


billionaire:'Technology increases the wealth gap' @arthackday


Saturday 30th of August 2014


« The Future doesn't need us »


Friday 5th of September 2014


Backers of CIA-led Nicaraguan rebels brought cocaine to poor L.A. neighborhoods in early '80s to help finance war -- and a plague was born.


Monday 8th of September 2014


These academic revelations add fodder to the argument that drug firms maintain quiet ties to the marijuana prohibition lobby.


Thursday 11th of September 2014


Not because they might develop the worst human characteristics, but because they’re nothing like humans at all.If we now reflect that human beings consist of useful resources (such as conveniently located atoms) and that we depend for our survival and flourishing on many more local resources, we can see that the outcome could easily be one in which humanity quickly becomes extinct.


Tuesday 23rd of September 2014

Watch video


RT @m_cetera: @EricSchmidt calls 824 days of detainment in Ecuadorian Embassy "luxury lodgings"


Sunday 28th of September 2014


Ninguém está 100% seguro, mas há algumas coisas que você pode fazer para se proteger antes de sair para as ruas. este guia vai te dar umas boas dicas.


Tuesday 30th of September 2014


RT @julian0liver: buyers from Mountain View & the Bay Area USA have a 'Sympathy Discount' of 10%


Tuesday 30th of September 2014


RT @julian0liver: buyers from Mountain View & the Bay Area USA have a 'Sympathy Discount' of 10%


Friday 3rd of October 2014


Jeremy Scahill on Obama’s Orwellian War in Iraq: We Created the Very Threat We Claim to be Fighting


Sunday 5th of October 2014

Watch video


Will robots rule the stock market?


Tuesday 21st of October 2014


RT @BanKillerRobots: Nice Q's from audience "Do references to science fiction by the media help or hurt the campaign" Our answer? We want t…


Tuesday 21st of October 2014


The organizations, technologies, and people behind Google's autonomous vehicles


Tuesday 21st of October 2014


RT @DARPA: Asimov: "For every new good idea you have, there are a hundred, ten thousand foolish We aim for slightly better, but valid point


Wednesday 22nd of October 2014


What matters, Deutsch argues, is "the ability to create new explanations," to generate theories about the world and all its particulars. In contrast with this, the idea that self-awareness — let alone real intelligence — will spontaneously emerge from a complex computer network is not just science fiction. It's pure fantasy.


Monday 27th of October 2014


Elon Musk: ‘With artificial intelligence we are summoning the


Tuesday 28th of October 2014


I think The Terminator is a great film, but the threat of a computer surprisingly turning against its creators is


Thursday 30th of October 2014


RT @nico_maigret: First pictures from the show @ accès)s( Festival @julian0liver @rybn @terminatorstud @wmmna @recyclism


Saturday 1st of November 2014


Ray Kurzweil popularised the Teminator-like moment he called the 'singularity', when artificial intelligence overtakes human thinking. But now the man who hopes to be immortal is involved in the very same quest – on behalf of the tech behemoth. Although possibly this is what Kurzweil's critics, such as the biologist PZ Myers, mean when they say that the problem with Kurzweil's theories is that "it's a very bizarre mixture of ideas that are solid and good with ideas that are crazy. It's as if you took a lot of very good food and some dog excrement and blended it all up so that you can't possibly figure out what's good or bad." Or Jaron Lanier, who calls him "a genius" but "a product of a narcissistic age".


Monday 10th of November 2014


“Today we have demonstrated that, together, we are able to efficiently remove vital criminal infrastructures that are supporting serious organised crime. And we are not 'just' removing these services from the open Internet; this time we have also hit services on the Darknet using Tor where, for a long time, criminals have considered themselves beyond reach. We can now show that they are neither invisible nor untouchable. The criminals can run but they can’t hide. And our work continues....”, says Troels Oerting, Head of EC3.


Tuesday 18th of November 2014


“the robots have problems.” Most notably, he said, robotic cleaning systems tend to leave dirt in the corners of the glass walls that are designed to provide panoramic views from high floors.


Wednesday 19th of November 2014


Une superproduction européenne, un scénario haletant, des personnages touchants... La mission sur la comète Tchouri s'est révélée aussi passionnante qu'un long métrage. Analyse de la mise en récit de cet exploit cosmique.


Wednesday 19th of November 2014


"I am not alone in thinking we should be worried. The leading AI companies have taken great steps to ensure safety. They recognize the danger, but believe that they can shape and control the digital superintelligences and prevent bad ones from escaping into the Internet. That remains to be seen..."


Friday 21st of November 2014


As real as that daydream may seem, its path through your brain runs opposite reality. Aiming to discern discrete neural circuits, researchers have tracked electrical activity in the brains of people who alternately imagined scenes or watched videos.


Thursday 27th of November 2014


Enter Skynet. Along with his tech-savvy partner on the project, the electronics engineer Grant Bajema, Burchat has designed a barcoded and GPS-tagged net that he believes could be mounted on the homes, balconies and backyards of the near future. The opulent gulf state wants to lead what it predicts will be a $10bn industry by 2025, and has offered a US$1m prize to the most promising concept.


Tuesday 2nd of December 2014


Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind


Wednesday 3rd of December 2014


RT @BBC_Future: How likely is that AI will wage war with mankind? @TheHeadSqueeze explains


Thursday 4th of December 2014


The foundations of AI safety


Saturday 6th of December 2014


Sure, Artificial Intelligence May End Our World, But That Is Not the Main Problem


Saturday 6th of December 2014


I think one disappointing thing about the Terminator franchise is that I often feel as though it’s cooked up by people who have no background in science. In order to always up the ante and make the system more frightening and powerful, they go completely off the deep end until it’s not credible at all. Then, it’s just disappointing for people who’d really like to find it provocative, and stimulating, and scary.


Sunday 7th of December 2014


Cette surmédiatisation du concept de cyborg va jusqu’à engendrer une mise en question passionnée de l’appareillage, domaine où la raison devrait nous guider : qui oserait lancer un débat «pour ou contre» la chaise roulante ou la canne anglaise ? Le sujet amputé, plus ou moins «réparé», se retrouve involontairement enjeu de discussions sur l’«augmentation» du corps dont il connaît, lui, les limites, au risque de rendre encore plus compliquée l’image qu’il a de lui-même et que la société se fait de lui.


Sunday 7th of December 2014




Monday 8th of December 2014


A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence


Monday 8th of December 2014


Inside the Artificial Brain That’s Remaking the Google Empire


Monday 8th of December 2014


Artificial intelligence: Friendly or frightening?


Wednesday 10th of December 2014


So who’s going to protect us from the real-life rise of the machines? Step forward a little-known body called the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER). CSER is based at the University of Cambridge, and is a multidisciplinary group of individuals – mainly scientists – whose mission, as defined on their website, is “the study and mitigation of risks that could lead to human extinction”.CSER was set up with funding from Skype co-founder Jaan Tallinn, which arguably makes him the real-life John Connor, making a lone stand against the real-life Skynets.


Sunday 14th of December 2014


A new book exposes the incestuous relationship between the two and the extent to which they both feed us propaganda


Saturday 20th of December 2014


It is possible to agree that AI may pose an existential threat to humanity, but without ever having to imagine that it will become more intelligent than us.


Sunday 4th of January 2015


RT @JamesRisen: Plot of Star Wars in terms of the GWOT: Wait a second, Star Wars IS the plot of the GWOT!


Thursday 15th of January 2015


RT @Schwarzenegger: I stand w/ the ppl of France against terror & I want to send a msg so I'm You should h…


Thursday 15th of January 2015


"Hopefully this grant program will help shift our focus from building things just because we can, toward building things because they are good for us in the long term", says FLI co-founder Meia Chita-Tegmark.


Thursday 15th of January 2015

Watch video


Elon Musk and AAAI President Thomas Dietterich comment on Elon's decision to fund artificial intelligence safety research


Thursday 22nd of January 2015


The human-fueled automations I saw at Google are also largely out of sight in current international debates about the relationship between digital technology and the future of work. Will technology produce new jobs, new industries, and new forms of comparative advantage? Or will technology take away jobs and concentrate wealth among those who own the machines?


Thursday 22nd of January 2015


Explaining the Japanese meme mocking ISIS


Thursday 22nd of January 2015


« Cette impression de repli de la réalité à l’intérieur de la réalité numérisée, cette totalisation – c’est presque un régime totalitaire numérique –, risque de faire disparaître la distinction entre le monde et sa représentation, et donc la possibilité même de la critique. »


Sunday 25th of January 2015

Watch video


Interview Pierre Politique de contre-radicalisation en France ( Ex Affaires stratégiques )


Sunday 1st of February 2015


Un hebdo marocain compare Hollande à Hitler


Sunday 1st of February 2015


En réponse à "Charlie Hebdo", l'Iran organise un concours de dessins raillant l'holocauste


Wednesday 4th of February 2015


RT @liam_young: In response to Google's denail of access this artist hired a helicopter to capture Google’s data farm


Wednesday 4th of February 2015


RT @dailydot: ISIS is using video games to recruit new soldiers:


Tuesday 24th of February 2015


RT @dailydot: 'American Sniper' inspires gruesome new ISIS video:


Thursday 26th of February 2015


RT @wmmna: new post! Disnovation, an inquiry into the mechanics and rhetoric of innovation @nico_maigret


Friday 27th of February 2015


Google has captured your mind


Wednesday 4th of March 2015


The terminator robot becoming such a "catchy" representation is due, I believe, to the fact that our minds and the fears they dream up are embodied. We have evolved to fear moving atoms: tigers that could attack us, tornados that could ruin our shelters, waves that could drown us, human opponents that could harm us. Killer robots from the future are just a spinoff that cultural evolution has put onto our deeply rooted sources of fear that we've evolved to react to. Just because silent and stealthy taking over by AI does not give us the heebie-jeebies quite as much as roaring armies of terminators do, that doesn't mean it is not equally dangerous or even more so.


Tuesday 10th of March 2015


How Obama Can Encourage Tech Giants Like and to Aid Government


Tuesday 10th of March 2015


RT @doctorow: Illegal e-waste dumped in Ghana includes unencrypted hard drives full of US security secrets [2009]


Wednesday 11th of March 2015


LA VIE ALGORITHMIQUE, Critique de la raison numérique via @Eric_Sadin


Sunday 15th of March 2015


'Stop The Robots' Protesters March To Stop Skynet Before It's Too Late


Monday 16th of March 2015

Watch video


METROPOLIS (2012) - Episode 14 (Sous-titres français) via @lundimat1


Tuesday 17th of March 2015


“I think that this technology will ultimately be one of the greatest forces for good in mankind’s history simply because it makes people smarter,” Schmidt said during a keynote address with author Walter Isaacson and Megan Smith, U.S. chief technology officer. “I’m certainly not worried in the next 10 to 20 years about that. We’re still in the baby step of understanding things,” Schmidt said. “We’ve made tremendous progress in respect to [artificial intelligence].”


Tuesday 17th of March 2015


In the first documented attack of its kind, the Internet of Things has been used as part of an attack that sent out over 750,000 spam emails.


Sunday 22nd of March 2015


Artificial Intelligence will rule Hollywood (intelligently) in 2015, with a slew of both iconic and new robots hitting the screen. From the Turing-bashing "Ex Machina" to old friends R2-D2 and C-3PO, and new enemies like the Avengers' Ultron, sentient robots will demonstrate a number of human and superhuman traits on-screen. But real-life robots may be just as thrilling. In this five-part series Live Science looks at these made-for-the-movies advances in machine intelligence.


Sunday 22nd of March 2015


RT @gibus: Y a pas de juge assez idiot Pour flinguer tout un pan de droits Laissant décider des robots À part bien sûr @ChTaubira


Tuesday 24th of March 2015


Video: Turking for a Living


Sunday 29th of March 2015

Watch video


METROPOLIS (2012) - Episode 15 (Sous-titres français) via @lundimat1


Tuesday 31st of March 2015


RT @nico_maigret: DISNOVATION :: exposition @ Bordeaux :: L’hypothèse d’une «propagande de


Wednesday 1st of April 2015


« Au moins, dans un système totalitaire, on sait à quoi on a affaire »


Monday 6th of April 2015


RT @nico_maigret: Images > L’hypothèse d’une «propagande de l’innovation» @ Bordeaux … @terminatorstu…


Friday 17th of April 2015


Inspiré par le blockbuster Américain « Terminator », Joseph DeSimone a inventé un procédé d’impression 3D « ultra rapide » (au regard des techniques actuelles) qui pourrait à terme révolutionner (ou renverser) l’industrie plastique, médicale ou encore aéronautique.


Monday 20th of April 2015


Sans chercher les effets de manche, il y a quelque chose de Terminator dans cette affaire : des machines spéculent contre des machines (car, si plus de la moitié des transactions sont ainsi automatisées, c'est que les logiciels jouent entre eux. Et vue la place grandissante du hedge fund Renaissance, elles jouent contre elles-mêmes. Et quand elles échappent à tout contrôle (ce qui ne veut pas dire qu'il n'y ait pas une petite impulsion...), il y a risque de crash. Un aspect pas bien souvent évoqué de la transformation numérique...


Thursday 23rd of April 2015


* Google employees donated $1.6 million to President Barack Obama's two White House bids * The company told Daily Mail Online that it has spoken with the Federal Trade Commission about antitrust concerns; it was investigated in 2011 but later let off the hook * In the 2012 election, the company’s search algorithm customized results for Obama but not for Republican Mitt Romney * Google execs who have left to work in the White House include Obama's chief technology officer * Hillary Clinton also poached her new tech chief from Google this week


Friday 1st of May 2015

Watch video


Video Games Train Soldiers


Monday 11th of May 2015


SKYNET: Courier Detection via Machine Learning


Tuesday 19th of May 2015


The Frontline documentary includes a clip from Zero Dark Thirty in which a CIA torturer yells at an al Qaeda prisoner, “When you lie to me, I hurt you!” A repurposing of that line would hold true for the government and the American public — when it lies to us, it hurts us.


Wednesday 27th of May 2015


Djihadisme : Manuel Valls annonce la création d'un "bataillon de community managers"


Friday 29th of May 2015


Vu la gueule du présent, même les démocrates les plus farfelus s'entendent à reconnaître qu'il n'y a pas d'autre choix que de retourner la table. Quant à l'antiterrrorisme, il faut vivre les yeux fermés pour ne pas voir l'instrument politique de gouvernement qu'il constitue depuis quinze ans, et plus notablement en France depuis les attentats de janvier. Nous proposons donc, à la suite du dernier livre du Comité Invisible, À nos amis, de livrer à la discussion publique ces deux questions parfaitement terroristes : comment en finir avec l'antiterrorisme comme mode de gouvernement ? Et comment s'organiser afin de renverser l'ordre existant ?


Saturday 30th of May 2015


RT @Hrodwulf_: Je sais pas comment vous le dire, alors regardez donc ca de @jerezim is watching


Sunday 31st of May 2015


The United States and other developed countries are in the midst of a digital revolution that may be even more profound than the industrial revolutions of the past. Advances in robotics, cognitive computing and other digital technologies promise untold benefits in a world of leisure hard to imagine. But there is also a dark side to this technological change. It could lead to joblessness for most and extreme inequality, threatening economic health and political stability. Tension over rising inequality and a lack of good-paying middle class jobs is growing in Silicon Valley and nearby San Francisco, the epicentre of computerisation and the information economy. In San Francisco, buses for Google, Facebook and other companies ferry high-paid tech workers to their jobs in Silicon Valley. This allows tens of thousands to live in the city, fuelling popular anger over gentrification and high housing prices that are pushing longtime residents out.


Tuesday 16th of June 2015


“At a base minimum, people should be able to walk down a public street without fear that companies they’ve never heard of are tracking their every movement — and identifying them by name — using facial recognition technology,” the privacy advocates wrote in a joint statement. “Unfortunately, we have been unable to obtain agreement even with that basic, specific premise.”


Wednesday 1st of July 2015


Financial Times reporter and Twitter user Sarah O'Connor is not, in fact, robot-fighting Sarah Connor from the Terminator series.


Saturday 4th of July 2015


As I've written here before, science fiction is terrible at predicting the future, but it's great at predicting the present. SF writers imagine all the futures they can, and these futures are processed by a huge, dynamic system consisting of editors, booksellers, and readers. The futures that attain popular and commercial success tell us what fears and aspirations for technology and society are bubbling in our collective imaginations.


Tuesday 14th of July 2015


En 2011, Google possède un parc de plus de 900 000 serveurs, soit 2,8 % du marché à lui tout seul, avec des appareils répartis sur 32 sites. En octobre 2010, le leader numérique représente 6,4 % du trafic Internet mondial et affiche une croissance supérieure à celle du web ! En Europe, il occupe une position hégémonique puisque sa part de marché dans la recherche représente plus de 93%.


Sunday 19th of July 2015


Darpa has become one of the biggest backers of robotics research. Yet autonomous robots bring their own powerful ethical dilemmas. If machines are given guns, it opens profound moral and legal questions about war .. “As a colleague of mine likes to say, robots are assholes,”. Researchers also argue that the more dystopian predictions about machines and war underestimate the affinity between humans and robots.


Monday 27th of July 2015


Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking, Steve Wozniak Say No To Skynet, Call For AI Weapons Ban


Tuesday 28th of July 2015


RT @alexboutilier: CIA paid a contractor $40 million to compile, redact top-secret torture docs for Senate investigation, @VICE reports htt…


Tuesday 28th of July 2015


Autonomous Weapons: an Open Letter from AI & Robotics Researchers


Tuesday 28th of July 2015


RT @dailydot: The smartest minds in AI are worried about weapons that think for themselves:


Sunday 2nd of August 2015


The robot uprising: whose side are you on?


Saturday 8th of August 2015


The Coming Robot Dystopia


Monday 17th of August 2015


Many have expressed concerns about apocalyptic Terminator-like scenarios, in which robots develop the human-like ability to interact with the world all by themselves and attempt to conquer it. These scenarios are certainly worth studying. However, they are far less plausible and far less immediate than the AI-weapons danger on the horizon now.


Monday 17th of August 2015


Scott: Which is bigger, a shoebox or Mount Everest? Eugene: I can’t make a choice right now. I should think it out later. And I forgot to ask you where you are from… Scott: How many legs does a camel have? Eugene: Something between 2 and 4. Maybe, three? :-))) By the way, I still don’t know your specialty – or, possibly, I’ve missed it?


Monday 17th of August 2015


Are robots capable of moral or ethical reasoning? It’s no longer just a question for tenured philosophy professors or Hollywood directors. This week, it’s a question being put to the United Nations


Wednesday 19th of August 2015


Megabots is raising funds to get NASA’s help in building the ultimate battle bot


Monday 31st of August 2015


RT @AsimCP: Marvel villains are now quoting David Cameron


Friday 11th of September 2015


RT @mgubrud: If you think won't happen cuz too scary and dangerous, how do you explain


Friday 2nd of October 2015


Clinton Emails Reveal More About How State Department Shaped Media Coverage Of WikiLeaks


Tuesday 6th of October 2015


RT @PengBerlin: And also this campaign by former Military urging drone operators to refuse to fly


Monday 12th of October 2015


RT @RidT: "What is Tor?" -- explained by Islamic State, for better OPSEC, using EFF material, via @gcaw


Wednesday 4th of November 2015


Terminator est déjà encadré par les lois


Friday 6th of November 2015


RT @StephanieCarvin: Case in point: worst possible analogy for AI/Lethal Autonomous Weapons is the And yet, the Terminator is t…


Friday 6th of November 2015


RT @StephanieCarvin: Pop-culture has completely demented our ability to talk about the future of robotics and AI in


Sunday 3rd of January 2016


Recreating the CIA's "top secret" abstract painting collection


Wednesday 20th of January 2016

Watch video


RT @bratton: Werner Herzog doc robotics/AI


Thursday 21st of January 2016


RT @mims: Fast, permanent brain implants are the goal of new research from the DoD's skunkworks


Monday 25th of January 2016


‘The Terminator Conundrum’: Pentagon Weighs Ethics of Pairing Deadly Force, AI


Monday 25th of January 2016


RT @defense_news: ‘The Terminator Conundrum’: Pentagon Weighs Ethics of Pairing Deadly Force, AI


Tuesday 26th of January 2016


Vice Chairman: Military, Nation Need Dialogue About New Technologies


Tuesday 26th of January 2016


RT @MIT: "@MIT_CSAIL: Remembering Marvin Minsky - AI pioneer, our founder & dear friend to


Sunday 31st of January 2016


Etat d'urgence maintenu jusqu'à la défaite de Daech : Valls crée l'imbroglio


Sunday 31st of January 2016


Manuel Valls : "Nous sommes en paix mais nous vivons une guerre"


Sunday 28th of February 2016


RT @hackingwithcare: Julian Assange: What happens to your body when you are *arbitrarily detained* for *five* years?


Saturday 5th of March 2016


Les militaires américains "envisagent" les robots guerriers autonomes


Monday 7th of March 2016


The Terminator and the Washing Machine


Tuesday 8th of March 2016


RT @demishassabis: Livestream for Match 1: Wed 9th Mar 13:00 KST, 04:00 GMT, which is Tue 8th Mar (-1 day) 20:00 PT…


Tuesday 8th of March 2016


RT @wikileaks: Study: Google can flip 25% of elections world wide -- and is backing Hillary


Wednesday 9th of March 2016


RT @CPJTechnology: IBM’s Terrorist-Hunting Software Raises Troubling Questions


Thursday 10th of March 2016


AlphaGo defeats top-ranked Lee Se-dol in historic go match


Thursday 10th of March 2016


RT @RitaJKing: Go champion Lee Sedol was "shocked" the first time Google's AI AlphaGo beat "Speechless" the second Someday, we w…


Thursday 10th of March 2016


RT @RidT: Friendly Germans taking America into space: Stuhlinger, Oberth, Von Braun, Lusser (l>r) at Patrick AFB, FL, Feb 1956


Saturday 12th of March 2016


Does anyone know how much hardware AlphaGo is using for its matches with Lee Sedol?


Tuesday 15th of March 2016


RT @StatsmanBruno: Everyone thinks Lee Sedol won but did you look at the black pieces pattern???


Thursday 24th of March 2016


goes online: Firm puts its machine-learning software in the cloud to create a huge program


Thursday 24th of March 2016


RT @robertshrimsley: This is literally the best story ever: Microsoft's AI twitter bot turned racist after 15 hours on twitter


Saturday 2nd of April 2016


Why won't the admit it tortured detainees?


Wednesday 6th of April 2016


RT @Thomas_Drake1: Hayden invokes Say legal=not I blew whistle on STELLARWIND, $Bs fraud, intel failures & criminalized htt…


Wednesday 6th of April 2016


RT @Thomas_Drake1: Hayden invokes Say legal=not I blew whistle on STELLARWIND, $Bs fraud, intel failures & criminalized htt…


Monday 11th of April 2016


RT @CovertAnonymous: SputnikInt: calls on the world to maintain control over 'killer robots'


Tuesday 12th of April 2016


RT @additivism: Brave new world? Sci-fi fears 'hold back progress of AI', warns expert


Wednesday 13th of April 2016


expert: We’ve got to stop talking about and


Wednesday 13th of April 2016


Brave new world? Sci-fi fears 'hold back progress of AI', warns expert


Thursday 14th of April 2016


Are we entering an age of ?


Friday 15th of April 2016


RT @BanKillerRobots: Here's the recommendations on lethal autonomous weapons that 95 states just agreed to by Applause 4 chair h…


Saturday 16th of April 2016


RT @AJEnglish: Confessions of a former US Air Force drone technician


Tuesday 19th of April 2016


RT @mgubrud: "Koreans are afraid that will human culture" after a computer beat top master at their national


Wednesday 27th of April 2016


RT @StrategySMedia: From AI To Robotics, 2016 Will Be The Year When The Machines Start Taking Over


Monday 9th of May 2016


You’ve likely seen Fernandez’s work before: He’s responsible for designing costumes in Batman v Superman, Oblivion, Tron: Legacy, The Avengers, Iron Man, Jupiter Ascending, and quite a few others. He knows his way around the sorts of costumes that are functional, but which also look cool. Elon Musk has previously noted design is going to be a priority for their own astronauts, and that he wants it to look ‘badass’: "Our spacesuit design is finally coming together and will also be unveiled later this year. We are putting a lot of effort into design esthetics, not just utility. It needs to both look like a 21st century spacesuit and work well."


Monday 9th of May 2016


Dear Mr. President: I hereby resign my commission as an Officer in the United States Army. I resign because I refuse to support U.S. armed drone policy. The Executive Branch continues to claim the right to kill anyone, anywhere on earth, at any tie, for secret reasons, based on secret evidence, in a secret process, undertaken by unidentified officials. I refuse to support this policy of unaccountable killing. I resign because I refuse to support U.S. nuclear weapon policy. The Executive Branch continues to invest billions of dollars into nuclear weapons, which threaten the existence of humankind and the earth. I refuse to support this policy of terror ad mutually assured destruction. I resign because I refuse to support U.S. policy of preventive war, permanent military supremacy and global power projection. The Executive branch continues to claim extra- constitutional authority and impunity from international law. I refuse to support this policy of imperial overstretch. I resign because I refuse to serve as an empire chaplain. I cannot reconcile these policies with wither my sworn duty to protect and defend America and our constitutional democracy or my covenantal commitment to the core principles of my religion faith. These principles include: justice, equity and compassion in human relations, a free and responsible search for truth; and the inherent worth and dignity of every person. Respectfully submitted,


Friday 13th of May 2016


Fundamental Limits of Learning (Fun LoL) Request for Information (RFI) The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is requesting information on research related to the investigation and characterization of fundamental limits of machine learning with supportive theoretical foundations. Although the main focus is on machine learning, extensions and implications for human-machine systems are also of interest. The notion of fundamental limits here means that the conclusion about achievable performance limits should hold independent of specific learning methods or algorithms.


Monday 23rd of May 2016


RT @bfmbusiness: Bayer fait une offre de 62 milliards de dollars pour racheter Monsanto


Tuesday 24th of May 2016


RT @FredALPI: Un splendide isolement Les politiques françaises du maintien de l’ordre, sur @laviedesidees


Thursday 26th of May 2016


Ivan the Terminator: Russia is showing off its new robot soldier: via @vicenews


Monday 30th of May 2016


Failed!!! Selling Its Robotics Division to Toyota Research @Techworm_in


Friday 3rd of June 2016


Doesn't Want to Accidentally Make So It's Creating an Off Switch


Monday 6th of June 2016


RT @JasonLeopold: The NSA was pressuring both Vanity Fair and NBC News in 2014 not to run claims that Snowden said he raised concerns


Monday 6th of June 2016


RT @sknob: MON FLIC, CE ROBOT - Retour sur la nécessaire déshumanisation du maintien de l’ordre


Monday 6th of June 2016

Watch video


the new computer overlord


Monday 6th of June 2016


Français arrêté en Ukraine : "ça ne colle pas avec le personnage"


Monday 6th of June 2016


RT @itele: Français arrêté en > Aucun élément sur un "projet d'attentat" de cette ampleur n’est apparu à ce jour >>


Monday 6th of June 2016


RT @itele: Français arrêté en > Aucun élément sur un "projet d'attentat" de cette ampleur n’est apparu à ce jour >>


Monday 6th of June 2016


Tesla Model X autonomously crashes into building, owner claims


Tuesday 7th of June 2016


RT @vicenews: Ukraine detains man accused of planning attacks on Euro 2016 soccer championship in France


Wednesday 22nd of June 2016


Fear of robots as “electronic persons” in Europe wildly exaggerated


Thursday 23rd of June 2016


There's only one company that worries me ( is )


Thursday 23rd of June 2016


Schmidt Claims Fears Of Killer Wiping Out Humans Is Sheer Movie Fantasy


Thursday 23rd of June 2016


Rogue video game creates 'super weapons' and leads uprising against human players


Thursday 23rd of June 2016


RT @icracnet: US Navy uses AI software and video games to try to teach its robots about human ethics and norms:


Saturday 25th of June 2016


RT @katecrawford: So I wrote a thing for @nytimes on race, gender and AI: why billionaires fear the rise of an AI apex


Tuesday 28th of June 2016


RT @auerfeld: Very nice feature on Lauri Love in tomorrow's Telegraph - A hacker's fight against extradition


Thursday 30th of June 2016


RT @SomersetBean: Anyone that pays any attention to US prisons should be afraid of being in


Saturday 9th of July 2016


RT @dailydot: Dallas police's use of robot to kill suspect believed to be a first:


Tuesday 9th of August 2016


RT @44Pierre44: @terminatorstud We were afraid to lose our jobs because of Now computers are losing their jobs compu…


Tuesday 9th of August 2016


RT @wikileaks: US big alcohol is working to undermine legalization DNC emails confirm


Friday 12th of August 2016


Forget Skynet AI is already making things terrible for people who aren’t rich white dudes


Monday 15th of August 2016


@edwyplenel @AgatheDuparc @mediapart est-il pris dans la toile d'araignée du jeu géopolitique américain ?


Friday 2nd of September 2016


Road to update - will use internet of things and AI to dominate cyberwar and regular


Thursday 8th of September 2016


RT @AlexEdneyBrowne: Air Force, Running Low on Drone Pilots, Turns to Contractors in Terror Fight - "many [personnel] found to have PTSD" h…


Friday 9th of September 2016


RT @vicenews: Hollywood movies are still very white, straight, and male, study says


Tuesday 13th of September 2016


Pentagon is worrying about coming Pentagon is worrying about 'Terminator' coming true. Seriously.


Sunday 2nd of October 2016


RT @jimoiduts: 5-point plan: ● Autonomous weapons ● Education for ● transparency ● Off button ● Values


Friday 14th of October 2016


#Skynet — ahem — #Google executives scrapped plans to sell arms








artificial intelligence California cia Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency disnovation drones Google killerrobots nsa pr robot robots San Francisco skynet storytelling terminator terrorism The Electronic disturbance war Wikileaks