Wikileaks Julian Assange on The Simpsons 500th Episode

Wikileaks Julian Assange on The Simpsons 500th Episode
RT @botherder: RoboCop movie's propaganda easter egg: "@Greenpeace attacked by @wikileaks
RT @wikileaks: No, Julian did not say that was owned by the but rather that it is easy to backdoor all OSs
RT @Liberationtech: US NSA "Owns" Debian, @Wikileaks' Julian Assange Says &
@wikileaks There's always a Kissinger book in the background of NBC interviews
RT @wikileaks: Disney cracks down on pirated copies of after using a pirated shirt in the movie
Web Biennial 2012 - Josh Bricker - Post Newtonianism (War Footage/ Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare)
Video games are making us too comfortable with the modern surveillance state
Banksy - Lower East Side (Better Out Than In 2013 NYC)