* Google employees donated $1.6 million to President Barack Obama's two White House bids * The company told Daily Mail Online that it has spoken with the Federal Trade Commission about antitrust concerns; it was investigated in 2011 but later let off the hook * In the 2012 election, the company’s search algorithm customized results for Obama but not for Republican Mitt Romney * Google execs who have left to work in the White House include Obama's chief technology officer * Hillary Clinton also poached her new tech chief from Google this week
Carter’s Courtship of Silicon Valley Could Reshape Military-Industrial Complex
Defense Secretary Ashton Carter is making a big play for Silicon Valley startups and tech innovators that so far have shown little to no interest in working with the Pentagon. To show its seriousness about engaging Silicon Valley, the Defense Department will stand up a permanent office there called “defense innovation unit experimental” — the first time the Pentagon will have a full-time outreach presence in the Valley. It will be staffed by civilian and military officials, including reservists with private-sector experience. Carter also is proposing a pilot program to invest in startup ventures under the CIA’s existing In-Q-Tel technology incubator. According to a senior defense official, the Pentagon will make “small investments” in promising technologies in areas like electronics, software and automation.
RT @wikileaks: After secret Cameron meeting with Sony broadcast of “Outlander” was delayed until after Scottish referendum
The "importance" of the US television drama Outlander to the political atmosphere of last year's Independence Referendum was highlighted by key TV executives before a meeting with Prime Minister David Cameron.
Systems and methods for allocating tasks to a plurality of robotic devices
Systems and methods for allocating tasks to a plurality of robotic devices
4 Reasons Why Technological Unemployment Might Really Be Different This Time
We could push for more automation, we could reduce the working week, and we could resist capitalism’s tendency to leave us as a surplus population. This sort of collective political project would see the newest wave of automation as an opportunity to drastically change our societies.
RT @kgosztola: US government classifies term “America’s ’Battle Lab’ in war on terror’ in Pentagon report by @Jeff_K…
RT @kgosztola: US government classifies term "America's 'Battle Lab' in war on terror' in Pentagon report by @Jeff_K…
How Obama Can Encourage Tech Giants Like and to Aid Government
How Obama Can Encourage Tech Giants Like and to Aid Government
RT @PeterAsaro: Self-driving cars: the first potentially deadly robots?
RT @PeterAsaro: Self-driving cars: the first potentially deadly robots?
Fire Department Called After Robot Vacuum Attacks Sleeping Owner’s Head
Fire Department Called After Robot Vacuum Attacks Sleeping Owner's Head