Paul von Ribbeck et Gloria Spindle au RE:Publica 2014
One of Murdered Cartoonist’s Last Drawings Was a Joke About a January Terrorist Attack
A sad coincidence: A cartoon drawn by murdered editor Stephane "Charb" Charbonnier in Wednesday’s issue of Charlie Hebdo is a joke about terrorists attacking France during the month of January.
The future is already here—if you can afford it
When we’re told what the future will look like, we always see the version where everyone lives like Minority Report’s John Anderton. Played by Tom Cruise, Anderton is a wealthy police chief, the kind of person who can afford a summer house on the lake or the newest Lexus model. But unfortunately, if the future is anything like the present, his will only be one side of the story.
William Gibson: Technology, Science Fiction & the Apocalypse
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of his landmark novel "Neuromancer," CHF favorite William Gibson returns to the Festival. This autumn he’ll celebrate the publication of his latest work, "The Peripheral," a high-tech thriller set partly in a decadent postapocalyptic future. Gibson is joined in conversation by author Carol Anshaw.
RT @avilarenata: Saal 2 “Fuck Off 7 Come and see one of the few political talks at
RT @avilarenata: Saal 2 "Fuck Off 7 Come and see one of the few political talks at
Google’s philandering exec Eric Schmidt cares about his privacy, not yours
Google's philandering exec Eric Schmidt cares about his privacy, not yours
Stop believing the lies: America tortured more than ’some folks’ – and covered it up
CIA defenders are out in force now that a historic report has exposed a decade of horrific American shame. Torture didn’t work, but why aren’t the architects of torture in jail?
RT @bauvens: “pourquoi je suis assez optimiste (à moyen terme en tout cas)” par @manhack
RT @bauvens: "pourquoi je suis assez optimiste (à moyen terme en tout cas)" par @manhack
@BoingBoing How dare you call @BillGates a philanthropist ??
@BoingBoing How dare you call @BillGates a philanthropist ??
RT @stopthecyborgs: Transhumanists rejoice post human super intelligences They are called
RT @stopthecyborgs: Transhumanists rejoice post human super intelligences They are called