• Un monde sans Google ?

  • Michael Hayden “We Kill People Based on Meta-Data”

  • Pull the Plug on Killer Robots:

  • RT @BanKillerRobots: Starting session on legal concerns over lethal autonomous weapons systems – with The Terminator on 1st slide ht…

  • RT @BanKillerRobots: Everyone wants to prevent the scifi scenario says We need to consider challenging Q of “meaningful” huma…

  • RT @BanKillerRobots: @SarahKnuckey One govt delegation raised spectre of “The Terminator” It’s their mtg, govts can say w…

  • RT @BanKillerRobots: Now session on ethical + societal concerns chaired by who cites Isaac Azimov’s “3 Laws of Robotics” in his op…

  • ‘We Kill People Based on Metadata’

  • Corporations are 1st Generation AI’s

  • Stephen Hawking: we taking AI seriously enough?’