• RT @wikileaks: After secret Cameron meeting with Sony broadcast of “Outlander” was delayed until after Scottish referendum

  • RT @thehill: Manhattan DA: Terrorists love using Apple, Google phones

  • reveals & US State mutual effort aimed at ISIS,Russia

  • RT @wikileaks: WikiLeaks Sony leaks reveal that ’eco warrior’ Leonardo flew private jet NY-LA six times in six weeks

  • Hollywood recruited to help fight IS, hacked emails show

  • RT @julian0liver: A Cypherpunk’s Manifesto (1993) – faithfully translated into French by Crystelle Vu No better time…

  • Inspirée par Terminator, son invention révolutionne l’impression 3D

  • The Dawn of Killer Robots

  • Google has patented the ability to control a robot army

  • Sony Pictures CEO Michael Lynton is on the board of trustees of RAND Corporation