• RT @democracynow: Drone Whistleblower: I Killed 13 People w/ Hellfire Missiles, Only 3 Were Actual Combatants

  • Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US

  • Qui fabrique les armes, et qui les achète ?

  • How devastated 4 major cities would look if the ‘Terminator’ machines took over

  • RT @BanKillerRobots: A @Storify on the Convention on Conventional Weapons decision to hold 2016 meeting on autonomous weapons concerns

  • Amnesty International Wants The To Ban Killer Robots

  • Watch “Stop Killer Robots” Video Contest Winner

  • James Bond avec nous!

  • RT @the_intercept: posed question: if government official leaks secret files in the public interest, should he be prosecuted? htt…

  • RT @the_intercept: New James Bond movie shows what kind of hero we need to prevent a dystopian And he’s a lot like