• There’s only one company that worries me ( is )

  • Fear of robots as “electronic persons” in Europe wildly exaggerated

  • RT @antievictionmap: Stoked about our new demographic with @cartoDB @MrEPhysics @FastCoDesign

  • RT @mgubrud: RT @ploughshares_ca The Military Is Betting On “Smart” Drones — Lots And Lots Of Them

  • RT @theintercept: More than 30,000 Americans die annually from gun

  • RT @DavidNevin88: Google’s developing its own version of the Laws of Robotics

  • RT @reesmarc: Donc aujourd’hui, les propos politiques présentent le même risque que ceux injurieux, racistes ou

  • RT @samim: The annual Bilderberger meeting is This network analysis clearly shows, how “unimportant” it

  • RT @cspannos: “State of Surveillance” with Ed Snowden: Watch full episode of VICE on HBO free online

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