« Couvre-feu » : quand la fiction prévoit le

Réalisé par Edward Zwick, "The siege" - trahi par son titre français "Couvre-feu" - relate avec un sens rare de l'anticipation une campagne terroriste conduite dans New-York par un groupe islamiste radical. Tourné en 1998 alors que les Etats-Unis subissaient le 7 août le double-attentat contre leurs ambassades à Nairobi et Dar-es-Salam, le film, qui n'est aucunement inspiré par l'attentat d'Oklahoma City comme l'affirme un article de Wkipédia, constitue un exemple presque parfait d'anticipation artistique d'un phénomène politique majeur.


The future is already here—if you can afford it

When we’re told what the future will look like, we always see the version where everyone lives like Minority Report’s John Anderton. Played by Tom Cruise, Anderton is a wealthy police chief, the kind of person who can afford a summer house on the lake or the newest Lexus model. But unfortunately, if the future is anything like the present, his will only be one side of the story.


William Gibson: Technology, Science Fiction & the Apocalypse

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of his landmark novel "Neuromancer," CHF favorite William Gibson returns to the Festival. This autumn he’ll celebrate the publication of his latest work, "The Peripheral," a high-tech thriller set partly in a decadent postapocalyptic future. Gibson is joined in conversation by author Carol Anshaw.


The End of Endless Growth: Part 2

These five interlinked revolutions in information, food, energy, finance and ethics are opening up opportunities for communities to co-create new ways of being that work for everyone. This year we could discover that the very disruption of capitalism itself is part of a major tipping point in the transition to a new post-industrial, post-capitalist paradigm.


The End of Endless Growth: Part 1 @NafeezAhmed

Far from implying the end of the world, some economists see the current era of slow growth and austerity as part of a momentous, transitional shift to a new form of civilization that could either adapt in the face of natural limits and prosper, or crumble in denial as nature restores its own balance. So could 2015 herald the dawn of a new era of prosperity, or the breakdown of the global economy?


RT @anosamis: Fuck off, Google english / german

On Christmas day, 2011, LulzSec defaced the site of Strafor, a “private intelligence” multinational. By way of a homepage, there was now the scrolling text of The Coming Insurrection in English, and $700,000 was transferred from the accounts of Stratfor customers to a set of charitable associations – a Christmas present.
